



1. 尿 [niào]2. 尿 [suī]尿 [niào]小便,肾脏的排泄液:~液。~布。~肥。~素。排泄小便:~尿。尿 [suī]小便(限于名词):尿(niào )~。~脬(膀胱。亦作“尿泡”)。……


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……






汉语拼音:niào bù shī



  1. Judy: I heard you. Stop sitting there on your butt. Come and help me with the diapers.

  2. Please click here to a kindergarten for Bangbang Tang, a silk Sassafras tsumu the nose, a Kaidang pants, urine is not a wetland.

  3. Urine-wetness scrap was selected as core of aluminum-plastic panel replacing LLDPE.

  4. In addition, the newborn can use diapers , and after more than one month old baby with diaper appropriate.

  5. a Kaidang pants, urine is not a wetland. We would like to inform! !

  6. Baby wipes, even after they are past using diapers, are indispensable for all kinds of messes.

  7. Diaper sales will grow from 24. 3 billion yuan in 2011 to 28. 4 billion yuan in 2012, Euromonitor estimates.

  8. For example, your nanny money, milk money, diapers and other money.

  9. Urine absorbing aids - Vocabulary - Conditions of urinary incontinence


  1. 我听见了。别坐在那了, 过来帮我换尿不湿!

    Judy I heard you. Stop sitting there on your butt. Come and help me with the diapers.

  2. 药芯慎防尿湿

    The medicinal core can not be urinated.

  3. 您尿不出来吗?

    You have no urine Please wait for a while.?

  4. 小便总是尿不净。

    I feel like I still have to go after urinating.

  5. 久在河边走, 哪能不湿脚。

    The pitcher goes often to the well but is broken at last.

  6. 有尿意尿不出来是什么原因?

    What reason is uric meaning make water does not come out ?

  7. 手术膜预防小儿尿湿伤口的护理。

    Application of Operating Plastic Film to Prevention of Young Children's Wound from Being Wet by Urine.

  8. 手术膜预防小儿尿湿伤口得护理。

    Application of Operating Plastic Film to Prevention of Young Children's Wound from Being Wet by Urine.

  9. 有人在就尿不出是咱家遗传

    Peeshy runs in the family.

  10. 用于湿温尿赤, 淋病涩痛, 水肿尿少, 乳汁不下。

    Being used in typhoid, paratyphoid with dark urine, pain in gonorrhea, edema scanty urine, and lack of mothers milk.

  11. 淋浴时保证头发不湿的贴头帽。

    a tight cap worn to keep hair dry while showering.

  12. 天气晴朗不湿, 始终是风和日暖。

    The day is clear and dry, and it is sunny and warm all the time.

  13. 天气晴朗不湿,天天都风和日暖。

    The day is clear and dry, and it is sunny and warm all the time.

  14. 排尿不顺或感觉疼痛或有灼热感。

    Difficulty during urination, or feel pain or burns.

  15. 要洁身自好, 常在河边走, 也要不湿鞋。

    To abstinence, often in the river walk, we must not wet shoes.

  16. 别得意,常在河边走,哪有不湿鞋

    Don't Be Smug. This Is One Of Our People's Lives At Stake.

  17. 排尿不畅可能是由泌尿系统疾病引起的。

    Urination difficulty may be caused by urinary system diseases.

  18. 排尿不畅可能是由泌尿系统疾病引起得。

    Urination difficulty may be caused by urinary system diseases.

  19. 排尿不畅可能是由泌尿系统疾病引起的。

    Urination difficulty may be caused by urinary system diseases.

  20. 熨平不湿混凝土找平船员,和熨平板更精确!

    Screed concrete without a wet screed crew, and screed it more precisely!

  21. 因此现在你可以不湿鞋就可以走遍整块珊瑚礁。

    And so now you can walk through a coral reef without getting wet.

  22. 宠物旅行箱内应垫有吸水的材料,以免宠物尿湿后不舒服。

    Pet suitcase should be absorbent pad material, so as to avoid wet after pet uncomfortable.

  23. 是啊,没有头发,没有牙齿,而且我觉得我刚刚还尿湿了裤子。

    Yep. No hair, no teeth, and I think I just wet my pants.

  24. 祸不单行。眼见为实。常在河边走,哪有不湿鞋。

    Misfortunes never come alone.54.Seeing is believing.54.Touch pitch,and you will be defiled.

  25. 什么时候三个大恐龙在一个雨伞下还淋不湿?

    When can three giant dinosaurs get under one umbrella and get wet ?

  26. 今天是个大阴天, 天气凉凉爽爽的, 既不湿又不热。

    It is a big cloudy day today, nice and cool, neither wet nor hot.

  27. 早晨起来, 我偷偷地把尿湿得被单放到脸盆里浸上。

    In the mornings I would sneak the soiled sheets to the washbasin and soak them.

  28. 工头指着我尿湿的裤子,大笑起来,其他工人也跟着哄笑起来。

    The foreman pointed at my soiled pants and laughed and the other workers laughed, too.

  29. 锯棕榈历来被用来作为一种草药的症状缓解短期尿不适。

    Saw palmetto has traditionally been used as a herbal remedy for the symptomatic relief of shortterm urinary discomfort.

  30. 测量弄的一身泥,真应了一句常在河边走哪有不湿脚。

    My body is all the mud. Often in the river do not go there feet wet.




