




建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……





汉语拼音:bì mén gēng






  • 【解释】:拒绝客人进门叫做让客人吃闭门羹。
  • 【出自】:唐·冯贽《云仙杂记》卷一:“下列不相见,以闭门羹待之。”
  • 【示例】:一次不见,第二次再去,谁知三番五次饱尝~。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作宾语;含贬义


  1. He was a door-to-door salesman for a bit, but he soon got tired of having the door slammed in his face.


  2. Western leaders, unnerved by Chinesefinger-pointing, are at least used to the cold shoulder where humanrights are concerned.


  3. When radio became the main form of entertainment, however, jugglers were left out because their acts were mostly visual.


  4. when you call on someone but find the door closed , or you are not welcomed , this is called chi bi men geng.


  5. To the brave and bold the world will not always be adverse. when one door shuts, another opens.


  6. It is friendly as long as they help to reinforce its software franchise, but shuts them out when they start to be a threat.


  7. After the hospital refused several times, Guan decided to sue it.


  8. they were not to be shut out by doors and fences.


  9. As he refused to receive guests, I was rejected outside.


  1. 可能会吃闭门羹

    They probably closed the kitchen.

  2. 我们先是让对方吃闭门羹

    Well, we start with the cold shoulder.

  3. 不准某人进门, 给某人吃闭门羹

    shut the door against sb.

  4. 她让他吃了个闭门羹。

    She shut the door in his face.

  5. 觉得像是吃了闭门羹似的。

    Feels locked out of it.

  6. 但我在你办公室吃了闭门羹。

    But I stopped by the office.

  7. 他拒不见客,我吃了闭门羹。

    As he refused to receive guests, I was rejected outside.

  8. 即使遭到闭门羹,陌生男子却从未放弃。

    Although shut a thick soup, new man never abandons however.

  9. 我昨天去你们家玩,可是吃了闭门羹。

    I went to visit you yesterday but there's nobody home.

  10. 找他借钱的人从来没吃过闭门羹。

    Those who came to him to borrow money were never turned away.

  11. 找他借钱得人从来没吃过闭门羹。

    Those who came to him to borrow money were never turned away.

  12. 我昨天往他家看他, 不想吃了闭门羹。

    I went to see him yesterday but unfortunately I was to a locked door.

  13. 我昨天去他家看他,不想吃了闭门羹。

    I went to see him yesterday, but unfortunately I was to a locked door.

  14. 麦可要求调任时,他得老板赏了他闭门羹。

    Mike's boss slammed door on his request for a job transfer.

  15. 麦可要求调任时,他的老板赏了他闭门羹。

    Mike's boss slammed door on his request for a job transfer.

  16. 你如果去拜访他,我肯定他不会让你吃闭门羹。

    I am sure he won't freeze you out if you call on him.

  17. 我本打算和他好好谈谈,却吃了个闭门羹。

    I intended to have a talk with him, but he gave me the cold shoulder.

  18. 我本打算和他好好谈谈,却吃了个闭门羹。

    I intended to have a talk with him, but he gave me the cold shoulder.

  19. 你跟他说什么了吗,还是直接给了他个闭门羹?

    Did you say anything to him or just shut the door in his face?

  20. 营销新手遭遇冷落甚至吃闭门羹的情况也是司空见惯。

    Marketing novice and even experienced a cold shoulder The situation is commonplace.

  21. 到接近落伍版块去看看,却吃得一个闭门羹。

    Be close to fogyism edition piece goes looking, eat so that one shuts door a thick soup however.

  22. 结了婚得安提福勒斯回到自己家吃了闭门羹。

    The married Antipholus was denied entrance into his own house.

  23. 结了婚的安提福勒斯回到自己家吃了闭门羹。

    The married Antipholus was denied entrance into his own house.

  24. 昨天他去拜访老教授,不料人家不接见,让他吃了闭门羹。

    He went to visit the old professor yesterday, but was denied a reception.

  25. 在医院吃了几次闭门羹之后,管礼明决定向法院起诉。

    After the hospital refused several times, Guan decided to sue it.


  1. 问:闭门羹拼音怎么拼?闭门羹的读音是什么?闭门羹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闭门羹的读音是bìméngēng,闭门羹翻译成英文是 be given a cold shoulder; cold shoulder



闭门羹,指主人拒绝客人进门叫做让客人吃闭门羹。唐 冯贽 《云仙杂记·迷香洞》:“ 史凤 , 宣城 妓也。待客以等差……下列不相见,以闭门羹待之。”谓仅作羹待客而不与相见。后指拒客进门,不与相见。 清 二石生 《十洲春语·品艳》:“不见者三年,拟重访之,恐其效闭门羹故事。”