







汉语拼音:liǎng wò






  1. 指双拳。

    宋 陆游 《度筰》诗:“汗沾两握色如菜,数乘此险私自怪。”



  1. As we offloaded the first 2 x 8, each of us taking an end in hand, I smiled doggedly to mask the strain I felt.


  1. 这两个人握握手,互相笑笑。

    The two men shook hands, smiling at each other.

  2. 安娜向他伸出手,两双手握在一起。

    Anna reached out her hand to him and clasped his.

  3. 两人握了手。那人在石堆上坐下。

    They joined hands, and the man sat down on the heap of stones.

  4. 她握起两个拳头, 朝着苔丝拉起架势来。

    She closed her fists and squared up at Tess.

  5. 两个人民解放军战士握着上了刺刀的步枪好奇地看着我们。

    Two People's Liberation Army soldiers with bayoneted rifles looked at us curiously.

  6. 他握着她的两只小手,一时说不出话来。

    He took the two little hands Between his own. He was speechless for a moment.

  7. 握两次手, 然后让双方的手自然松开。

    Shake twice, firmly, then let the hand drop away.

  8. 用手握住两根杆儿。

    Use your hand to hold two rods.

  9. 这两人紧握拳头向他进逼过来。

    The two advanced on him with clenched fists.

  10. 这两个男孩都很有礼貌,友好地握了手。

    Both boys had good manners, politely shaking hands.

  11. 她双手紧握烟斗,想要把它掰成两半。

    She gripped the pipe with both hands, trying to snap it in half.

  12. 而另外两个传感器来感知左手的抓握运动。

    Two more sensors on the left upperforearm sense squeezing movements in the left hand.

  13. 它塑造出一个球的轮廓,里面有两只因友谊而紧握的手。

    It depicts two hands clasped in friendship inside the outline of a ball.

  14. 他紧握着两个拳头怒气冲天地站在惊魂未定的赫伯面前。

    He stood over the cowering Herb with fists of fury.

  15. 她手里握住枪, 两眼望着阳台上保罗的尸体, 毫无恐惧之色。

    Her hands shook guns, two balcony Paul at the body, there is no fear of color.

  16. 他轻轻地握着我的手,承认自己在疼痛中熬过了三个漫漫长夜,但是,他甘愿为我吃两遍苦。

    While he gently held my hand, he admitted he had spent three long nights in pain, but he would do it all over again for me.

  17. 静脉输液两种握拳法的效果观察

    Observation on effect of two fist clenching methods in patients accepted intravenous transfusion

  18. 两种握拳法对浅静脉穿刺成功率的影响

    Influence of Two Kinds Fists for Success Rate in Superficial Vein Puncture