


1. 睦 [mù]睦 [mù]和好,亲近:和~。~邻。兄弟不~。姓。……





汉语拼音:mù lín






  1. 亦作“ 睦隣 ”。与邻国或邻家等和睦相处。语出《书·蔡仲之命》:“懋乃攸绩,睦乃四邻,以蕃王室,以和兄弟。” 南朝 陈 徐陵 《为贞阳侯重与王太尉书》:“但 大齐 仁信之道,关于至诚睦邻之怀,由于孝德。” 宋 曾几 《立春诗》:“睦隣如有使,传语 大梁 人。”《明史·张士诚传》:“睦邻守境,古人所贵,窃甚慕焉。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第二四章:“‘一句也问不响嘛!’睦邻政策的老婆婆撒谎。”



  1. China is ready to join hands with the Kyrgyz Republic to renew efforts in promoting the long-term good-neighborly and friendly cooperation.


  2. Hu said China is ready to work with Kyrgyzstan to advance the good-neighborly, friendly and cooperative relationship.


  3. The Vice-Premier's visit to Myanmar was an important milestone for the long-standing pauk-phaw relationship between the two good neighbors.


  4. with more imagination , our new development areas should be developed with a sense of neighborhood and character.


  5. Independence is not a final victory over Serbia. It removes, instead, the last obstacle to a mature relationship with our neighbor, Serbia.


  6. Growth demanded stability, which in turn required that China's neighbours did not feel threatened.


  7. But cuddling up to regional actors still committed to violence risks taking Turkey beyond a sensible good-neighbours policy.


  8. Good-neighbor policy is one of the important parts of Zhou Enlai foreign thoughts.


  9. China and Mongolia are neighbors, and over the years has been a policy of friendship.


  1. 是一次睦邻之旅。

    A journey of goodneighborliness.

  2. 两国建立了睦邻友好关系。

    The two countries have built up good neighbourly (UK)/ neighborly (US) relations.

  3. 为什么你有脖颈儿像一个睦邻君子!

    Why, you've got a nape like a goodly gentleman!

  4. 这两国间睦邻友好关系的重要性

    the importance of good neighbourly relations between the two states.

  5. 第一, 以必要的睦邻友好关系是界定前线。

    The first requisite to good neighborly relations is a defined front line.

  6. 我住在一个敦亲睦邻的优良小镇里。

    I live in a good town.

  7. 睦邻的有或表现出做一个友好邻居的品质

    Having or exhibiting the qualities of a friendly neighbor.

  8. 二是把和平安宁作为睦邻友好的重要保障。

    Second, peace and tranquility are important guarantee of goodneighborly friendship.

  9. 在国际政策方面, 我将使美国采取睦邻友好的政策。

    In the field of world policy I would dedicate this nation to the policy of the good neighbor.

  10. 访问得目得是进一步加强两国传统得睦邻友好关系。

    The visit is aimed to further strengthen the traditional goodneighborly relations.

  11. 访问的目的是进一步加强两国传统的睦邻友好关系。

    The visit is aimed to further strengthen the traditional goodneighborly relations.

  12. 为时已晚的热情和你不值得长期睦邻轮空。

    Too late to be gracious and you do not warrant long goodbyes.

  13. 中马睦邻友好合作已经取得了实实在在的成果。

    Visible results have been achieved in ChinaMalaysia goodneighborly cooperation of friendship.

  14. 中方愿与吉方一道继续致力于中吉长期睦邻友好合作。

    China is ready to join hands with the Kyrgyz Republic to renew efforts in promoting the longterm goodneighborly and friendly cooperation.

  15. 第一, 增进政治互信, 巩固中俄睦邻友好的基石。

    First, strengthening political mutual trust to consolidate the cornerstone for the goodneighborly relations between the two countries.

  16. 恩赫巴亚尔表示,蒙中睦邻互信伙伴关系发展顺利。

    Enkhbayar indicated that bilateral partnership of goodneighborliness and mutual trust has been developing smoothly.

  17. 这位国家元首说他的国家一直以来都很重视睦邻友好关系。

    The head of state said his country had always attached great importance to good neighbourliness.

  18. 我们认为, 这将有助于发展与安哥拉的双边睦邻友好关系。

    This, we believe, will contribute to the development of harmonious bilateral relationships with Angola.

  19. 柯伊拉腊说,尼中之间有着上千年睦邻友好交往得历史。

    Koirala said that Nepal and China have a history of goodneighborly and friendly exchanges for more than a thousand years.

  20. 柯伊拉腊说,尼中之间有着上千年睦邻友好交往的历史。

    Koirala said that Nepal and China have a history of goodneighborly and friendly exchanges for more than a thousand years.


  1. 问:睦邻拼音怎么拼?睦邻的读音是什么?睦邻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:睦邻的读音是mùlín,睦邻翻译成英文是 get on with one’s neighbours {或} neighbors...

  2. 问:睦邻友好拼音怎么拼?睦邻友好的读音是什么?睦邻友好翻译成英文是什么?

    答:睦邻友好的读音是mù lín yǒu hǎo,睦邻友好翻译成英文是 good neighborhood



拼音:mù lín英文:good-neighborliness释义:与邻国或邻家和睦相处。语出《书·蔡仲之命》:“懋乃攸绩,睦乃四邻,以蕃王室,以和兄弟。”南朝 陈 徐陵 《为贞阳侯重与王太尉书》:“但 大齐 仁信之道,关于至诚睦邻之怀,由于孝德。”宋 曾几 《立春诗》:“睦隣如有使,传语 大梁 人。”《明史·张士诚传》:“睦邻守境,古人所贵,窃甚慕焉。”柳青 《创业史》第一部第二四章:“‘一句也问不响嘛!’睦邻政策的老婆婆撒谎。”