


1. 脏 [zàng]脏 [zàng]身体内部器官的总称:内~。五~六腑。心~。肾~。肺~。~器。……





汉语拼音:zāng shuǐ









  1. As I stood underneath the tepid jet, watching the dirty brown water disappear down the plug, it felt as if each drop was sent from heaven.


  2. Residents here are very worried about cholera reaching their area because raw sewage has been overflowing from manholes all over the place.


  3. Connect the catheter to the bottom of the spray gun, leave a curved down, to assure dirty water will not flow to the hands.


  4. Earth-moving trucks are dredging the narrow, sewage-filled river, and garbage trucks pass through three times a week.


  5. Most fish can see in low-light conditions or dirty water, and a few can see objects over moderately long distances.


  6. Mrs Parsons brought the spanner. Winston let out the water and disgustedly removed the clot of human hair that had blocked up the pipe.


  7. It is like trying to clean the water in a tank which is constantly being refilled with dirty water.


  8. I can see aerogel being used for everything from filtering polluted water to insulating against extreme temperatures and even for jewellery.


  9. His head struck bottom, his lungs quickly filled with the thick water.


  1. 呕吐出脏水

    to retch the dirty water.

  2. 污水系统。脏水系统

    foul sewer system

  3. 五分之一是脏水。

    One fifth of the water is dirty.

  4. 清水不来,脏水不泼。

    Cast not out the foul water till you bring in the clean.

  5. 把脏水倒在碗里。

    Empty the dirty water into the bowl.

  6. 脏水里总是生存着细菌。

    Germs are always found in dirty water.

  7. 去把你的脏水倒掉。

    Go and throw your dirty water out.

  8. 他倒出桶里的脏水。

    He tipped the slops out of the pail.

  9. 鹅卵石中间,汪着片片脏水。

    There were puddles of filthy water here and there among the cobbles.

  10. 她把脏水倒入了下水道。

    She tipped the dirty water down the drain.

  11. 从脏水的游泳池里捡宝石

    The jewel from the murky pool water.

  12. 不要把脏水倒在碗里。

    Don't empty the dirty water into the bowl.

  13. 约翰把脏水倒进了排水道。

    John poured the ditty water down the pipe.

  14. 这条河的脏水注入了港口

    the river whose dirty waters disembogue into the harbor

  15. 这条河得脏水注入了港口

    the river whose dirty waters disembogue into the harbor

  16. 我们的制度就是漏洞,穆斯林就是脏水。

    Our regime is the leak, the Muslims the water.

  17. 我们得制度就是漏洞, 穆斯林就是脏水。

    Our regime is the leak, the Muslims the water.

  18. 把盆里得脏水倒入洗涤槽里。

    Tip the dirty water out of the bowl and into the sink.

  19. 把盆里的脏水倒入洗涤槽里。

    Tip the dirty water out of the bowl and into the sink.

  20. 这里的空气里弥漫着脏水的恶臭味。

    The air is thick with the stench of sewage.

  21. 他有可能病了,因为他喝了很多脏水。

    He has been sick probably since he drank such dirty water.

  22. 而是一个满是脏水和鲨鱼的臭水池

    It is a smelly tank full of dirty water and sharks

  23. 母亲把脏水从桶里倒进洗涤槽中。

    Mother tipped the slops out of the bucket into the sink.

  24. 石油和脏水有 足够的机会从后面渗入。

    There is ample opportunity for oil and dirty water to get in behind them.

  25. 你应把衬衣中的脏水挤干后再洗。

    You should wring all the dirty water from your shirt before you wash it.

  26. 我们通过沟槽把脏水排放到下水道中。

    We waste the dirty water by channeling it into the sewer.

  27. 我们会叫他们不要往河里倒脏水的。

    We will ask them to stop pouring dirty water into the river.

  28. 车从脏水里驶过,溅了周围所有人一身水。

    Cars are driven through the mess, splashing everyone in range.

  29. 我想无法制造出用脏水冲泡后即无法食用的奶粉。

    We can't make the powder so that you can't mix it with dirty water.

  30. 脏水沟发出的腐臭味。约翰把脏水倒进了排水道。

    The rancid stench of dirty drains John poured the ditty water down the pipe.


  1. 问:脏水泵拼音怎么拼?脏水泵的读音是什么?脏水泵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脏水泵的读音是zāng shuǐ bèng,脏水泵翻译成英文是 dirty water pump




【 拼音】zāngshuǐ

【 英文 】〖dirtywater;filthywater〗 解释 肮脏不洁的水