









汉语拼音:qí lǘ jiǔ






  1. 古酒名。

    北魏 杨衒之 《洛阳伽蓝记·法云寺》:“市西有 退酤 、 治觴 二里,里内之人多醖酒为业。 河 东人 刘白堕 善能酿酒。季夏六月,时暑赫晞,以甖贮酒,暴於日中,经一旬,其酒不动。饮之香美而醉,经月不醒。京师朝贵,多出郡登藩,远相餉馈,踰于千里。以其远至,号曰‘鹤觴’,亦曰‘骑驴酒’。”




  1. 他坐船骑驴等旅行。

    He journeyed in a vesselon a mule etc.

  2. 最后一段行程是骑驴。

    The final leg of the trip was by donkey.

  3. 阿富汗实用骑驴托运选票箱。

    Afghans use donkeys to carry election ballot boxes.

  4. 那个老汉以前都是骑驴外出的。

    The old man used to go out on a donkey.

  5. 骑马摔一跤不如骑驴往前走。

    Better ride on an ass that carries me than a horse that throws me.

  6. 但是,知道农夫骑驴回家需要2到3个小时。

    But, know farmer rides asinine need coming home 2 to 3 hours.

  7. 他们跑,跳,摔倒,翻跟斗和侧翻。他们倒着骑驴。

    They run, jump, fall down, turn somersaults, and roll over. They ride donkeys backwards.

  8. 张果老骑驴桥上走, 柴王爷推车轧了一道沟。

    Zhang Guo old donkey walking on the bridge, Chai Wang Erdaogou a rolling cart.

  9. 骑着驴的孩子

    children riding on donkeys

  10. 谦谦和和得骑着驴。

    Gentle and riding on a donkey.

  11. 谦谦和和的骑着驴。

    Gentle and riding on a donkey.

  12. 就是骑着驴的驹子。

    On a colt, the foal of a donkey.

  13. 他骑着驴穿过街道。

    He rode an ass about the streets.

  14. 和风怎能骑在驴身上?

    How could a zephyr ride an ass?

  15. 有了, 我们俩都骑着驴。

    I know, we'll both ride on the donkey.

  16. 当他骑上驴正要回家的时候,店主和店员跑了出来

    before he climber on his donkey to ride home, the shopkeeper and the shopassistant ran out.

  17. 驴和骑它的人想的不是一回事。

    The ass and his driver do not think alike.

  18. 驴和骑它得人想得不是一回事。

    The ass and his driver do not think alike.

  19. 我骑着我的驴。

    I was riding on my donkey.

  20. 我骑着我得驴。

    I was riding on my donkey.

  21. 骑驴子旅行是一种缓慢的旅行方式。

    Riding on a donkey is a slow mode of travel.

  22. 有一次摩拉?纳斯鲁丁骑着他得驴到什么地方去。

    Once Mulla Nasrudin was going somewhere on his donkey.

  23. 据说哈里发穆塔瓦基勒曾经骑着一匹白色埃及驴登上阶梯。

    It is said that the caliph alMutawakkil once rode up the stairs on a white Egyptian donkey.

  24. 喜欢的施坦斯村庄,牲畜,驴车,有些地方骑自行车好危险。

    Like The Stans countries, livestock, donkey carts and in some places bikes are a hazard.

  25. 他骑着驴子来了。

    He came riding on a donkey.

  26. 他骑的驴子慢如蜗牛。

    The donkey on which he was riding moved at a snail's gallop.

  27. 骑着一头比雪还白的温驯的白驴。

    Upon a lowly Asse more white then snow.

  28. 骑着一头比雪还白得温驯得白驴。

    Upon a lowly Asse more white then snow.

  29. 有一天东郭先生骑着驴子去城镇。

    One day Mr Dongguo went to town with his donkey.

  30. 皮诺奇要求不坐马车而骑在其中一头驴子上。

    Pinocchio asked to ride on one of the donkeys instead.

