







汉语拼音:liàng zhào






  1. 犹亮察。

    茅盾 《给姚雪垠同志》:“年来健忘,新读之书,只记大概,不能记细节,此情想蒙亮照也。”



  1. The bacon does not shine on its base.


  1. 这台灯光线太亮了, 照得我刺眼。

    The table lamp gives so much light that I'm dazzled by it.

  2. 楼下的窗户被街灯照的亮眼。

    A downstairs window was brilliantly illuminated by a street lamp.

  3. 在摄影的世界中,没有照不亮的阴影。

    In photography there are no shadows that cannot be illuminated.

  4. 烧得越旺,照得越亮。

    He that burns most shine most.

  5. 这盏灯照得挺亮。

    The lamp was shining brightly.

  6. 月亮正是照得最亮得时候。

    The moon was shining at its Brightest.

  7. 中秋的满月在外面照得很亮。

    The harvest moon shone clear outside.

  8. 在中午的阳光里, 那玩意几照得多么亮。

    He had a pointed thing, made of gold, on his head, it glittered in the bright light of midday.

  9. 灯塔随亮, 照不到自己得底座。

    The bacon does not shine on its base.

  10. 月亮真亮, 照得这些花跟白天一样明亮。

    So bright was the moon that the flowers were bright as by day.

  11. 它们将把街道照得更明更亮。

    They would illuminate the streets more brightly.

  12. 炉火熊熊,直冲烟囱,把屋子照得又明又亮。

    Up the chimney roared the fire, and brightened the room with its broad blaze.

  13. 摇曳的火光照亮了整个山洞, 映照着两个影子来回摆动。

    The light of bombard of fluttering illuminated the whole cave and shone upon two shadow returns sway.

  14. 电灯把大街照得烁亮。

    The street was ablaze with lights.

  15. 月亮正是照得最亮的时候。

    The moon was shining at its Brightest.

  16. 灯塔随亮,照不到自己的底座。

    The bacon does not shine on its base.

  17. 楼下得窗户被街灯照得亮眼。

    A downstairs window was brilliantly illuminated by a street lamp.

  18. 阳光穿过树叶照在地上,现出一块块亮斑。

    The sun shinning through the leaves dappled the ground.

  19. 落日照亮了天空

    The sunset kindled the skies.

  20. 月光照亮了田野。

    The moon kindled the field.

  21. 月光照亮了记忆。

    The moonbeam shines my memory.

  22. 月光照亮了山谷。

    Moonlight illuminated the valley.

  23. 火光照亮了半边天。

    The fire kindled half the skies.

  24. 他打扮得漂漂亮亮,叫人照了一张相。

    He slicked up and had a photo taken.

  25. 火光照亮了她得脸。

    The fire lit her face.

  26. 月光照亮了广阔的草原。

    The moon's flame brightened the vast expanse of grassland.

  27. 炮管发出的火光照亮了夜空。

    The muzzle blasts lit up the sky.

  28. 幽暗的棚屋被一种柔和的荧光照亮了。

    The shed was lit up with a soft glow.

  29. 入夜之后,巨大的电动广告牌照亮了整条街。

    By night, the huge electric signs light up the whole street.

  30. 烈火在她身后燃烧,炽热、通红的火光照亮了整个地区。

    The flare had burst behind her, lighting the whole area with its fiery red glow.