







汉语拼音:diān xián



俗称羊角疯。突然发作的暂时性大脑功能障碍。由脑部疾患、脑外伤或先天发育不全引起。大发作时,突然昏倒,口 吐泡沫,意识丧失,全身抽动。小发作时,在数秒钟内,突然丧失神志,无抽搐现象。痫(xián)。



  1. 突然发作的暂时性大脑机能紊乱。俗称羊痫风或羊癫风。


  2. 癫狂之疾。

    《西游记》第七回:“慌得那架火、看炉,与丁、甲一班人来扯。被他一个个都放倒,好似癲癇的白额虎,风狂的独角龙。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录三》:“次日喧传某家少年遇鬼中恶。其鬼今尚随之。已发狂譫语,后医药符籙皆无验,竟癲癇终身。”



  1. It was one of these fits which, in 1998, killed him at the age of 35.


  2. "He could be very violent and his moods were very extreme, particularly when he was building up to a seizure. "


  3. Dr. Michael Chez, an epilepsy specialist, said the scene could be triggering episodes of photosensitive fits.


  4. Background: Non-antiepileptic drugs have been used in trigeminal neuralgia management since the 1970s.


  5. At a young and tender age, Patti Wilson was told by her doctor that she was an epileptic.


  6. Out of necessity: He began painting after losing his sight freshman year in college, a result of a lifetime battle with epilepsy.


  7. The rhythmic action of tooth brushing seems to affect people who hae a rare form of epilepsy associated with a small brain lesion.


  8. Epilepsy is a relatively long duration of treatment up one of the diseases, so do not blindly trying everything to avoid misdiagnosis.


  9. It is called Catalepsy . When it reaches its height, I may lie without moving as if I were dead.


  1. 新生儿癫痫

    neonatal seizure.

  2. 普遍性癫痫

    generalized epilepsy.

  3. 癫痫病发作

    to have a fit

  4. 病灶性癫痫

    focal selzure.

  5. 隐匿性癫痫

    masked epilepsy

  6. 点头性癫痫

    Epilepsy nutans.

  7. 点头状癫痫

    salanam epilepsy.

  8. 痴笑性癫痫

    gelastic epilepsy.

  9. 癫痫症发作

    epileptic seizure.

  10. 后天性癫痫

    acquired epilepsy.

  11. 诱发性癫痫

    activated epilepsy.

  12. 沆癫痫药物

    Antiepileptic drugs.

  13. 癫痫状抽搐

    epileptoid convulsion.

  14. 她患有癫痫。

    She has epilepsy.

  15. 癫痫跌落发作

    drop seizure

  16. 癫痫反复发作

    spontaneous recurrent seizure

  17. 癫痫发作预测

    Epileptic seizures prediction

  18. 癫痫的脑电图

    electroencephalography of epilepsy

  19. 限局性癫痫

    Localized epilepsy

  20. 继发性癫痫

    secondary epilepsy.

  21. 初发性癫痫

    idiopathic epilepsy.

  22. 热性癫痫发作

    febrile seizure.

  23. 癫痫性谵妄

    eplieptic delirium.

  24. 间脑自主癫痫

    diencephaloautonomic epilepsy

  25. 癫痫性神游

    epileptic fugue.

  26. 癫痫性狂暴

    furor epilepticus.

  27. 癫痫性发作

    Epileptic seizure.

  28. 癫痫样发作

    epileptiform seizure.

  29. 喉性癫痫, 喉性晕厥

    laryngeal epilepsy

  30. 强直性癫痫发作

    Tonic seizures


  1. 问:癫痫拼音怎么拼?癫痫的读音是什么?癫痫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫的读音是diānxián,癫痫翻译成英文是 epilepsy

  2. 问:癫痫学拼音怎么拼?癫痫学的读音是什么?癫痫学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫学的读音是diān xián xué,癫痫学翻译成英文是 epileptology

  3. 问:癫痫的拼音怎么拼?癫痫的的读音是什么?癫痫的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫的的读音是,癫痫的翻译成英文是 epileptic

  4. 问:癫痫先兆拼音怎么拼?癫痫先兆的读音是什么?癫痫先兆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫先兆的读音是diān xián xiān zhào,癫痫先兆翻译成英文是 epileptic aura

  5. 问:癫痫发作拼音怎么拼?癫痫发作的读音是什么?癫痫发作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫发作的读音是diān xián fā zuò,癫痫发作翻译成英文是 ictus epilepticus

  6. 问:癫痫发生拼音怎么拼?癫痫发生的读音是什么?癫痫发生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫发生的读音是diān xián fā shēng,癫痫发生翻译成英文是 epileptogenesis

  7. 问:癫痫学家拼音怎么拼?癫痫学家的读音是什么?癫痫学家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫学家的读音是diān xián xué jiā,癫痫学家翻译成英文是 epileptologist

  8. 问:癫痫性格拼音怎么拼?癫痫性格的读音是什么?癫痫性格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫性格的读音是diān xián xìng gé,癫痫性格翻译成英文是 epileptic character

  9. 问:癫痫性的拼音怎么拼?癫痫性的的读音是什么?癫痫性的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫性的的读音是,癫痫性的翻译成英文是 epileptic

  10. 问:癫痫患者拼音怎么拼?癫痫患者的读音是什么?癫痫患者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫患者的读音是,癫痫患者翻译成英文是 epileptic

  11. 问:癫痫放电拼音怎么拼?癫痫放电的读音是什么?癫痫放电翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫放电的读音是diān xián fàng diàn,癫痫放电翻译成英文是 epileptic discharge

  12. 问:癫痫样的拼音怎么拼?癫痫样的的读音是什么?癫痫样的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫样的的读音是diān xián yàng de,癫痫样的翻译成英文是 epileptoid

  13. 问:癫痫病人拼音怎么拼?癫痫病人的读音是什么?癫痫病人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫病人的读音是diān xián bìng rén,癫痫病人翻译成英文是 epileptic

  14. 问:癫痫后麻痹拼音怎么拼?癫痫后麻痹的读音是什么?癫痫后麻痹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫后麻痹的读音是diān xián hòu má bì,癫痫后麻痹翻译成英文是 postepileptic paralysis

  15. 问:癫痫大发作拼音怎么拼?癫痫大发作的读音是什么?癫痫大发作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫大发作的读音是diān xián dà fā zuò,癫痫大发作翻译成英文是 major epilepsy

  16. 问:癫痫小发作拼音怎么拼?癫痫小发作的读音是什么?癫痫小发作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫小发作的读音是diān xián xiǎo fā zuò,癫痫小发作翻译成英文是 absence seizure

  17. 问:癫痫性人格拼音怎么拼?癫痫性人格的读音是什么?癫痫性人格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫性人格的读音是diān xián xìng rén gé,癫痫性人格翻译成英文是 epileptoid personality

  18. 问:癫痫性喊叫拼音怎么拼?癫痫性喊叫的读音是什么?癫痫性喊叫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫性喊叫的读音是diān xián xìng hǎn jiào,癫痫性喊叫翻译成英文是 epileptic cry

  19. 问:癫痫性失神拼音怎么拼?癫痫性失神的读音是什么?癫痫性失神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫性失神的读音是diān xián xìng shī shén,癫痫性失神翻译成英文是 absence

  20. 问:癫痫性痴呆拼音怎么拼?癫痫性痴呆的读音是什么?癫痫性痴呆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癫痫性痴呆的读音是diān xián xìng chī dāi,癫痫性痴呆翻译成英文是 epileptic dementia



“癫痫”是个多义词,它可以指癫痫(疾病), 癫痫(书籍), 癫痫(郭韬编著书籍)。