


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……


事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……


1. 化 [huà]2. 化 [huā]化 [huà]性质或形态改变:变~。分~。僵~。教(jiào )~。熔~。融~。潜移默~。~干弋为玉帛。。佛教、道教徒募集财物:~缘。~斋。用在名词或形容词后,表示转变成某种性质或状态:丑~。绿~。习……





汉语拼音:yǒu jī huà xué






  1. 化学的一个分科,研究有机化合物的来源、结构、性质、变化、制备、用途及其有关理论。



  1. Organic chemistry guides us to see life in molecular level and had been became an essential bas- ic course in agricultural universities.


  2. Because people say I've got to take that if I want to be premed. But, you know, to me there's a lot of detail in organic chemistry.


  3. Its major use is in the production of acetic acid and its derivative acetone and various acetates, and of numerous other organic chemicals.


  4. Although the fundamental particles would be very different, organic chemistry would be possible in this case.


  5. Because she had a background as an organic chemist and knew the field, the investor preferred a biotechnology sector fund.


  6. Benzene used to be a common solvent in organic chemistry but is no longer used because it is a suspect carcinogen.


  7. Werner's method was that used previously by organic chemists to elucidate the structures of substituted benzenes, namely isomer counting.


  8. Organic chemists focus their attention on substances that contain carbon and hydrogen in combination with a few other elements.


  9. If you're doing organic chemistry, and you're trying to purify things, this is a real pain, right?


  1. 有机化学实验

    Experiments in Organic Chemistry

  2. 有机化学 生物化学。

    Organic chemistry, biochemistry.

  3. 我主修有机化学。

    I specialize in organic chemistry.

  4. 天津有机化学工业总公司。


  5. 打开记忆有机化学之门

    Openning the Memory Door of Organic Chemistry

  6. 我得有机化学学得不好。

    I am not good at organic chemistry.

  7. 在学院里我主修有机化学。

    In collage I specialized in organic chemistry.

  8. 有机化学机理导论第6版。

    Pearson P.Sykes A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry 6th ed.

  9. 我的有机化学学得不好。

    I am not good at organic chemistry.

  10. 有机化学中立体化学的教学探讨

    Investigation of the teaching of stereochemistry in organic chemistry

  11. 基础有机化学中的量变质变规律

    Law of Mutual Change of Quality and Quantity in Basic Organic Chemistry

  12. 有机化学中常见概念比较与释疑

    Comparing and Disabusing of Some Concepts in Organic Chemistry

  13. 这一册有机化学和无机化学都讲。

    The volume treated of both organic and inorganic chemistry.

  14. 质谱学在天然有机化学中的应用

    Cong PZ. Application of Mass Spectra in Natural Organic Chemistry

  15. 有机化学实验目标管理教学法的研究

    Study of Teaching Method of Aim Management in Organic Chemistry Experiment

  16. 学生学习有机化学时易犯的错误

    On the Errors that Students are Easy to Make in Their Organic Chemistry Learning

  17. 徐寿昌,1993有机化学,北京高等教育出版社。

    Seyhan N. Ege, Organic Chemistry, 1982, D. C. Heath and Company.

  18. 羧酸得还原是有机化学中得重要反应。

    The reduction of acid is an important reaction in organic chemistry.

  19. 酯是有机化学中最主要的化合物之一。

    Ester is one of the most important compounds in Organic Chemistry.

  20. 羧酸的还原是有机化学中的重要反应。

    The reduction of acid is an important reaction in organic chemistry.

  21. 有机化学实验室排风系统改造与探索

    Rebuilding and Exploration of a Ventilation System in Organic Chemistry Laboratory

  22. 有机化学实验在线预习系统的实现技术

    The Techniques for Implementing the Online Preview System of the Organic Chemical Experiment

  23. 我们已经踏上了无机化学和有机化学领域。

    We have already set foot in inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry area.

  24. 有机化学中立体化学双语教学的实践与探索

    Application and Exploration of Bilingual Approach to Stereochemistry in Organic Chemistry

  25. 立体化学是有机化学教学得重点和难点之一。

    Stereochemistry is one of the important and difficult contents in organic chemistry.

  26. 立体化学是有机化学教学的重点和难点之一。

    Stereochemistry is one of the important and difficult contents in organic chemistry.

  27. 让我告诉你一个关于有机化学的故事。

    Let me tell you a story about organic chemistry.

  28. 有机化学教材中有机化合物命名存在问题之浅见

    Some Problems about Naming of Organic Compounds in the Organic Chemistry Textbooks

  29. 有机化学教学中导入新课的几种方法

    Several methods for presenting into the new lessons in the organic chemistry teaching

  30. 摘要立体化学是有机化学教学的重点和难点之一。

    Stereochemistry is one of the important and difficult contents in organic chemistry.


  1. 问:有机化学拼音怎么拼?有机化学的读音是什么?有机化学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有机化学的读音是,有机化学翻译成英文是 Organic chemistry