


1. 卷 [juàn]2. 卷 [juǎn]卷 [juàn]可以舒展和弯转成圆筒形的书画:长~。画~。手~。书籍的册本或篇章:上~。第一~。藏书十万~。~帙(书卷成束,用布裹或布囊装起来称“帙”,即书套。现一般指书籍)。考试用的纸:试~。机……


1. 铺 [pū]2. 铺 [pù]铺 [pū]把东西散开放置,平摆:~开摊平。~床。~垫(a.卧具;b.衬托,陪衬,写作技巧之一)。~张。平~直叙。铺 [pù]商店:饭~。肉~。~面。床:床~。搭~。卧~。旧时的驿站:三十里~。……


1. 盖 [gài]2. 盖 [gě]3. 盖 [hé]盖 [gài]有遮蔽作用的东西:~子。锅~。瓶~。膝~。天灵~。伞:雨~。由上往下覆,遮掩:覆~。遮~。掩~。~浇饭。压倒,超过:~世无双。方言,超出一般地好:这本书真叫~!用印,打上……



汉语拼音:juǎn pū gai







  1. 比喻辞职或被解雇。

    曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“你们收拾不收拾?不收拾我就卷铺盖滚蛋。” 钱锺书 《围城》一:“ 阿刘 哑声告诉,姓 孙 的那几个人打牌,声音太闹,给 法国 管事查到了,大吵其架,自己的饭碗也砸破了,等会就得卷铺盖下船。”



  1. After the commencement ceremony is over, your child will be ready to move back into your house for a period of several years.


  2. As the bank's primary regulator, the Fed can force out executives if the agency concludes they are behaving irresponsibly. Mr.


  3. Your boss might not give you a raise and instead point you to the door.


  4. The boy met Jaime by the stables, with a bedroll slung over one shoulder and a bundle of scrolls beneath his arm.


  5. Hey, Unexpectedly, a few days ago, they all go home.


  6. You and your father have Until noon to collect your luggage.


  7. You are wearing out of welcome, Vietnam IDs. Pack up and leave.


  8. WHEN a firm declares bankruptcy, shareholders are typically wiped out and creditors seize control.


  9. Don't be afraid to let someone go if he doesn't fit in.


  1. 卷铺盖走人

    to pack one's bags

  2. 叫他卷铺盖走人。

    Tell him to pack up and go.

  3. 要么付钱, 要么卷铺盖走人。

    Pay up or pack up.

  4. 叫他卷铺盖走人吧!

    Ask him to roll his quilt and go!

  5. 那法国小丑应卷铺盖走人!

    The French clown should be sent packing!

  6. 我可以让你马上卷铺盖走人。

    You know I can get you sacked forthat.

  7. 你最希望哪站比赛卷铺盖滚蛋?

    Which race would you most like to see dropped from the calendar?

  8. 当时我想, 是时候卷铺盖回家了。

    So, I decided it was time to end and go back home.

  9. 因此, 或许你该让他卷铺盖走人了。

    So, maybe it is time to give him the proverbial boot.

  10. 同样立刻卷铺盖回家似乎也不现实。

    Nor does packing up and going home seem on the cards.

  11. 希望你这拳打得值 你卷铺盖走人吧。

    Well, I hope that was worth it, 'cause you're fired.

  12. 如果你明天再迟到,那就卷铺盖走吧!

    If you're late again tomorrow, you'll get the sack!

  13. 他不想再在这儿干,于是卷铺盖走人了。

    He didn't want to work here any longer, so he quit.

  14. 如果他再那样做的话, 你应该让他卷铺盖滚蛋。

    You should send him packing if he behaves like that again.

  15. 队长知道如果他得队再败一场,他就得卷铺盖。

    The captain knew that if his team lost another match he would get his marching orders.

  16. 队长知道如果他的队再败一场, 他就得卷铺盖。

    The captain knew that if his team lost another match he would get his marching orders.

  17. 算计着, 大概新女仆来到就是他该卷铺盖的时候了。

    He didn't care, for experience hard taught him to take and lose jobs with equanimity.

  18. 如果有人敢午休,那就马上卷铺盖走人,永远不要再回实验室!

    Go to your mother's house for afternoon naps and never come back!

  19. 他们扛着铺盖卷。

    They carried their bedrolls.

  20. 祥子看着地上的铺盖卷。

    Xiangzi looked at his bedding on the floor.

  21. 祥子看着地上得铺盖卷。

    Xiangzi looked at his bedding on the floor.

  22. 流浪者, 游民流浪汉, 尤指带着铺盖卷。

    A hobo, especially one who carries a bedroll.

  23. 要卷起铺盖走人了。

    To pack up their guitar suitcase and go.

  24. 如果他们被忽视了, 那结果很可能是卷起铺盖, 另投明主。

    If they are ignored, they may pack up and move to a more friendly jurisdiction.

  25. 卷起来要带走的铺盖。

    Bedding rolled up for carrying.

  26. 带着铺盖卷

    carry a bedroll.

  27. 她背上背着铺盖卷, 怀中抱着婴儿。

    Then, their bedding on her back and the baby in her arms, she led them away.

  28. 流浪者, 游民流浪汉, 尤指带着铺盖卷的人

    A hobo, especially one who carries a bedroll.

  29. 他走到他的铺盖卷,拿出一打书写纸。

    He went over to his roll of bedding and drew out a writing pad.

  30. 于是我保证下次带些被褥,比如铺盖卷,床单以及一个床架来。

    So I promised to bring some bedding, such as bedrolls, bedspreads and a bedstead next time.


  1. 问:卷铺盖拼音怎么拼?卷铺盖的读音是什么?卷铺盖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷铺盖的读音是juǎnpūgai,卷铺盖翻译成英文是 to pack up and leave; to get fired


