



破,透:~透。揭~。~窬(钻洞和爬墙,指盗贼)。~凿。通过,连通:~过。~行(xíng )。着(zhuó)衣服鞋袜:~衣。~鞋。……


1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……





汉语拼音:chuān zhuó dǎ bàn








  1. The Indian media has also gone in a frenzy trying to cover her every move, from her clothes and greetings to what she ate.


  2. Dress as though you were auditioning to be his or her husband or wife.


  3. He was dressed the same way the last time I met him and a quick browse through Google Images suggests that he's always dressed that way.


  4. "He does not like our dress. " Maggie card to say, "he frankly inspected us, is not like a detective. "


  5. It's wonderful to go out for lunch with someone who notices what I'm wearing and flirts with me.


  6. Ask why your teen wants to dress or look a certain way and try to understand how your teen is feeling.


  7. Therefore, woman, in puts on is dressing up on cannot look down on, ten thousand cannot do oneself meets a dirty face, sloppily dressed!


  8. Even in the age of Silicon Valley casual chic, it is still vital to dress to impress.


  9. IT DOESN'T always pay to dress up for a party in Nigeria: it may earn you a hefty fine or even a stint in jail.


  1. 她的穿着打扮很古怪。

    She wears rather odd clothes.

  2. 注意穿着打扮是必要的。

    Looking good and dressing well is a necessity.

  3. 她爱好穿着打扮, 要人赞美她。

    She loved clothes and wanted people to admire her.

  4. 他找了衣服,穿着打扮完毕。

    He finds some clothes and gets dressed.

  5. 因为我的工作,穿着打扮,我的年龄

    Of my job, of what I wear, of my age.

  6. 她在穿着打扮上从不赶时髦。

    She never swung in dress.

  7. 都已经忘掉自己的穿着打扮了。

    He ignores his personal attire.

  8. 卡萝尔炫耀着自己的穿着打扮。

    Carol boasted about her costume.

  9. 尼基的穿着打扮常受到父母的指责。

    Nikki gets a lot of shit from his parents about the way he dresses.

  10. 从他的穿着打扮来看,他准是从南方来的。

    Going by what he wears, he must have come from the south.

  11. 克莱尔穿着打扮得像个烟花女子一样。

    Clare dressed like a hooker.

  12. 她找出来些旧衣服给孩子们穿着打扮。

    Br she looked out some old clothes for the children to dress up in.

  13. 大部分受欢迎的人懂得怎样穿着打扮。

    The majority of popular people know how to dress well.

  14. 另外一点容易忽视的是白天你的穿着打扮。

    Another often overlooked idea during the day is the way you dress.

  15. 如果你还那样穿着打扮就不能回去工作。

    You can't keep coming to work if you dress like that.

  16. 我要教她的事情多着呢如何穿着打扮,如何化妆。

    There's so many things I'm gonna teach her How to dress, how to put on makeup.

  17. 纨绔子弟通常花费大量的时间和金钱用于穿着打扮。

    A coxcomb spends too much money and time on his clothes and appearance.

  18. 正如时尚的此起彼伏,穿着打扮的标准也一直在改变。

    Just as fashions come and go, standards for appropriate dress continue to change.

  19. 在穿着打扮上, 她的眼力和趣味天生高人一筹。

    Her instinct in the matter of dress was naturally better.

  20. 纨绔子弟在穿着打扮上花费了过多的金钱和时间。

    A coxcomb spends too much money and time on his clothes and appearance.

  21. 穿着打扮时要把自己想象成他的丈夫或妻子。

    Dress as though you were auditioning to be his or her husband or wife.

  22. 她穿着打扮富有青春朝气,对选择鲜艳颜色极敏感。

    She dressed youthfully, with a fresh eye for colors that at first glance seemed to clash.

  23. 她在穿着打扮方面有个人独特的风格, 我非常羡慕她。

    She dressed with an individual flair, I rather envy her.

  24. 她认为她的穿着打扮不应该是件引起这么多争论的事

    She felt that the matter of her attire should have been a nonissue.

  25. 首先,如果可能的话她们穿着打扮看起来应该像成年的伴娘。

    First of all, if possible make them look all alike with the grown up ones.

  26. 在洗澡与穿着打扮这些小小的活动中,她热情地进行帮助。

    At the little ceremonies of the bath and toilette, she assisted with enthusiasm.

  27. 从他们的穿着打扮就能看出来,他们和我一样都是外国人。

    Base on the their attire, we can see that they are all foreigners, like me.

  28. 举这幅硬纸板画像的球迷也模仿了蒙哥马利的穿着打扮。

    Give this piece of cardboard portrait of the fans also mimic the dress of Montgomery.

  29. 人人都打扮穿着,参加一场永不休止的化装舞会。

    Everybody was dressed for a Fancy Ball that was never to leave off.

  30. 姑娘们穿着最漂亮的衣服,打扮得光彩照人。

    The girls were diked out in their best.



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