


1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……





汉语拼音:shí cáo







  1. 犹伏枥。

  2. 喂牲口时贮饲料的器具。

    萧也牧 《秋葵》:“我到了圈边,见她搬开了喂猪的石食槽,下面露出了洞口。”《文汇报》1990.3.28:“只见穿白大褂的饲养员提桶先往食槽里倒上拌有白糖、鸡蛋、奶粉和粮食等配比而成的混合饲料。”



  1. Wilbur did not budge. Lurvy dumped the slops, scraped the pail and walked away. He noticed that something was wrong with the pig.


  2. He swayed and toppled and landed on the edge of Wilbur's trough. The trough tipped up and then came down with a slap.


  3. A sense of awe filled the feed box. Surely this Baby was greater than any treasure the whole world could hold !


  4. Wilbur watched him disappear into his tunnel. In a moment he saw the rat's sharp nose poke out from underneath the wooden trough.


  5. But one night, golden starlight poured over the first tree as a young woman placed her newborn baby in the feedbox.


  6. When the first tree arrived at the carpenters, he was made into a feed box for animals.


  7. A control platform (16) controls the sliding speed and direction of the moving manger.


  8. s shop. But the carpenter fashioned the tree into a feed box for animals.


  9. Cautiously Templeton pulled himself up over the edge of the trough.


  1. 动物饲料食槽

    crib for animal fodder.

  2. 扔在食槽里

    I throw them in the crib.

  3. 这个食槽很漂亮。

    This manger is beautiful.

  4. 猪把食槽拱翻了。

    The pig nosed the trough down.

  5. 我们要多做一个食槽。

    We're golng to bulld a feeder.

  6. 那些猪从同一食槽里取食。

    The pigs fed off the same trough.

  7. 我在食槽里发现毛团了!

    I found a hairball in my manger!

  8. 它的食槽里面积了一英寸的水。

    His trough had an inch of rainwater in it.

  9. 我的嘴是个食槽, 它正学会说谎。

    Coma Black My mouth was a crib and it was growing lies.

  10. 我得嘴是个食槽,它正学会说谎。

    Coma Black My mouth was a crib and it was growing lies.

  11. 如果你们像乖小猪一样吃干净食槽

    If you clean the trough like good little piggies.

  12. 食槽用于放置禽畜饲料的槽或开口盒

    A trough or an open box in which feed for livestock is placed.

  13. 在喂食槽吃草的牛看到我们很惊奇。

    The cows at the feeding trough were surprised to see us.

  14. 陈旧的石制牛食槽仍然放在大门口。

    The old stone cattle trough still sits by the main entrance.

  15. 由控制台控制移动食槽的滑行速度和方向。

    A control platform controls the sliding speed and direction of the moving manger.

  16. 给料器把饲料注入一个食槽供牲口吃。

    The feeder discharged feed into a trough for the livestock.

  17. 给料器把饲料注入一个食槽供牲口吃。

    The feeder discharged feed into a trough for the livestock.

  18. 就是那次我们四个吃完猪食槽的时候

    The time the four of us conquered The pig's trough.

  19. 食槽盛放水或动物食物的长,窄且浅的容器

    A long, narrow, generally shallow receptacle for holding water or feed for animals.

  20. 他们坐着狼吞虎咽,就像猪在食槽边吃食一样。

    They sat gobbling their food like pigs at a trough.

  21. 只见它小心翼翼的钻出来,向食槽的边缘靠近。

    Cautiously Templeton pulled himself up over the edge of the trough.

  22. 据基督教说, 耶稣出生在马厩里, 以食槽为床。

    According to Christian tradition, Jesus was born is a stable and a manger was used as his bed.

  23. 我看到它落在地上得食槽那开始自己得美餐。

    It landed on bird feeder and began eating dinner as I watched.

  24. 我看到它落在地上的食槽那开始自己的美餐。

    It landed on bird feeder and began eating dinner as I watched.

  25. 威尔伯冲出去, 急急忙忙地吃了个精光, 舔着食槽。

    Wilbur rushed out, ate everything in a hurry , and licked the trough.

  26. 通常的群养型猪舍会包括食槽, 电动饲槽和其它相关设备。

    Common housing systems for group housing of sows include use of feeding stalls, electronic sow feeder systems and many other systems.

  27. 他们卸下马鞍,蒸了一些豌豆,放在狭长的食槽里喂马。

    They unsaddled their horses and steamed some peas, which they fed to their steeds in long narrow troughs.

  28. 并找到一个食槽, 打扫干净, 铺上干草, 准备用作婴儿的小床。

    And found a manger, cleans cleanly, spreads out the hay, prepares to serve as baby's small bed.

  29. 而大猪则为一点残羹不知疲倦地奔忙于踏板和食槽之间。

    And big pig is a thick soup of a bit incomplete to run quickly indefatigably to be mixed at footplate between crib.

  30. 当第一棵树到了木匠那儿, 它被做成了一个喂动物的食槽。

    When the first tree arrived at the carpenters, he was made into a feed box for animals.


  1. 问:食槽拼音怎么拼?食槽的读音是什么?食槽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:食槽的读音是,食槽翻译成英文是 crib