


1. 欠 [qiàn]欠 [qiàn]人在疲倦时张口出气:打哈~。身体稍稍向上移动:~身。短少,不够:~缺。~安。借别人的财物没有还或应当给人的事物还没有给:拖~。~账。……


适当,合适:稳~。不~。~当(dàng )。~贴(恰当,十分合适。亦作“妥帖”)。~善。~协(让步,放弃争执)。安稳,停当(多用在动词后):已经商量~了。……



汉语拼音:qiàn tuǒ








  1. At noon yesterday, many come to pick up the child parents on a green scarf is not understood, that school this defect, no parents opinion.


  2. I think he stroke a false note when he said at the meeting that we should all listen to him on the matter.


  3. The next day, allison mom first give can play DE law of the wedding, said eqation big can house, pleaded that task was hanging DE law wind.


  4. are able to be stolen, pilfered or may be damaged due to improper handling or stowage.


  5. And there were many European countries and governments who dealt with that change even less well and who were, in the end, swept away by it.


  6. He thought little of her opinion.


  7. Article author is in education process, preliminary discovery " generality " in the place that has many not proper or accident.


  8. China frequently calls criticism of its policies "inappropriate" and accuses critics of lacking objectivity.


  9. To have a blanket national curriculum for everyone is not particularly appropriate because individuals have individual needs.


  1. 所有权欠妥

    defect in title.

  2. 这些都是欠妥的。

    All of those are not proper.

  3. 他觉得这个比喻欠妥。

    The analogy left him unsatisfied.

  4. 而这样看待他是欠妥的。

    This is not the right way to look at him.

  5. 他认为她的意见欠妥。

    He thought little of her opinion.

  6. 他的计划在经济上欠妥。

    His scheme is not economically sound.

  7. 笔者认为这种走线方法欠妥。

    I believe that this method of alignment.

  8. 他的通知在措辞上有些欠妥。

    His message was not very happily worded.

  9. 他认为我的讲话有两点欠妥。

    He faulted my speech in two ways.

  10. 我们认为这种接洽欠妥,也极不道德。

    We consider this contact to be inappropriate and highly unethical.

  11. 想来想去,我觉得这主意还是欠妥。

    You know what? I think this was a bad idea.

  12. 还有, 楼上得旅游安排也欠妥当!

    In addition, the travel arrangements are also upstairs irregularities!

  13. 还有,楼上的旅游安排也欠妥当!

    In addition, the travel arrangements are also upstairs irregularities!

  14. 选材不当,文章的难易程度把握欠妥。

    Selection of misconduct, the article grasp the extent of the difficulty defects.

  15. 公司应该被谴责,他们处理的方法欠妥。

    The company should be condemned, the ways of approach is failure.

  16. 这也不能说是学校的课时安排欠妥。

    This couldn't be blamed on the school.

  17. 他也鼓励同学们逆来顺受,暂时忍受设备欠妥的事实。

    He also encouraged the students to accept the adverse conditions, and to endure temporarily the fact that the facilities were inadequate.

  18. 第8条款得规定将适用于任何其他所有权欠妥之处。

    The provisions in 8. shall apply to any other defects of title.

  19. 第8条款的规定将适用于任何其他所有权欠妥之处。

    The provisions in 8. shall apply to any other defects of title.

  20. 目前,法国人承受不了哪怕一点点的行为欠妥。

    Right now, the French can illafford even the whiff of impropriety.

  21. 这一明显欠妥的公告发布一周后,雷蒙就黯然下台。

    One week after that impolitic disclosure, laymon left Ford.

  22. 付出了很大的努力,但终因方法欠妥功败垂成。

    Although they tried very hard, they failed on the verge of success because of improper approach.

  23. 他们付出了很大的努力,但终因方法欠妥功败垂成。

    Although they tried very hard, they failed on the verge of success because of improper approach.

  24. 他们付出了很大的努力,但终因方法欠妥功败垂成。

    Although they tried very hard, they failed on the verge of success because of improper approach.

  25. 经比勘,上海版存在错,漏,衍及字体转换欠妥等弊。

    After comparison, there are disadvantages like mistakes, missing words, redundancy and inappropriate typeface transformation.

  26. 任何判决、命令或法律程序均不得以地点欠妥而作废。

    No judgment, order or proceedings whatsoever shall liable to set aside on account of any defect in venue.


  1. 问:欠妥拼音怎么拼?欠妥的读音是什么?欠妥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欠妥的读音是qiàntuǒ,欠妥翻译成英文是 not proper; not appropriate