




木料,泛指一切原料或资料:~料。教(jiào )~。素~。题~。就地取~。能力,资质:~干(gàn )。大~小用。因~施教(jiào)。棺木:寿~。……



汉语拼音:xīn cái






心材 [xīn cái]
  1. 树干中央部分的木材,内为髓心,外为边材。因为化学物质沉淀,颜色较浓。



  1. extract of the heartwood of Acacia catechu used for dying and tanning and preserving fishnets and sails; formerly used medicinally.


  2. The small permeability in heartwood mainly was due to there were large tylosis in the vessels and vestured pit between the vessels.


  3. Ferreous mesua is qualitative firm and heavy, duramen is damask, pith line fine beauty, make furniture with its, wear well.


  4. Rated as very resistant to heartwood decay, it is one of the most durable woods even under conditions favourable to decay.


  5. They used it to scent their bark cloth (tapa cloth) by pounding chips of its heartwood into the bark of paper mulberry.


  6. The wood varies in colour from a flesh shade to a light reddish-brown with little distinction between heartwood and sapwood.


  7. The heartwood yields a red dye. Seed can be used for oil extraction.


  8. Rough redwood or construction grade heartwood lumber are the preferred choices for wall construction.


  9. tree of India and East Indies yielding a hard fragrant timber prized for cabinetwork and dark red heartwood used as a dyewood.


  1. 心材褐色腐朽

    Heart rot.

  2. 边心材转化

    transformation of sapwood to heartwood.

  3. 心材含有物

    heart substance.

  4. 四川栲树心材腐朽病研究

    A New Heart Rot of Castanopsis fargesii in Sichuan of China

  5. 板栗心材褐腐病初报

    Heart Rot of Castanea mollisima in Central China

  6. 心材管孔内含黄色沉积物。

    Heartwood contain yellow sediment.

  7. 国外对杨树湿心材的研究

    Foreign Studies on wet heart wood of poplars

  8. 鹊肾树心材化学成分研究

    Chemical Constituents in Woodheart of Streblus asper

  9. 边材微黄色,心材坚硬而且沉重。

    The sapwood is yellowish with a hard and heavy heartwood.

  10. 树木心材的特点及其加工利用

    Characteristic and its utilization of heartwood of a tree

  11. 这是河边白桦得一块心材。

    It was a piece of the heartwood from the river birch.

  12. 这是河边白桦的一块心材。

    It was a piece of the heartwood from the river birch.

  13. 美国南部小型树种,深红色心材。

    Small tree of southern United States having dark red heartwood.

  14. 我们都知道,心材价格一向高于边材价格。

    We all know that the price of heartwood is higher than that of sapwood.

  15. 我们都知道,心材价格一向高于边材价格。

    We all know that the price of heartwood is higher than that of sapwood.

  16. 边材的窄带颜色与心材非常相似。

    The narrow band of sapwood is very similar in colour to the heartwood.

  17. 家具的时候, 一定要分辨边材和心材。

    One must be able to differentiate between cambium and heartwood when buying furniture.

  18. 在水平方向,别是边材为心材的1。24倍。

    In horizontal direction, the sapwood is1.24 times as large as heartwood.

  19. 买家具的时候,一定要分辨边材和心材。

    One must be able to differentiate between cambium and heartwood when buying furniture.

  20. 买家具的时候,一定要分辨边材和心材。

    One must be able to differentiate between cambium and heartwood when buying furniture.

  21. 侧柏心材活性成分的提取及其抑菌性能

    The Effective Components Extraction and Antifungal Test for the Heartwood of Platycladus orientalis.

  22. 心材暗红褐至紫褐色,具深浅交替条纹。

    Heartwood from dark brown to purple brown, alternating stripes.

  23. 买家俱的时候,一定要分辨边材和心材。

    One must be able to differentiate between cambium and heartwood when buying furniture.

  24. 杉木心材精油抑菌活性及其化学成分研究

    Chemical components and antimicrobial activity of essential oils in Cunninghamia lanceolata heartwood

  25. 重要得一点说明是, 这里得颜色是指边材和心材得颜色。

    It is important to note, color in this explanation refers to sapwood and heartwood.

  26. 重要的一点说明是,这里的颜色是指边材和心材的颜色。

    It is important to note, color in this explanation refers to sapwood and heartwood.

  27. 材色雪白,无心材变色,旋切加工和胶合性能良好。

    Material color is white, do not have duramen back cut treatment and agglutination function good.

  28. 其心材可生产一种红色的颜料,种子可用来榨油。

    The heartwood yields a red dye. Seed can be used for oil extraction.

  29. 抽提和压缩处理对杉木心材吸水吸湿性的影响

    Effect of Extraction and Compression on Hygroscopicity of Chinese Fir Heartwood.

  30. 木材防腐剂渗透性和木材心材和边材之间分化的试验方法

    Test method for penetration of preservatives in wood and for differentiating between heartwood and sapwood


  1. 问:心材拼音怎么拼?心材的读音是什么?心材翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心材的读音是xīncái,心材翻译成英文是 Corewood, economically valuable than the sapwo...

  2. 问:心材板拼音怎么拼?心材板的读音是什么?心材板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心材板的读音是xīn cái bǎn,心材板翻译成英文是 heart plank

  3. 问:心材面板拼音怎么拼?心材面板的读音是什么?心材面板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心材面板的读音是xīn cái miàn bǎn,心材面板翻译成英文是 heart-face board




解释: 木本茎干最内的颜色通常较深的木材。


解释: The innermost, usually somewhat darker wood of a woody stem. 在生活的树木中已不含生活细胞的中心部分,其贮藏物质(如淀粉)已不存在或转化为心材物质;通常色深;无输导树液与贮藏营养物质的功能;其主要对整株植物起到支持作用。心材一词商业上通常指树心部分有显著材色者。心材是由边材逐渐转化形成,时间自3年至30年以上。