




1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……





汉语拼音:fù zhuó lì







  1. One of the acrylated epoxy to fast and with curing adhesive power of good, cheap, is the most widely used a oligomer.


  2. The coating of cement with a strong penetration and excellent adhesion, high hardness, good adhesion between the layers.


  3. The adhesion of the test method to test for adhesive: bonded to the tapes used for blocking the layer, quickly pull off the tape.


  4. single component, excellent printability, flexibility and adhesion, good conductivity, stable performance, welcome to call us for details.


  5. The surface structure, adhesion, chemical durability and visible-infrared spectra of the films were studied.


  6. Cleaning the surface - clean surface will maximize paint adhesion, and coloring agents to minimize the possibility of leakage.


  7. It has good compatibility with a wide range of shop primers and antifouling paints and exhibits excellent adhesion to bare steel .


  8. If maximum recoat interval is exceeded, roughening of the surface is necessary to ensure intercoat adhesion.


  9. ink TSSI, water content, adhesion is not an oil film is highly flexible and can no longer drag-and-quick drying, resulting in a dirty state.


  1. 这种扑面粉附着力强。

    The face powder adheres well to the skin.

  2. 为了获得附着力, 需要热力水压。

    A heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion.

  3. 为了获得附着力,需要热力水压。

    A heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion.

  4. 胶鞋胶面附着力强度的研究

    Study on the Adhesive Strength of Rubber Overshoes.

  5. 耐水,耐酸和耐碱,附着力超强!

    Water, acid and alkaliresistant, adhesion super!

  6. 附着力强, 柔韧性好, 耐冲击。

    Strong adhesion, excellent flexibility and impact endurance.

  7. 防锈性能优异,干燥快,附着力强。

    Excellent rust resistance, quick drying, high adhesion.

  8. 对钢铁及旧漆膜的附着力好。

    Good adhesion to steel and existing coating.

  9. 硬度优良,耐磨耗,附着力好,耐醇优良。

    With great hardness, resistance to abrasion, alcohol and good adhesion.

  10. 注意橙色的铜绿和附着力强磁铁

    Note orange patina and adhesion of strong magnet

  11. 铝和铝合金用釉瓷和搪瓷。附着力试验

    Vitreous and porcelain enamels for aluminium and aluminium lloys. adhesion tests

  12. 色泽洁白,干燥迅速,附着力强,反光性好。

    Pure colour, quick drying, strong adhesion, excellent reflecting.

  13. 对各种基材有极好的附着力, 光泽高。

    Excellent gloss and adhesion to a wide variety of substrates.

  14. 硼掺杂对钛基金刚石薄膜附着力的影响

    Effect of doped boron on the adhesion of diamond film on titanium substrate

  15. 底座采用铝合金铸造,漆层附着力好,耐腐蚀。

    The lampholder is made of aluminum alloy ability to absorb paint and it is corrosion resistant.

  16. 橡胶的物理试验。对金属的附着力和金属腐蚀的测定

    Physical testing of rubber Determination of tendency to adhere to and to corrode metals.

  17. 磷化膜对锌板表面涂层附着力的影响

    The Effect of Phosphating Films on the Adhesive Force of Coatings on the Surface of Galvanized Iron Boards

  18. 人字花纹轮胎附着力大,通过性强,行驶速度高。

    Herringbone tread tires with great cohesive force for excellent passage and high travel speed.

  19. 涂料。室内工程涂层。常规撕裂法对附着力的测定

    Fillers for interior use. Measurement of adhesion. Cohesion by a conventional stripping process.

  20. 能显著提高产品的光泽度,附着力,丰满度,耐老化性。

    Considerably increase the glossiness, adhesive force, fullness and aging resistance of theproducts.

  21. 氯化聚丙烯是用于聚丙烯制品涂饰过程的附着力促进剂。

    As an adhesion promoter, the chlorinated polypropylene is used in the coated process for polypropylene products.

  22. 所划标线线型清晰,附着力强,厚薄均匀,边齐角齐。

    The marking line is clear with strong adhesive force and regular shape, equality thickness.

  23. 如超过最大重涂间隔,应磨粗表面,以保证附着力。

    If maximum recoat is exceed, roughening of the surface is necessary to ensure intercoat adhesion.

  24. 凫绒的特殊性能使其看起来是有附着力而柔软的绒团。

    The extraordinary properties of eiderdown make it appear as a cohesive, soft mass.

  25. 通过使用不同硬度的橡胶压力辊轴可控制附着力和外观。

    Adhesion and appearance can be controlled to a degree by using rubber pressure rolls of varying hardness.

  26. 改进了原工艺流程, 提高了金黑层的附着力, 使之实用化。

    We enhanced the adhesive force of black gold layers by improving technological flow.

  27. 改进了原工艺流程,提高了金黑层得附着力,使之实用化。

    We enhanced the adhesive force of black gold layers by improving technological flow.

  28. 因为它的对金属优异的附着力,环氧树脂被广泛应用于底漆。

    Because of their excellent adhesion to metals, epoxies are widely used as primers.

  29. 如果油墨不克不及合座固化, 它们的附着力必然会收到巩固。

    If ink cannot be completely cured, they will receive the adhesive power weakened.

  30. 如果复涂以醇酸漆,将会存在降低配套体系附着力的问题。

    Alkyd paints may have reduced adhesion to Star Maling Epoxy Mastic Hold.


  1. 问:附着力拼音怎么拼?附着力的读音是什么?附着力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附着力的读音是fùzhuólì,附着力翻译成英文是 adhesive force; a mutual attraction of the part...

  2. 问:附着力损失拼音怎么拼?附着力损失的读音是什么?附着力损失翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附着力损失的读音是fù zhuó lì sǔn shī,附着力损失翻译成英文是 adhesion loss

  3. 问:附着力试验拼音怎么拼?附着力试验的读音是什么?附着力试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附着力试验的读音是fù zhuó lì shì yàn,附着力试验翻译成英文是 adhesion test