


1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……


用耳朵接受声音:~力。~写。~觉。聆~。洗耳恭~。顺从,接受别人的意见:言~计从。任凭,随:~任(rèn )。~凭。~之任之。治理;判断:~讼(审理案件)。~政。量词,指马口铁密封成筒状以贮藏食物、饮料等:一~可口可乐。……



汉语拼音:zhōng tīng








  1. 《书·吕刑》:“民之乱,罔不中听狱之两辞。” 孔 传:“民之所以治,由典狱之无不以中正听狱之两辞。”后以指治狱得当。

    《晏子春秋·问下七》:“节欲则民富,中听则民安。” 张纯一 校注引 孙星衍 曰:“中听,听狱得中也。”

  2. 听起来顺耳;好听。

    唐 王建 《赠洪哲师》诗:“老僧真古画,閒坐语中听。” 宋 梅尧臣 《送崔黄臣殿丞之任庐山》诗:“其间杜鹃不中听,掩耳聊看锦雉驯。”《醒世姻缘传》第八十回:“偏他説句话,我只是中听。” 赵树理 《小二黑结婚》一:“﹝ 小芹 ﹞听见她娘哼哼得很中听,站在桌前听了一会,把做饭也忘了。”



  1. In my distress I called to the Lord; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears.


  2. She was her usual self again on the phone, but I thought I heard something different from her voice.


  3. In reality, other people's suggestions may not be all that un- pleasant to hear, and they sometimes bring unexpected results.


  4. connie sat and listened in a sort of wonder , and a sort of fear . she did not know if he was right or not


  5. There was no report of whales in the area so we decided to test out Max' new, highly sensitive hydrophone7 and the result was astonishing.


  6. Over the phone his mother won't beg him to visit, but he hears the pleading in her voice.


  7. To hear him barking out orders at the steering wheel might be highly distracting, a hazard even.


  8. In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears.


  9. If I absolutely believed that (after hearing it a dozen times this postseason) I'd swear by them, too.


  1. 我从谣言中听。

    Heard It Through the Grapevine.

  2. 这个消息真中听。

    The news is so much music to our ears.

  3. 处于危险中听起来危险

    Be in danger sound dangerous

  4. 奉承话中听不中吃。

    Praise is not pudding.

  5. 他觉得这句话中听。

    He found these remarks very agreeable.

  6. 这话可不怎么中听啊。

    That's not too flattering.

  7. 他觉得这些话很中听。

    He found these remarks very agreeable.

  8. 教我如何从爱恋中听音乐

    Taught me to hear music out of love

  9. 他话语不多,可句句中听。

    His words are few; but everything he says makes good sense.

  10. 我不会对你说不中听的话。

    I'll never say mean things to you.

  11. 这个小男孩讲话很不中听。

    The little boy has a rough tongue.

  12. 也许只要你说几句中听的话。

    Just a few compliments maybe.

  13. 你说你在丛林中听到什么了。

    You said you heard something in the jungle.

  14. 无意中听有人在说你好话。

    Accidentally overhearing someone say sth nice about you.

  15. 从话音中听得出来她缺乏信心。

    Her voice carried no conviction.

  16. 也许他们太耿直,或者说话不中听。

    Meybe they were too candid or outspoken.

  17. 在收音机中听到你喜欢的歌。

    Hearing your favorite song on the radio

  18. 我就是 想不出中听的话来说。

    I can't lay my tongue to anything that sounds right.

  19. 这话太中听了,他不置可否地笑了。

    He smiled deprecatingly, for the words were sweet.

  20. 我说的虽不中听, 却是真话。

    What I say may not be complimentary but it is true

  21. 从她的话中听不出她的用意何在。

    It does not appear from her remarks what end she has in view.

  22. 你应该乐意接受他们不中听的忠告。

    You should take the unpleasant advice from them in good part.

  23. 有一块乐土,我曾在摇篮曲中听过。

    There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby.

  24. 我知道这话不中听,大家也不想这样。

    I know it's tough to hear. None of us wanted to do this.

  25. 你在工作中听音乐的话,最好使用耳机。

    Use headphones if you'll be listening to them in the middle of the workday.

  26. 她从他呼吸的声音中听出来他睡着了。

    The sound of his breathing told her he was asleep.

  27. 你们男人在一起讲的话全不中听的。

    You men never say anything worth listening to when you're together.

  28. 我似乎在他的声音中听出一些怒气。

    I seemed to detect some anger in his voice.

  29. 我无意中听到两位医生讨论我的病情。

    I overheard two doctors discussing my case.

  30. 当然了,奉承某人就是指对某人说中听的话。

    Of course to flatter someone is to say nice things about them.


  1. 问:中听拼音怎么拼?中听的读音是什么?中听翻译成英文是什么?

    答:中听的读音是zhōngtīng,中听翻译成英文是 pleasant to hear

