







汉语拼音:dài gōng




故意以消极态度 对待工作,拖延时间,降低生产效率。



  1. 有意地不积极工作。

    瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》十三:“老工程师在铁道局办事,屡次怠工。” 张天翼 《华威先生》:“每个工作人员不能够怠工。而是相反,要加紧工作。” 张天民 《创业》第一章:“好,用工人护矿队的名义告诉他们:听候接管。保护有功者奖,怠工破坏者罚。”



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  1. 工人们决定怠工。

    The workers decided to go slow.

  2. 故意拖沓或怠工

    to be deliberately slow or ineffective

  3. 然后怠工叠印笔画。

    And then do the overprint strokes.

  4. 煽动怠工或罢工者。

    Incite other employees to go on strike.

  5. 迫使资方让步的变相怠工

    work to rule

  6. 工人们消极怠工,以示抗议。

    Workers went slow as a form of protest.

  7. 在那时候工人们经常怠工。

    The workers often decided to go slow in those days.

  8. 有的勤奋工作,有的则消极怠工。

    Some are hard at work and some are slack in work.

  9. 工头指责他们故意消极怠工。

    The foreman accused them of deliberately going slow.

  10. 工头指责他们故意消极怠工。

    The foreman accused them of deliberately going slow.

  11. 预防制止酒店内的消极怠工

    Prevent Sabotage of hotel premises

  12. 显然,这些人从不消极怠工。

    Apparently these are people who never mark time.

  13. 有得勤奋工作, 有得则消极怠工。

    Some are hard at work and some are slack in work.

  14. 我们应当处罚所有怠工者。

    We should punish all of the saboteurs.

  15. 工人们决定不罢工而消极怠工。

    Instead of going on strike, the workers decided to work to rule.

  16. 警方认定那是一件怠工案。

    The police were sure it was a care of sabotage.

  17. 保护有功者奖,怠工破坏者罚。

    Those who render useful service in this connection will be rewarded those who obstruct or sabotage will be punished.

  18. 差机械怠工单一查抄,根基上操纵题目。

    A simple check on the machine, there is no problem basically.

  19. 他们通过怠工已造成很长时间的拖延。

    They'd already caused long delays by working to rule.

  20. 他们通过怠工已造成很长时间的拖延。

    They 'd already caused long delays by working to rule.

  21. 我们的所有邮件因邮递员怠工而耽搁了。

    All our mail is being delayed as the postal workers are slow.

  22. 我们得所有邮件因邮递员怠工而耽搁了。

    All our mail is being delayed as the postal workers are slow.

  23. 制卡和会员卡制作自己不离可以怠工了。

    Business card printing and membership cardyou can make your own.

  24. 因此用户首先不该怠工好不朱水的拔取。

    So that your users should first do a good selection of ink.

  25. 消极怠工,就有可能使自己的利益缩水打折。

    On the contrary, their own profits will shrink at a discount probably.

  26. 工会威胁说如果不答应他们的要求,他们就怠工。

    The union threatened a slowdown if their demands were not met.

  27. 如果有人怠工,比尔就会严厉地加以斥责。

    If someone slacks off, Bill comes down hard.

  28. 明天,有一半工会会员要罢工,其余的一半要怠工。

    Half the union members will stay away from work tomorrow, and the rest will go slow in sympathy.

  29. 工会命令其成员消极怠工,而不是要求总罢工。

    Rather than call a total strike, the union has ordered its members to work-to-rule.

  30. 工会命令其成员消极怠工,而不是要求总罢工。

    The union has ordered its members to work to rule. rather than call a total strike.


  1. 问:怠工拼音怎么拼?怠工的读音是什么?怠工翻译成英文是什么?

    答:怠工的读音是dàigōng,怠工翻译成英文是 go slow

  2. 问:怠工拼音怎么拼?怠工的读音是什么?怠工翻译成英文是什么?

    答:怠工的读音是dàigōng,怠工翻译成英文是 lazy strike

  3. 问:怠工斗争拼音怎么拼?怠工斗争的读音是什么?怠工斗争翻译成英文是什么?

    答:怠工斗争的读音是dài gōng dòu zhēng,怠工斗争翻译成英文是 work-to-rule struggle




拼音:dài gōng

注音:ㄉㄞˋ ㄍㄨㄙ