


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà kuǎn







  1. With her beauty, she was able to be employed as a waitress easily in any famous restaurants or even married a sugar dandy.


  2. Wealth readers, what other qualities do you think millionaires ought to be looking for in a spouse.


  3. Q. How does trying to land rich Chinese husband differ from other places?


  4. Not easy to marry rich ", bangdakuan" also a little easier.


  5. This is the richest region of the city and it has long been a playground for the the beautiful, the rich and the famous.


  6. In 1987, when Michael Douglas famously carried one in "Wall Street, " it was an exorbitant gadget for high rollers.


  7. We do not envy with green eyes those millionaires who make money honestly. But we strongly resent those who get rich by dirty means.


  8. His oversized Cartier gold watch is overshadowed only by his diamond ring.


  9. Dong Zhuo. Tell us : the son is not messy recognition, especially the former, even when you are rich, for a family be grandchildren have.


  1. 我也成大款了。

    I'd have big bucks.

  2. 二号桌的大款们。

    The big spenders at table two.

  3. 站稳脚步的大款。

    That can help us get back on our feet.

  4. 拜托,别再说大款了。

    Please,stop saying Big bucks.

  5. 拜托,别再说大款了。

    Please, stop saying Big bucks.

  6. 我叔叔是一个大款。

    My uncle is a fat cat.

  7. 我若是大款, 您就是大款的妈妈。

    If I am big paragraph, you are the mom of big money.

  8. 所有富人们大款们, 你们想一想吧。

    All rich people biggie girls, do you think about it.

  9. 他想把它叫做大款蒂姆。

    He wants to call it Tycoon Tim.

  10. 大家都知道他父亲是个大款。

    Everyone knows that his father is a moneybags.

  11. 你有多想和一大款上床?

    How would you like to go to bed with a very rich man?

  12. 听说你又傍上了个新大款。

    And I hear you have got yourself a new landlord.

  13. 现在得穴头都是大款, 有钱得很。

    Nowadays, those brokers who introduce stars to perform privately are all very rich.

  14. 她还能嫁给大款,世界真奇妙。

    Nobody expected her to marry a rich guy. Life is full of surprise.

  15. 现在的穴头都是大款,有钱得很。

    Nowadays, those brokers who introduce stars to perform privately are all very rich.

  16. 现在的穴头都是大款,有钱得很。

    Nowadays, those brokers who introduce stars to perform privately are all very rich.

  17. 这么大款项,我们不能怕麻烦。

    For such a big sum, we shouldn't be frightened by this trouble.

  18. 发展方向是别墅北京城里住的都是大款?

    Direction villa in the city of Beijing are upstarts?

  19. 明智过人的大款们果真能帮助非洲发展吗?

    Can clever billionaires help Africa?

  20. 学生都是装大款,真正的有钱人都哭穷。

    The students all install the richperson, the genuine rich men all cried poorly.

  21. 大款给他的肥猪喂了一个大苹果。

    The fat cat fed his fat pig a fat apple.

  22. 要是每说一次大款,你就给我五美分。

    If I had a nickel for every time you've said Big bucks.

  23. 不就是想傍个大款吗,非说自己特有品味。

    A gold digger pretends to have impeccable taste in finer things in life.

  24. 我陈广宁,得到欧洲,一个大恩人,赠送大款。

    My Chen guang ning, gets Europe, a big benefactor, present big style.

  25. 不许用那样的语气对我说话,你这个傍大款的。

    Howards mother And dont you take that tone with me, you gold digger.

  26. 他如今是个大款, 他的相片常常在封面上出现。

    He is here a biggie. His imagin is on the front page whichle the time.

  27. 全面迎合全球化,傍美国这个大款,更是错误的。

    Cater to globalization in the round, near this American money, more wrong.

  28. 我们今晚要去参加格林家里得盛大款待。

    We're going to a big do at the Greens'this evening.

  29. 我们今晚要去参加格林家里的盛大款待。

    We're going to a big do at the Greens'this evening.

  30. 小偷跟在一个大款的后面,紧紧相随,时刻准备动手。

    The thief follows the rich man closely and gets ready to do his business at anytime.


  1. 问:大款拼音怎么拼?大款的读音是什么?大款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大款的读音是dàkuǎn,大款翻译成英文是 moneybags


