


1. 羊 [yáng]2. 羊 [xiáng]羊 [yáng]哺乳动物,反刍类,一般头上有一对角,品种很多:绵~。黄~。羚~。~羔。~毫。~肠线。~肠小道。姓。羊 [xiáng]古同“祥”,吉祥。……





汉语拼音:yáng qún






  1. If you do not know, most beautiful of women, follow the tracks of the sheep and graze your young goats by the tents of the shepherds.


  2. I enclosed a piece of ground for them to run in; and in course of time, had a large flock, which furnished me with all the meat I needed.


  3. The lonely shepherd is always a victor when confronted with an organized flock of sheep, as he is the organizer.


  4. Wheat and barley, ripening to a pale gold now, shush in the wind and a flock of sheep dot the green river pasture.


  5. The hireling, who may watch over the flock merely for a day's wage, is not expected to be so devoted.


  6. And whenever he said: 'The streaked ones will be your wages, ' then all the ewes produced streaked lambs.


  7. Moses is tending sheep out on the backside of the desert and God comes to him, saying, "You are going to set my people free. "


  8. Aaron was out with the flock. The sheep were contentedly grazing and Aaron took a deep breath of the loamy scented air .


  9. But in the wilderness Moses met the God who intended to turn him from a keeper of sheep to a shepherd of God's people Israel.


  1. 洁白的羊群

    Immaculate white flocks of sheep.

  2. 牧人照看羊群。

    a shepherd tends his sheep.

  3. 羊群炸窝了。

    The sheep have blasted themselves.

  4. 小牧童和羊群

    The Shepherd Boy and His Flock.

  5. 跟随他的羊群,

    He shall follow his sheep all the day

  6. 牧羊人照顾羊群。

    A shepherd tended the sheep.

  7. 跟随他得羊群,

    He shall follow his sheep all the day

  8. 羊群在吃青草。

    The sheep were cropping on the grass.

  9. 羊群里的骆驼

    Stand out like a camel in a flock of sheep.

  10. 狼袭击了羊群。

    The wolves descended on the sheep and killed them.

  11. 产双羔母羊群

    twin band.

  12. 羊群聚在一起取暖。

    The sheep herded for warmth.

  13. 羊群产了好些羊羔。

    The flock produced many lambs.

  14. 这个牧羊人照管羊群。

    The shepherd tended a flock.

  15. 领头牛之后是羊群

    Sheep flock followed by the leading bull

  16. 牧羊人和他的羊群。

    The shepherd and his sheep.

  17. 咱有了自己的羊群

    We Have Sheep Flocks Of Our Own

  18. 羊群里少了几只羊。

    A few sheep have been lost from the flock.

  19. 羊群就咩咩催我睡觉。

    lambs bleat my lullaby.

  20. 看牧童喂他的羊群

    Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks

  21. 羊群在牧场上吃草。

    Sheep are grazing in the pasture.

  22. 狗把羊群赶在一起。

    The dogs herded the sheep together.

  23. 让他们和羊群为伍吧。

    Let them join the sheep.

  24. 羊群在草原上吃草。

    Groups of sheep are grazing on the grassland.

  25. 羊群正在牧场上吃草。

    The sheep are out at feed.

  26. 羊群应该睡在羊圈里。

    Sheep should sleep in a shed.

  27. 一只山羊离开了羊群。

    A goat had strayed from the herd.

  28. 羊群正在山坡上吃草。

    Sheep are grazing on the hillside.

  29. 牧羊人把羊群赶下山。

    The shepherd herded his sheep down the mountain.

  30. 羊群已经把青草吃短。

    The sheep had cropped the grass short.


  1. 问:羊群联络员拼音怎么拼?羊群联络员的读音是什么?羊群联络员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:羊群联络员的读音是yáng qún lián luò yuán,羊群联络员翻译成英文是 camp tender




中文名 羊群 外文名 The Flock 制片地区 美国 上映时间 2007年9月13日 对白语言 英语 色 彩 彩色在线影音1养殖名词 保暖:羊的耐寒能力相对较强,但冬季羊舍温度不能低于0℃,羔羊舍不能低于8℃,产房要保持在10℃~18℃。过冬前,要及早检修羊舍,对屋顶和墙壁进行必要的修补,防止漏风漏雪。地处野外的羊圈,应在北墙外用玉米秸设挡风屏障;密闭式羊...