


1. 挡 [dǎng]2. 挡 [dàng]挡 [dǎng]阻拦,遮蔽:阻~。拦~。遮~。指“排挡”:挂~。换~。某些仪器和测量装置用来表明光、电、热等量的等级。挡 [dàng]〔摒(bìng)~〕见“摒”。……







汉语拼音:dǎng jiàn pái






  1. 盾牌。亦比喻推托或掩饰的借口。

    郭沫若 《棠棣之花》第三幕:“这岂不是把我们 韩国 拿来做列国的挡箭牌吗?” 李劼人 《天魔舞》第二二章:“不过有了这口头禅做挡箭牌,于当事人到底方便得多。”亦称“ 挡牌 ”。 鲁迅 《花边文学·论重译》:“待到将来各种名作有了直接译本,则重译本便是应该淘汰的时候,然而必须那译本比旧译本好,不能但以‘直接翻译’当作护身的挡牌。”



  1. The only thing he says is that bin Laden was a coward, when he hears reports that bin Laden hid behind a woman as a shield.


  2. If member states are able to use UN immunity as a scapegoat then what is going to ensure battalions will remain unbiased in conflicts?


  3. Citing the war on terrorism as an all-purpose alibi, he denies breaking the letter or spirit of any law.


  4. Labour accuse him of using the euro crisis as an excuse for poor growth but many voters seem to think it is a good one.


  5. I kept a binder in my hands, ready to use it as a shield if necessary.


  6. Perversely, Britain's anti-establishment Zeitgeist might be the prime minister's strongest shield.


  7. It was an accident; Jimmy used the kid as a shield.


  8. The Criminal Procedure Code explicitly states that immunities cannot be used as a shield against criminal liability.


  9. "As a matter of fact, I've always felt comfortable behind the podium in front of you, kind of as a shield, " he joked.


  1. 有人当我挡箭牌。

    Having someone to hide behind.

  2. 有人当我挡箭牌。

    Having someone to hide behind.

  3. 别再拿贝来做挡箭牌

    Stop hiding behind bay.

  4. 受够了帮你当挡箭牌。

    I ain't putting my neck out for you no more.

  5. 真是个绝妙的挡箭牌。她说。

    It's a wonderful excuse, she said.

  6. 我知道, 爱也是有挡箭牌的。

    I know that love also is to have the shield.

  7. 而是请你来当挡箭牌的。

    I hired you to be my fall guy.

  8. 现在伊朗也以此为挡箭牌。

    Iran is now boasting the same.

  9. 而你的替身则成了挡箭牌。

    And your double became expendable.

  10. 那我就拿他的尸体当挡箭牌。

    I'll use his dead body as a shield.

  11. 他们以传统为挡箭牌来保护自己。

    They entrenched themselves behind a wall of tradition.

  12. 用你的徒弟来当挡箭牌, 真下流!

    You use your disciples as your shield! How despicable!

  13. 利用他们死去的妻子和女儿为挡箭牌。

    By invoking the name of their dead wife and daughter.

  14. 官员们拿经济利益作为挡箭牌, 反对关闭工厂。

    Officials cite the economic benefits in opposing the plant's closing.

  15. 你说过暴力是懦弱的最后一块挡箭牌。

    You said violence is the last bastion of moral cowardice.

  16. 卡梅伦没有任何西方共同立场可作挡箭牌。

    Mr Cameron cannot shelter behind a common western position.

  17. 国家安全常被用作对一些事情保密的挡箭牌。

    National security is the stock excuse for keeping things confidential.

  18. 你真的认为, 你真的认为, 拿小孩当挡箭牌, 合适吗?

    You really think, you really think it's appropriate that you should actually take children and use them as a shield?

  19. 这种用壁垒作挡箭牌的做法只会加重经济危机。

    Such retreats behind barriers will only make the economic crisis worse.

  20. 我把它推开, 赶忙拉过一张桌子作挡箭牌。

    I flung her back, and hastened to interpose the table between us.

  21. 国家主权不能再被用作严重侵犯人权的挡箭牌。

    The sovereignty of States must no longer be used as a shield for gross violations of human rights.

  22. 你再也找不到比我好的女生。来当挡箭牌了。

    I am the best pretend girlfrnd you'll ever have.

  23. 我手里拿着一个文件夹, 预备着必要时拿来当挡箭牌。

    I kept a binder in my hands, ready to use it as a shield if necessary.

  24. 绝不能以国家主权为挡箭牌,掩盖侵犯人权的现象。

    The sovereignty of States must never be used as a shield behind which violations of human rights take place.

  25. 首先是她反抗我, 然后她又叫了两个老家伙来当挡箭牌。

    First she cons me, and she gets two old creeps to front for her.

  26. 够了, 不要拿我当挡箭牌了, 你一切都是为了你的自私而做的!

    Be not catching me to be safeguard enough, your everythings all for the sake of your selfish but do!


  1. 问:挡箭牌拼音怎么拼?挡箭牌的读音是什么?挡箭牌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挡箭牌的读音是dǎngjiànpái,挡箭牌翻译成英文是 excuse



