







汉语拼音:cún gēn







  1. 票据、证件等开出后所留的底子,内容与票据、证件等相同,留存备查。




  1. In those cases we need to see a paper trail history of original documents showing the origins of that money.


  2. Try performing a POST against your handler to see the response from the stub, as if you were trying to create a new entry in the database.


  3. In the absence of any other actions on the part of the requestor, the default value is used as the endpoint address by the stub.


  4. For a few years now, RPG programmers have had the ability to invoke web services using C stubs emitted by the wsdl2ws. sh tool.


  5. Often it turns out to be a small stub process left running by an editor or Web browser after you ve closed the user interface.


  6. Using a stub class to test the web service could be very tedious because a stub class needs to be regenerated every time the SEI changes.


  7. The router removes the message completely and leaves only a deletion stub, allowing the message to be removed from replica copies as well.


  8. An instance of a generated stub class (more on which in the next installment in this series).


  9. In the case of assignment of registered bonds, the company shall record the assignee's name and domicile on the record of bondholders.


  1. 轴轴直径存根。

    Shaft Stub shaft dia.

  2. 有收据和存根。

    There are the receipt and stub.

  3. 发票存根, 发票复写联

    original invoice, carbon copy

  4. 发单存根记帐法

    bill and charge system

  5. 指定其他缓存根文件夹。

    Specify a different cache root folder.

  6. 一个生成的存根类实例。

    An instance of a generated stub class.

  7. 指定托管转换到非托管的存根框架。

    Specifies an unmanagedtomanaged stub frame.

  8. 公司发行公司债券应当置备公司债券存根簿。

    A company which issues corporate Bonds shall keep a corporate Bonds register.

  9. 一定要拿到寄运行李的存根。

    Make sure you get a baggage check stub.

  10. 要生成这些存根, 您应该使用例如

    To generate these stubs, you should use a tool such as the

  11. 这里是你们得行李提领存根。

    Here are your baggage claim stubs, miss.

  12. 这里是你们的行李提领存根。

    Here are your baggage claim stubs, miss.

  13. 您有两种方法可以创建服务存根

    There are two ways in which you can create service stubs

  14. 此外,存根的颜色与交易凭证的颜色相同。

    In addition, the colour of the counterfoils will reflect the colour of the transaction vouchers.

  15. 采用各种语言生成客户端和服务存根。

    Generate client and service stubs in various languages.

  16. 改善了安全硬连接和文件系统存根许可。

    Improvements have been made to secure hard links and filesystem stub permissions.

  17. 根据绑定要求可以存在不同的存根实现。

    There can be different implementations of stubs based on the binding requirements.

  18. 我可以把以前所有的彩票存根给他们看。

    I mean I could show them my previous lottery stubs.

  19. 我可以把以前所有得彩票存根给他们看。

    I mean I could show them my previous lottery stubs.

  20. 收藏的唱片都被卖了,以及股票和存根。

    She cashed in the CDs, she gave away the stocks and the certificates.

  21. 有得。小姐, 这里是你们得行李提领存根。

    I do. Here are your baggage claim stubs, miss.

  22. 有的。小姐, 这里是你们的行李提领存根。

    I do. Here are your baggage claim stubs, miss.

  23. 注册从接口定义语言中生成的代理和存根。

    Register the proxy and stub generated from Interface Definition Language.

  24. 您的两个领取行李的存根贴在机票正面了。

    Your two baggage claim stubs are attached to the ticket cover.

  25. 这些存根是由生成得类提供得, 它们是由工具创建得。

    These stubs are provided by the generated classes, which are created by tools.

  26. 这些存根是由生成的类提供的,它们是由工具创建的。

    These stubs are provided by the generated classes, which are created by tools.

  27. 对于客户机而言,存根对象就是接口的实现者。

    As far as the client can tell, the stub object is the implementer of the interface.

  28. 若没有存根,航空公司要帮忙你就很困难了。

    Without it, the airline will have great difficulty helping you.

  29. 填报股权变更后的企业批准证书存根原件1份。

    One original of Approved Certificate Counterfoil filled by enterprises whose stock rights are changed.

  30. 这里是您得机票。领取行李得存根就附在上面。

    Here are your tickets.The baggage claim stubs are attached to them.


  1. 问:存根拼音怎么拼?存根的读音是什么?存根翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存根的读音是cúngēn,存根翻译成英文是 counterfoil

  2. 问:存根卡片拼音怎么拼?存根卡片的读音是什么?存根卡片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存根卡片的读音是cún gēn kǎ piàn,存根卡片翻译成英文是 stub card

  3. 问:存根收据拼音怎么拼?存根收据的读音是什么?存根收据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存根收据的读音是cún gēn shōu jù,存根收据翻译成英文是 counterfoil receipt




【读音】cún gēn

