




1. 并 [bìng]2. 并 [bīng]并 [bìng]合在一起:~拢。合~。兼~。一齐,平排着:~驾齐驱。~重(zhòng )。~行(xíng )。连词,表平列或进一层:~且。用在否定词前,加强否定的语气,表不像预料的那样:~不容易。……



汉语拼音:jiān bìng








  1. 同时并列;两全。

    清 李渔 《凰求凤·翻卷》:“徵文考行,二者难兼并,若个堪居絶等,推敲不厌详明。”

  2. 并吞。指土地侵并,或经济侵占。

    《墨子·天志下》:“今天下之诸侯,将犹皆侵凌攻伐兼并。” 汉 晁错 《论贵粟疏》:“此商人所以兼并农人,农人所以流亡者也。” 宋 王安石 《兼并》诗:“人主擅操柄,如天持斗魁。赋予皆自我,兼并巧姦回。” 范文澜 《中国近代史》第六章第二节:“ 俄国 向 太平洋 挺进时期,从北方威胁着 中国 ,它兼并了 黑龙江 以北的土地以后,还想要把 中国 的东三省和 朝鲜 纳入它的势力范围。”



  1. In this paper, analysis of the company's M & A options characteristics, and set up the company's M & A Real Option Valuation Model.


  2. As you know we've merged several smaller enterprises in Los Angeles.


  3. What if you were asked to develop a visual identity for a merger of two French insurance companies, in the time of financial crisis?


  4. There will be limits on how much TVE can bid for sports and film rights, and rules on industry consolidation are being relaxed.


  5. Mergers and acquisitions are likely to pick up, not least because some smaller funds of funds may have to put themselves up for sale.


  6. If your company folds, or if you're made redundant, you may be able to survive for a few months on the income from your side business.


  7. He expects the mergers to trigger something of a domino effect.


  8. But such mergers do not in fact seem to create as much value as the law suggests.


  9. The next year or two will doubtless see mergers and takeovers. Some of the weaker manufacturers will die.


  1. 反兼并措施

    shark repel lent.

  2. 事实上兼并

    annexation de fait.

  3. 大兼并浪潮

    wave of big mergers.

  4. 兼并与收购

    merger and acquisition.

  5. 兼并与吞并

    acquisition and merger.

  6. 兼并与联合

    merging and combination.

  7. 兼并式合并

    consolidation by merger.

  8. 企业兼并理论

    theory of mergers.

  9. 石油工业兼并

    oil industry merger.

  10. 鼓励企业兼并

    encourage merging of enterprises

  11. 企业破产兼并

    bankruptcy and merger of enterprises.

  12. 企业兼并重组

    annexation and reorganization of enterprises.

  13. 土地合并, 土地兼并

    Land carrying capacity land consolidation

  14. 抑兼并思想

    idea of checking annexation

  15. 企业收购与兼并2。

    Acquisition and merger of enterprise II.

  16. 被兼并或挤掉

    be annexed or forced out of business

  17. 兼并那两家公司

    to bake the two companies

  18. 鼓励兼并,规范破产

    Encourage mergers and standardize Bankruptcy procedures

  19. 两个公司已经兼并。

    The two companies have merged.

  20. 兼并的倾向加剧了。

    The trend towards takeovers has intensified.

  21. 兼并企图被董事会拒绝。

    The takeover attempt is turned down by the board.

  22. 国有企业兼并的法律性质

    The nature of the state owned enterprise mergers

  23. 纵向兼并是否促进上游合谋?

    Do Vertical Mergers Facilitate Upstream Collusion

  24. 企业跨国兼并的动因分析。

    The business enterprise multinational annex of move because of the analysis.

  25. 他们把征服的领土兼并了。

    They annexed the conquered territory to their country.

  26. 该公司被一大国际公司兼并。

    The company is taken over by a large international corporation.

  27. 问怎样看待企业的兼并,合并

    Q How do you view the merging of enterprises.

  28. 兼并的可能性威胁这个公司。

    The possibility of a merger hung over the company.

  29. 兼并的可能性威胁这个公司。

    The possibility of a merger hung over the company.

  30. 美国于1845年兼并德克萨斯州。

    The United States annexed Texas in 1845.


  1. 问:兼并拼音怎么拼?兼并的读音是什么?兼并翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兼并的读音是jiānbìng,兼并翻译成英文是 acquire

  2. 问:兼并国拼音怎么拼?兼并国的读音是什么?兼并国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兼并国的读音是jiān bìng guó,兼并国翻译成英文是 annexing state

  3. 问:兼并库拼音怎么拼?兼并库的读音是什么?兼并库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兼并库的读音是jiān bìng kù,兼并库翻译成英文是 degenerate pool

  4. 问:兼并权拼音怎么拼?兼并权的读音是什么?兼并权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兼并权的读音是jiānbìngquán,兼并权翻译成英文是 right of merger

  5. 问:兼并合同拼音怎么拼?兼并合同的读音是什么?兼并合同翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兼并合同的读音是jiānbìnghétóng,兼并合同翻译成英文是 contract of merger

  6. 问:兼并密码拼音怎么拼?兼并密码的读音是什么?兼并密码翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兼并密码的读音是jiān bìng mì mǎ,兼并密码翻译成英文是 degeneracy of code

  7. 问:兼并条款拼音怎么拼?兼并条款的读音是什么?兼并条款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兼并条款的读音是jiān bìng tiáo kuǎn,兼并条款翻译成英文是 merger clause



兼并是指通过产权的有偿转让,把其他企业并入本企业或企业集团中,使被兼并的企业失去法人资格或改变法人实 体的经济行为。通常是指一家企业以现金、证券或其他形式购买取得其他企业的产权、使其他企业丧失法人资格或改变法人实体,并取得对这些企业决策控制权的经济行为。兼并是合并的形式之一,等同于我国《公司法》中的吸收合并,指一个公司吸收其他公司而存续,被吸收公司解散。