


玉器,泛指珍贵的东西:~贝。~剑。~物。~藏(zàng )。国~。财~。珍~。传(chuán)家~。如获至~。~贵。帝王的印信,借指帝位:~座。登大~(皇帝登基)。敬辞,用于称别人的,~地。~刹(称呼庙字)。~号(称呼别人的店铺)。指金属货……





汉语拼音:bǎo hé






  1. 押宝用的赌具。

    巴金 《砂丁》二:“地上摊开一张席子,作庄家的拿了宝盒蹲在那里。”



  1. With tears in her eyes and a lifetime of memories in her heart, she carefully untied the ribbon and opened that golden treasure.


  2. Ox demon king: for his wife, even to marry imperatorial cheated if the box to see his wife.


  3. Panjiayuan antique seems to be going like the Tibetan treasure box collection room and gradually infiltrated into people's daily lives.


  4. The Pope may thus have opened Pandora's Box. But he may have had no choice, from the institutional perspective that I have been emphasizing.


  5. The tree was happy, because he knew that the carpenter would make him into a treasure chest.


  6. The kit is a box containing 37 different items, for use by 50 children up to six years of age.


  7. Chang E hid the parcel in a treasure box at her dressing table when, unexpectedly, it was seen by Peng Meng.


  8. When Mary opened her birthday present, she could not believe what she had gotten. It was a fairy kit!


  9. The children's lives changed immediately.


  1. 西湖月光宝盒

    West Lake Moon Cake Box.

  2. 红线女夜盗宝盒

    Red Thread steals a precious box

  3. 有人为了宝盒而来。

    Men are coming for the box.

  4. 大话西游之月光宝盒

    A Chinese Odyssey

  5. 明明趁机拿走了宝盒!

    And Mingming seized the opportunity to take the treasure box away.

  6. 明明趁机拿走了宝盒!

    And Mingming seized the opportunity to take the treasure box away.

  7. 宝盒就在那里的某个地方。

    The box is there somewhere.

  8. 生命摇篮藏着宝盒的地方。

    To the cradle of life, where the box is hidden.

  9. 看见他很凶地守着宝盒。

    The octopus was guarding the treasure box fiercely.

  10. 臭猴子, 你敢骂我 月光宝盒。

    Damn monkey how dare you call me a bitch!

  11. 这个宝盒立即改变了儿童的生活。

    The children's lives changed immediately.

  12. 如果你找到了宝盒,你将背负重任。

    And if you find the box, you will have to carry them.

  13. 她的好奇打开了潘多拉的宝盒。

    Her curiosity opened up Pandora's Box.

  14. 她的好奇打开了潘多拉的宝盒。

    Her curiosity opened up Pandora's Box.

  15. 这个月光宝盒是我给你的礼物。

    This Pandora's Box is my gift to you.

  16. 创造惊人,影碟光盘标签、光盘和影碟宗珠宝盒。

    Create stunning CD and DVD labels, CD jewel cases and DVD boxes.

  17. 我相信你!今晚我会把月光宝盒拿回来。

    I trust you! I'll get the Pandora's Box back tonight.

  18. 这宝盒充满爱得记忆, 是长辈赠与晚辈得礼物。

    It is a gift of loving memories from one generation to the next.

  19. 这宝盒充满爱的记忆,是长辈赠与晚辈的礼物。

    It is a gift of loving memories from one generation to the next.

  20. 他说去寻找宝盒的人,没有一个能回来。

    He warns that no one who has gone looking for the box has come back.

  21. 月光宝盒是宝物,你把他扔掉会污染环境。

    Pandora's Box is a treasure. You'll pollute the environment.

  22. 欢迎大家浏览和探索月光宝盒综合网站的内容。

    Please feel free to browse through these sites to explore theirs content.

  23. 时光宝盒,一个完全的无线基站和一个硬盘驱动器。

    Time capsule, a full AirPort Extreme Base Station and a hard drive.

  24. 第一棵树很开心,因为他知道木匠会把它做成宝盒。

    The tree was happy, because he knew that the carpenter would make him into a treasure chest.

  25. 仿佛打开了潘多拉的宝盒, 幸福和快乐永远伴随在我们左右。

    As if opening a Pandora's treasure box, happiness and joy always be with us around.


