






1. 远 [yuǎn]2. 远 [yuàn]远 [yuǎn]距离长,与“近”相对:~方。~道。~程。~景。~足(较远的徒步旅行)。~见(远大的眼光)。~虑。~谋。~客。遥~。~走高飞。舍近就~。时间长:~古。~祖。长~。永~。关系疏,不亲密……


用耳朵接受声音:~力。~写。~觉。聆~。洗耳恭~。顺从,接受别人的意见:言~计从。任凭,随:~任(rèn )。~凭。~之任之。治理;判断:~讼(审理案件)。~政。量词,指马口铁密封成筒状以贮藏食物、饮料等:一~可口可乐。……






  1. 网络
  2. the cart rumble away

  1. 你离得这样远听得见吗?

    Would you be able to hear at such a distance?

  2. 他们离得这样远听得见吗

    Would they be able to hear at such a distance.

  3. 我叫她, 但她离得远听不见。

    I called her but she was out of hearing.

  4. 待离远听不见她的话时, 她才对下手们发表意见。

    She said to some of her satellites, when at a safe hearing distance.

  5. 这个声音很远都听得到。

    The sound could be heard at a great distance.

  6. 其实这远不如听起来那么极端。

    That is much less radical than It'sounds.

  7. 我离得太远,听不到他们的谈话。

    I was too far away to overhear their conversation.

  8. 歌声听得见,但是隔得太远,听不清歌词。

    The chant was audible but at that distance still wordless.

  9. 他离得很远, 听不见我们的喊声。

    He was out of earshot and could not hear our shouts

  10. 她离得很远, 听不到我们的喊声。

    She was out of earshot and could not hear our shouts.

  11. 微型间谍监听听听远!听私下单耳塞。总括行动!

    Micro Spy Listener Hear far away!Listen privately with the single bud. Catch all the action!

  12. 虽然可以看到他们, 但因为太远, 听不见他们在说什么。

    Though they could be seen, they were out of hearing.

  13. 我知道是你,好远就能听出你的声音。

    I knew it was you. I could recognize your voice a mile off.

  14. 他离得很远了,听不见我们的喊声。

    He was out of earshot and could not hear our shouts.

  15. 谁知刚追出去不远, 就听到后面轰隆一声, 似乎什么东西倒了。

    Who knows not just hurried outside, heard a crash out on, It'seems that what fell.

  16. 玛丽对着她的父亲高喊, 但他离得太远了, 听不到她的喊叫。

    Mary called out to her father, but he was too far away and couldn't hear her.

  17. 再远的声音就听不见了。

    No further sound could be heard.

  18. 你离她远点,你听懂了吗?

    You keep her out of it. You understand me?

  19. 我听列车声逐渐远去。

    I heard the sound of the car dying away.

  20. 声音一放大,可能听得更远。

    When sound is amplified, it can be heard a greater distance.

  21. 听了我的梦, 弃我去远。

    Leaving me after hearing my dreams.

  22. 他们很远就听到防盗门铃响了。

    They could hear the burglar alarm a mile away.

  23. 他们很远就听到防盗门铃响了。

    They could hear the burglar alarm a mile away.

  24. 他听着那个的人脚步声走远了。

    He listened sound of the man's feet died away.

  25. 他听到了马蹄的哒哒声和马车车轮的辘辘声。

    He heard the clip clop of horses feet and the rumble of wagon wheels.

  26. 那喊声真惨,我很远就听到了。

    It was really hard, the distance I could hear.

  27. 我们听到房子下面滚动大木桶的辘辘噪声。

    We heard rumbling noises of barrels being rolled under the house.

  28. 有时声音很远, 但我们却能够听得很清楚。

    Sometimes a sound is far away and yet it is often possible for us to hear it clearly.

  29. 演说家必须有很远都能听到的嗓音。

    A public speaker must have a voice that carries well.

  30. 该功能可以防止远端听到他们的回声。

    It prevents the other end from hearing an echo of themselves.



lù lù yuǎn tīng ㄌㄨˋ ㄌㄨˋ ㄧㄨㄢˇ ㄊㄧㄥ