







汉语拼音:qīng cōng








  1. 见“ 青葱 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 青葱 ”。翠绿色。

    唐 韦应物 《游溪》诗:“缘源不可极,远树但青葱。” 曹禺 等《胆剑篇》第四幕:“这时,天已大明,朝阳照着雨后的田野,一片青葱。”

  3. 借指草木的幼苗或树木葱茏的山峰。

    《淮南子·说山训》:“犹采薪者,见一芥掇之,见青葱拔之。” 宋 王安石 《风俗》:“干云蔽日之木,起於青葱。”



  1. Capri is a gaunt rock of austere outline, bathed in a deep blue sea; but its vineyards, green and smiling, give it a soft and easy grace.


  2. Nothing but his feet and the smell of damp leaves, fresh grass, and the wet mud of the riverbanks.


  3. Maybe I was as nerdy and dorky as my older sister says, because sex was the furthest thing from my mind during those formative years.


  4. THE Uganda Cancer Institute is on a hilltop with a fine view of the verdant capital, Kampala.


  5. The old lakes work and new lakes have been cleverly landscaped in the greenest of views from the front rooms.


  6. Any minute now it would burst open and I would find myself in a green valley fed by limpid brooks and red with hibiscus.


  7. So, is who hunt in the next corner of the street old. In yearly escape this, the scallion time of pain and sufferings.


  8. Cut the spring onion into a few pieces. Cut the marinated salmon into slices.


  9. Thankfully, these immense humanoids are rare, with only a scant few being spotted in the forests of the verdant moon.


  1. 青葱的田野

    a green field

  2. 青葱的山丘

    Verdant hills

  3. 青葱的草地

    fresh green grassland

  4. 青葱的竹林

    a verdant grove of bamboo

  5. 春天树木的青葱

    the verdure of the trees in spring

  6. 回想那些青葱岁月

    Think of those young and early days

  7. 把青葱切成块。

    Chop green onions into short lengths.

  8. 缠绵着青葱的山丘

    The massif is full of scallion

  9. 奶油蟹肉土豆青葱汤

    Cream of Potato and Leek Soup Top with Crab Meat

  10. 她是青葱岁月的星光

    The one I care for through the rough and ready years

  11. 山上一片青葱,欣欣向荣。

    The hill laughs with verdure.

  12. 将红萝卜切丝, 青葱切碎。

    Cut the carrot into strips, chop the spring onion.

  13. 然而青葱的爱情是不可阻挡的。

    But young love couldn't be stopped.

  14. 春天英国郊野呈现青葱的颜色

    the green of the English countryside in spring

  15. 青葱,青翠茂盛植物的葱翠绿色

    The lush greenness of flourishing vegetation.

  16. 村庄坐落在青葱的小山脚下。

    The village lies at the foot of a green hill.

  17. 两大汤匙切碎的青葱或洋葱

    tablespoons minced shallot or onion.

  18. 秋天使山上青葱的草木发黄。

    Autumn disrobes the hill of verdure.

  19. 好极了,我还有些青葱和大蒜。

    Oh good I've got some scallons and garic.

  20. 是不是就可以让我的青葱年华。

    May let my shallot time passage.

  21. 窗外长着几棵竹子,青葱可爱。

    The bamboos just outside the window are green and lovely.

  22. 同时买到青葱和白葱是可能的。

    It is possible to buy both green and white onions.

  23. 最后,他们回顾他们所拥有过的青葱岁月。

    At last, they look back for the day, the green days they had before.

  24. 当青葱的岁月呼唤起我被遗忘的姓名。

    When the green years call my forgotten name.

  25. 绿草如茵,怎盖得住你得青葱岁月。

    Can the carpet of green grass, how cover your shallot years.

  26. 在一边联合药草和青葱,组合装饰的一半。

    Combine herbs and scallions, set aside half for garnish.

  27. 绿草如茵,怎盖得住你的青葱岁月。

    Can the carpet of green grass, how cover your shallot years.

  28. 色泽是明亮的带有活力青葱韵味的浅草色。

    Brilliant light green straw with a vibrant green hue.

  29. 它是用牛奶,青葱和奶酪一同混合而成的。

    It's made from milk, scallions and cheese.

  30. 他们积极锻炼,永保青春,像松树一样青葱茁壮。

    They are active in exercises to remain for ever green like the pine trees.


  1. 问:青葱拼音怎么拼?青葱的读音是什么?青葱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青葱的读音是qīngcōng,青葱翻译成英文是 verdant; shallot



“青葱”是个多义词,它可以指青葱(《银魂》中土方十四郎和冲田总悟的配对), 青葱(用于描写颜色或是景色的形容词), 青葱(动漫同人配对), 青葱(百合科葱属二年生或多年生草本植物), 青葱(杨桐演唱歌曲)。