







汉语拼音:zhú jiǎn







  1. 古代用以书写、记事的竹片。

    《后汉书·宦者传·蔡伦》:“自古书契多编以竹简,其用縑帛者谓之为纸。” 晋 荀勗 《<穆天子传>序》:“ 汲县 民 不準 盗发古冢所得书也,皆竹简素丝编,以臣 勗 前所考定古尺度其简,长二尺四寸,以墨书,一简四十字。” 清 俞樾 《茶香室续钞·宋人书帖犹用竹简》:“ 南宋 初,士大夫书翰犹用竹简。” 胡适 《答任叔永书》:“正如古人用刀刻竹作字,后来有了纸笔,便不用刀笔竹简了。”

  2. 指史册。

    清 陈梦雷 《作书友人投笔志恨》诗之一:“我志原何许,逢人却乞怜。是非留竹简,方寸付苍天。”



  1. In a word, it was a valuable law literature and had the undoubtful law position in the Early Han Dynasty.


  2. You can refer to Chang Sha Zhou Ma Lou's Bamboo's disposing method, dunking in distilled water, if it dehydrate, it will be cracked.


  3. With bamboo strips from Guodian, non-connection between the Heaven and man is a basic thought of early Confucianism.


  4. According to the age of the grave, archaeologists determined that these slips could be dated prior to 278 BCE.


  5. After finishing, after the bamboo slips unearthed in two parts: the Confucian and Taoist works works.


  6. Authors of the report that the era of the Ci Mu Qin Dynasty, these bamboo Department of Qin bamboo slips.


  7. Because the times of Confucius, there is no invention of paper, the book is simplified into a bamboo or wood, and not only stupid again.


  8. The required text will be highlighted and the matching part of the Jianbo image will be indicated by a red dot.


  9. Finally, the grammatology value of the bamboo slips is revealed from the four aspects.


  1. 竹简博物馆

    Baboom Slip Museum.

  2. 曾侯乙墓竹简

    Inscribed Bamboo Slips from the Tomb of Zeng Marquis Yi

  3. 银雀山竹简

    Yinque Mountain bamboo slips

  4. 长沙走马楼竹简

    Bamboo Slips Unearthed from Zoumalou of Changsha

  5. 睡虎地秦墓竹简

    Qin Suihudi bamboo slips

  6. 烧竹简及鸭片伴寿司

    Roated Sushi and Duck Meat in Bamboo Slip

  7. 郭店楚墓竹简老子琐议

    The Bamboo Slip Lao Tzu from Guodian Chu Tombs

  8. 对我而言,是一字一字刻竹简。

    To me, chiseling on granite.

  9. 银雀山汉墓竹简异文研究

    YiWen Study on Bamboo Slips of Han Dynasty in Mount Yinque

  10. 孙子于6世纪将孙子兵法编写在竹简上。

    The Art of War by Sun Tzu was composed on a bamboo slip in the 6th century.

  11. 出土的木牍竹简极有历史价值。

    The excavated wooden tablets and bamboo slips are of great historical value.

  12. 严重朽蚀饱水竹简的真空冷冻干燥研究

    Studies on the drying of waterlogged bamboo slips by vacuum freezing

  13. 睡虎地秦墓竹简字形系统定量研究

    Quantitive Study of Characters Written on Bamboo Slips of Shuihudi Tomb of Qin Dynasty

  14. 在发明纸张以前, 竹简是最常用的书写介质。

    Before paper was invented, slips of bamboo were the most important writing medium.

  15. 竹简诗论的基本观点大多为毛诗序所继承。

    The fundamental viewpoints in the bamboo's letters Shi lun are mostly accepted by Mao shi xu.

  16. 从张家山竹简看汉初的赋税征课制度

    The system of levying taxes in early han dynasty seen from the bamboo slips unearthed at zhangjiashan

  17. 有的史实虽然史书也有记载, 但不如竹简记载得详细。

    Although some of the history books have recorded the historical facts, but a more detailed record than bamboo.

  18. 曾侯乙墓竹简编联与缀合关系的局部调整与考察

    Readjustment of Partial Bamboo Slips of Zenghou Yi Tomb

  19. 竹简得天人之分影响到孟子, 而与荀子有所不同。

    Mencius is different with Xun Zi under the influence of this thought.

  20. 竹简的天人之分影响到孟子,而与荀子有所不同。

    Mencius is different with Xun Zi under the influence of this thought.

  21. 甘肃天水放马滩一号秦墓,出土竹简460枚。

    Fong Ma Tianshui, Gansu Beach on the1st Qin tomb, unearthed bamboo slips460.

  22. 真正的书籍书写在竹简上,简书的问世略早于孔子。

    The true form of the book was not born until bamboo pieces were used as the medium of writing a little before Confucius.

  23. 报告编写者认为此墓的年代为秦代,这批竹简系秦简。

    Authors of the report that the era of the Ci Mu Qin Dynasty, these bamboo Department of Qin bamboo slips.


  1. 问:竹简拼音怎么拼?竹简的读音是什么?竹简翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竹简的读音是zhújiǎn,竹简翻译成英文是 bamboo slip


