







汉语拼音:gǎn máng








  1. 赶紧;连忙。

    《红楼梦》第五十回:“我赶忙问了那姑子,果然不错。”《孽海花》第四回:“我这里也赶忙追进城去,找俺爸爸想法子去。” 魏巍 《东方》第五部第六章:“吓得敌人又赶忙钻回到地堡里。”



  1. I hastened to turn on the lights and general fire bright room have nothing, but next door jiao room but came the voice of weeping faintly.


  2. After racing home, he said, he begged family planning officials to let him pay the fine.


  3. He made sure of his back burrows, as huntsmen say; he hastily despatched one of his agents, by a roundabout way, to guard that issue.


  4. She did not know what a gold piece was; she had never seen one; she hid it quickly in her pocket, as though she had stolen it.


  5. Maple Leaf did not accompany the wind, then swing to swing ah drop down, I eye, hand to catch it quickly.


  6. On the way, Dong Yong discovered the wife has been pregnant in the body, hurries asks for the water to relieve thirst for her.


  7. If I ask them nicely, I'll BET the kitchen can rustle up a dish of rice pudding for her, too, She smiled at Helen.


  8. (The girl rushes to the old man)Grandpa, what's the matter with you? Can I help you?


  9. We got out in the snow, and I supported her and found a taxi.


  1. 我赶忙上学去。

    I'm in a hurry for school.

  2. 他赶忙接了过去。

    He accepted with alacrity.

  3. 我赶忙使他放心。

    I hastened to reassure him.

  4. 她赶忙喝完咖啡。

    She hurried through her coffee.

  5. 不是我,我赶忙补充说。

    It wasn't me, I hasten to add.

  6. 他赶忙站起身来。

    He scrambled to his feet.

  7. 她赶忙解释这个情况。

    She hastened to explain the situation.

  8. 赶忙把人送到办公室

    hustle a person off to the office

  9. 时间所剩无几, 我们只好赶忙。

    As there was a little time left, we have to be hurried.

  10. 马格洛大娘赶忙收拾桌子。

    Madame Magloire cleared the table very promptly.

  11. 他赶忙叫随从回家去拿。

    He hastens call accompany to come home go taking.

  12. 他赶忙用手绢把脸捂起来。

    He buried his face in his handkerchief

  13. 男孩赶忙去搀扶他的母亲。

    The boy hastened to support his mother.

  14. 然后他赶忙送我去了医院

    And then, he rushed me to the hospital where.

  15. 汤姆和安娜赶忙一起到医院去。

    Tom went to the hospital in a hurry with Anna.

  16. 她赶忙跑到蔷希的床边。

    She hurried to Johnsy's bedside.

  17. 点雪茄的男人赶忙跟在后面。

    The man at the cigar light followed hastily.

  18. 女生赶忙给了青蛙一个热吻。

    The female student hurried has given the frog hot lips.

  19. 于是, 他赶忙带着警察去追他去了。

    Then he took the policemen to chase him right now.

  20. 当球飞来时, 我赶忙低下了头。

    I ducked down quickly when the ball flew over.

  21. 凯瑟琳病啦?他说,赶忙走过来。

    Catherine ill?'he said, hastening to us.

  22. 等他知道上了当,赶忙策马溜走了。

    Wait for him to knew to duped, hasten plan horse escaped.

  23. 它们听见火车的声音然后赶忙跑开。

    They heard the noise of the train and hurried off.

  24. 汤米把书塞进口袋, 赶忙干活。

    Tommy shoves the book in his back pocket and hurries over.

  25. 看见排长回来了,大家赶忙迎上去。

    Seeing the platoon leader returning, everybody rushed up to meet him.

  26. 弗兰克赶忙追问,他已经面有喜色了。

    Cried frank, happiness in his face.

  27. 工程师赶忙去事故找什么时间发生的。

    The engineer hurried to find out when the accident happened.

  28. 那条船接近了礁石, 于是赶忙驶开。

    The boat came close to the rocks and then sneered away.

  29. 赶忙递上把毛巾,倒了杯水给他。

    We unloaded the goods busily.

  30. 既然没有必要赶忙,我们动身就从容不迫了。

    Since there was no need to hurry,we took our time leaving.


  1. 问:赶忙拼音怎么拼?赶忙的读音是什么?赶忙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赶忙的读音是gǎnmáng,赶忙翻译成英文是 hurriedly




【读音】gǎn máng



