




1. 见 [jiàn]2. 见 [xiàn]见 [jiàn]看到:看~。罕~。~微知著。~义勇为。~异思迁。接触,遇到:怕~风。~习。看得出,显得出:~效。相形~绌。(文字等)出现在某处,可参考:~上。~下。会晤:会~。接~。对事物观察、认……



汉语拼音:ǒu jiàn






  1. The mucosa of parasitic positions thickened obviously to be gyrus -like and was covered with mucus, and slight hemorrhage was observed.


  2. You touch it when you hike through the hills and stumble across the ruins of a deserted shielding.


  3. The prescription with starch paste as a moisturizer proved to be poor in stability of quality and colors.


  4. Favorite place you visited on your first season: Switzerland! It was the most beautiful place I have ever seen.


  5. This high magnification of the atheroma shows numerous foam cells and an occasional cholesterol cleft.


  6. Yet, as an ugly and at times violent election season nears its end, the outcome is now on a knife-edge.


  7. The types of the pore are mainly secondary solution pores and seldom primary remanent intergranular pores.


  8. The detached clusters of cells in the last photos show occasional clear cytoplasm.


  9. Although adrenal gland have many morphology, their contours are clear, and their flank are vertical or a little con cave.


  1. 消落中偶见的物种

    accidentaI species

  2. 也会偶见沿支气管树扩散至肺。

    Seeding into the lung via the bronchial tree occasionally occurs.

  3. 那片地上除了偶见得仙人掌以外,什麽都没有。

    The landscape was bare except for the odd cactus.

  4. 可能会发生胃肠道反应,偶见皮肤反应和眩晕。

    Gastrointestinal tract reactions may occur. Rare cases of skin reactions and dizziness be noticed.

  5. 那片地上除了偶见的仙人掌以外,什麽都没有。

    The landscape was bare except for the odd cactus.

  6. 那片地上除了偶见的仙人掌以外,什么都没有。

    The landscape was bare except for the odd cactus.

  7. 小墓仅一陶壶, 偶见短剑也质地甚差。

    Tomb of only a small clay pot, occasionally dagger is also very poor quality.

  8. 运动组小鼠肝细胞胞质内偶见脂滴形成。

    The lipid droplets were seen in cytoplasm occasionally in the exercise group.

  9. 他注意到的第一点乃无心偶见, 但十分重要。

    The first point which he should now proceed to notice was an incidental point, but it was very important.

  10. 铜,金矿化主要呈细脉浸染状和细脉状,偶见网脉状。

    Mineralization styles are dominantly veinletdisseminated and veinlet, occasionally stockwork.

  11. 浅层毛细血管扩张充血, 偶见渗血及嗜中性细胞。

    Dilate of shallowlayer blood capillary congests , see ooze blood and cell of neutral of be addicted to occasionally.

  12. 与一些报道中说的相反,抢劫和斗殴的事件很偶见。

    Contrary to some reports, there were only isolated cases of looting and fighting.

  13. 孔隙类型主要为次生溶孔,偶见剩余原生粒间孔。

    The types of the pore are mainly secondary solution pores and seldom primary remanent intergranular pores.

  14. 在最后几张照片中的分离细胞群显示偶见的透明胞浆。

    The detached clusters of cells in the last photos show occasional clear cytoplasm.

  15. 除偶见的过敏反应外,几乎所有的病例均为不合理用药引起。

    Except for allergic reaction, almost all the adverse events of cinnabar were caused by unreasonable application.

  16. 所有的细胞都稍小,偶见梭形,染色质不清,核仁突出。

    All cells were generally smaller and occasionally spindled, the chromatin detail was attenuated, and nucleoli were more prominent.

  17. 所有得细胞都稍小,偶见梭形,染色质不清,核仁突出。

    All cells were generally smaller and occasionally spindled, the chromatin detail was attenuated, and nucleoli were more prominent.

  18. 胃泌素细胞主要分布于十二指肠前段, 空肠, 回肠和直肠偶见。

    The gastrinimmunoreactive cells were located numerously in the duodenum and occasionally in the jejunum, ileum and rectum.

  19. 偶见空心的桑洞里有泥土,就把李核种在那里,浇了点水。

    See hollow Sang Dongli has earth occasionally, plum the nucleus is planted over, irrigated dot water.


  1. 问:偶见的拼音怎么拼?偶见的的读音是什么?偶见的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偶见的的读音是ǒu jiàn de,偶见的翻译成英文是 occasional

  2. 问:偶见种拼音怎么拼?偶见种的读音是什么?偶见种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偶见种的读音是ǒu jiàn zhǒng,偶见种翻译成英文是 incidental species

  3. 问:偶见群拼音怎么拼?偶见群的读音是什么?偶见群翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偶见群的读音是ǒu jiàn qún,偶见群翻译成英文是 casual society

  4. 问:偶见宿主拼音怎么拼?偶见宿主的读音是什么?偶见宿主翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偶见宿主的读音是ǒu jiàn sù zhǔ,偶见宿主翻译成英文是 accidental host; incidental host

  5. 问:偶见物种拼音怎么拼?偶见物种的读音是什么?偶见物种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偶见物种的读音是ǒu jiàn wù zhǒng,偶见物种翻译成英文是 accidental species


