


1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……


1. 与 [yǔ]2. 与 [yù]3. 与 [yú]与 [yǔ]和,跟:正确~错误。~虎谋皮。生死~共。给:赠~。~人方便。交往,友好:相~。~国(相互交好的国家)。〔~其〕比较连词,常跟“不如”、“宁可”连用。赞助,赞许:~人为善。与 ……



汉语拼音:guò yǔ







  1. 过多的赏赐。

    《吕氏春秋·务本》:“古之事君者,必先服能然后任,必反情然后受,主虽过与,臣不徒取。” 高诱 注:“过,多。”

  2. 交给;送给。

    唐 孟郊 《自惜》诗:“倾尽眼中力,抄诗过与人。”《敦煌曲子词·抛球乐》:“当初姊妹分明道,莫把真心过与他。”亦作“ 过以 ”。《敦煌变文集·大目乾连冥间救母变文》:“长者手中执得饭,过以闍梨发大愿,非但和尚奉慈亲,合狱罪人皆饱满。” 蒋礼鸿 通释:“‘过以’: 王庆菽 校作‘过与’,是对的,‘与’、‘以’变文常通用。”



  1. Skilling said he never considered striking a deal with prosecutors because he believed he had done nothing wrong.


  2. Groupon once even considered an Amazon joint venture and investment, say people familiar with the matter.


  3. He spoke kindly to him and gave him a seat of honor higher than those of the other kings who were with him in Babylon.


  4. He had not tried to interview them in Mexico for fear of his safety.


  5. But with you and, I think you do not fit me, you too old.


  6. But that was all she gained from her fleeting proximity to the president.


  7. But perhaps instead it is time to ask whether the dichotomy between banks and markets might be false.


  8. According to a recent survey, roughly six out of every ten college graduates have the experience of dating with the opposite sex.


  9. Something which might also be said of her employer, the venerable Essen-based newspaper giant: "I'm kind of a culture shock for them. "


  1. 过隐居生活,过与世隔绝得生活

    live secluded from the world

  2. 我从未见过与之类似的东西。

    We've never seen anything even remotely like this before.

  3. 你有没有被逮捕过与警局有过纠葛?

    Have you ever been arrested or been in trouble with police?

  4. 请你不要轻易错过与你情投意合得人。

    Do not lose the chance when you know who is suited to you temperamentally.

  5. 请你不要轻易错过与你情投意合的人。

    Do not lose the chance when you know who is suited to you temperamentally.

  6. 您使用过与癌症治疗相关的化学疗法吗?

    Have you had chemotherapy related to your cancer treatment

  7. 你是否有过与申请职位相关的工作经历?

    Did you have a job that relates to the position you are seeking?

  8. 因此,请你不要轻易错过与你情投意合的人。

    So do not lose the chance when you know who is suited to you temperamentally.

  9. 你是否有过与美国人交际的经历?有何感想?

    Did you ever communicate with native american? What's your sentiment?

  10. 如果当周围的人都丧失了理智却诿过与你,

    If you can keep your head when all about you

  11. 我们大多数人都遇到过与他人难沟通的情况。

    Most of us have situations where we find it difficult to communicate.

  12. 你有过与某人、某地、某时空似曾相识的经历吗?

    Have you ever experienced similar acquaintance with somebody, someplace or some space?

  13. 也有人说名声不一定意味过与外界隔绝的生活。

    Fame doesn't have to be so insular, some say.

  14. 在墨西哥, 他出于安全考虑没有试过与他们面谈。

    He had not tried to interview them in Mexico for fear of his safety.

  15. 曾几何时, 每一个人都曾有过与神平起平坐得感觉。

    Every man has felt himself to be the equal of a god at certain moments.

  16. 曾几何时,每一个人都曾有过与神平起平坐的感觉。

    Every man has felt himself to be the equal of a god at certain moments.

  17. 菲茨杰拉德把现在美国梦的堕落归过与财富与特权。

    Fitzgerald attributes the depravity of the modern dream to wealth and privilege.

  18. 慢慢地,朵朵柔粉色的云纷纷漂浮而过与这些蓝相交融。

    Slowly, the blues were joined by soft pinks that found wispy clouds drifting by.

  19. 又对他说恩言, 使他的位高过与他一同在巴比伦众王的位

    And spake kindly unto him, and set his throne above the throne of the kings that were with him in Babylon

  20. 与过氧化物反应

    To treat with peroxide.

  21. 比如漂白粉与过氧化物

    Such as bleaching powder and peroxides

  22. 自由基与过氧化氢漂白

    Free Radical and Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching

  23. 发光氨与过氧化氢进行化学反应。

    The Luminol and hydrogen peroxide undergo a chemical reaction.

  24. 高洁净钢的洁净度与过冷度的关系

    Research on the relationship between the cleanness and undercooling of high purity steel

  25. 甲酸锂溶解度与过饱和度曲线的测定

    Determination of Solubility and Supersaturation Curves of Lithium Formate

  26. 亚硝酸酯与过氧化烷基反应,得到烷基硝酸酯。

    Nitrous esters can react with alkyl peroxides to yield alkyl nitrates.

  27. 蓖麻蚕滞育与过氧化氢代谢的关系。

    The Relationship Between Diapause and Hydrogen Peroxide Metabolism in Castor Silkworm, Attacus cynthia ricini B.

  28. 现在的年轻一代与过的人遇到的问题截然不同。

    The younger generation in this time of day encounters problems quite different from those of past generations.

  29. 比较了辐射交联与过氧化物交联的技术经济差异。

    The differences between radiation cross linking and peroxide cross linking were compared in the present paper.

  30. 比较了辐射交联与过氧化物交联得技术经济差异。

    The differences between radiation cross linking and peroxide cross linking were compared in the present paper.