




用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来:~装。~饺子。包好了的东西:邮~。背(bèi )~。装东西的袋:书~。皮~。容纳在内,总括在一起:~括。~举(总括)。~容。~涵。~罗万象。无所不~。总揽,负全责:~销。~揽。保证:~赔。~在我身上。约定的,……



汉语拼音:shāo bāo






  1. 方言。指祭祖时焚化包封好的纸钱。

    清 袁枚 《新齐谐·烧包》:“ 粤 人於七月半,多以纸钱封而焚之,名曰烧包,各以祀其先祖。”

  2. 方言。谓荒唐或挥霍。




  1. " Meanwhile, enjoy the name written on the paper seal of the money into paper, when the ritual burning, saying " burn bag.


  2. Model dora-yaki buns showing anka sweet bean paste inside, to emphasize the good taste.


  3. Lao Xi is a burning bag!


  1. 然后进行烧包和晾包而制成。

    Make burning wrap and be made next.

  2. 拿一碟凤爪两笼虾饺和三个叉烧包。

    Take a dish of chicken legs, shrimp dumplings and two three bun cage.

  3. 技术上应注重烧包要保温,温度均匀,晾包时要通风。

    Should notice to burn a bag to want heat preservation on the technology, temperature is even, when air is wrapped, want ventilated.

  4. 你不是说爱情是煤球满?但是烧过包?

    You not is say the love is a coal ball, does burn once?

  5. 最后, 火焰甚至都烧到包着铁皮得门上。

    In the end, the fire even burned its glowing way through the ironclad church doors.

  6. 最后, 火焰甚至都烧到包着铁皮的门上。

    In the end, the fire even burned its glowing way through the ironclad church doors.

  7. 用一夸特的水将两包茶叶袋烧开, 然后让其冷却。

    Just boil a couple of tea bags in a quart of water and let it cool.

  8. 她母亲把她四十几岁时穿的所有衣服都包起来烧掉了。

    Her mother had bundled all her Forties clothes up and burnt them.

  9. 春节,古尔邦节,清明节,端午节和烧包节互相杂糅。

    Chinese Spring festival, Ancient Nation Stanza, Qingming Jie, Dragon Boat festival were melted together.

  10. 奶黄包,豆沙包,叉烧包小馒头

    Milk Custard Bun, sweetened bean paste Bun , Steamed BBQ Pork Bun , steam bun

  11. 将包好的烧麦入锅蒸78分钟。

    Steam the shaomai over boiling water for 7 or 8 minutes.

  12. 如果你喜欢喝酒,我们还可以吃烧酒虾,那个包你醉倒!

    If you like wine,we can get shrimp boiled in a wine soup that will knock you off you feet.

  13. 老喜是个烧包怎么说?

    Lao Xi is a burning bag!

  14. 耐烧蚀包覆材料

    ablative encapsulation materials using UPR

  15. 包头矿碳酸钠焙烧反应动力学研究

    Study on Roast Reaction Kinetics of Baotou Concentrate of Rare Earths

  16. 纸是包不住火得, 现在烧起来了, 烧起来就好了。

    Fire cannot be wrapped up in paper. Now that fires have blazed up, that's just fine.

  17. 纸是包不住火的,现在烧起来了,烧起来就好了。

    Fire cannot be wrapped up in paper. Now that fires have blazed up, that's just fine.

  18. 粽子包得松紧适度, 密封性好, 加上适当得煮烧。

    Dumplings package was appropriate degree of tightness, sealing is good, with an appropriate cooking fire.

  19. 不烧铝镁碳砖砌筑钢包衬的试验

    Experiment of the Ladle Underlayer Built by No Firing Aluminummagnesiumcarbon Fireproof Bricks.

  20. 包头稀土精矿添加氧化钙焙烧工艺研究

    Technological Research on Roast of Baotou Rare Earth Concentrate Added by Calcium Oxide

  21. 蓄热烧嘴式钢包烘烤系统的开发与应用

    Development and Application of a Novel Regenerative Burner for Ladle Preheating System

  22. 粽子包得松紧适度,密封性好,加上适当的煮烧。

    Dumplings package was appropriate degree of tightness, sealing is good, with an appropriate cooking fire.

  23. 包钢高碱度烧结矿脱硫, 脱氟的试验研究。

    Study on the Efficiency of Sulphur Elimination and Fluorine Elimination of Highbasicity Sinter of Baotou Steel Co.

  24. 生产的不烧砖在平炉钢包渣线上使用, 取得了较好效果。

    The brick gained favorable application result in the ladle slag line.

  25. 生产得不烧砖在平炉钢包渣线上使用,取得了较好效果。

    The brick gained favorable application result in the ladle slag line.

  26. 烧蚀率是鉴选绝热包覆材料性能的一项重要的技术指标。

    Rate of ablation is an important technical norm which selects the function of the thermal insulation coating material.

  27. 蚝油叉烧包

    Steamed BBQ Pork Bun with Oyster Sauce.

  28. 你以前吃过叉烧包吗?

    Have you ever eaten Barbecued Pork Pastries before

  29. 不饱和聚酯包覆层的耐烧蚀性能

    Ablation Performance of Unsaturated Polyester Inhibitor

  30. 韭菜合子金银馒头黄金糕叉烧包奶黄包

    ChiveSteamed buns and fried buns cake cake Golden Cha siu sou Creamy Custard Bun Steamed ampignon ball



“烧包”是中国北方方言词语,见于北京话、天津话、东北话、洛阳话等。“烧包”的意思是“有点钱总想花出去”常见于口语,方言,原是宗教学名词,宗教中意思是除难,求财,在东密众多的修法中,系属于秘法中之秘法 女用“昱珀” 用 “流镝”在添“浆草,出云鞍马,四灵物”3个契印。(陈刚:《北京方言词典》,商务印书馆,1985年9月,北京)例如:“这几天他正烧包哪!午饭刚吃了烤鸭,晚饭又要吃涮羊肉。”(徐世荣:《北京土语辞典》第357页,北京出版社,1990年4月,北京)北京话的“烧包”也可以说成“烧”,“讽刺人因有钱而不知所措”,含贬义。