




居住的地方:故~。返~(回老家)。街坊(古代五家为邻,五邻为里):~弄(lòng )。中国市制长度单位:一~(等于五百米)。~程牌。衣物的内层:被~。内部,与“外”相对,并引申为一定范围以内:~外。心~。这~。那~。姓。……



汉语拼音:xié lǐ








  1. Suck the stink-worsening moisture out of canvas shoes by sprinkling a little salt inside them and then wiping it out.


  2. Chavel said, "The quickest way would be to draw marked papers out of a shoe. . . "


  3. The boy sat down on a stone to take a pebble out of his shoe when he saw a stranger approaching him.


  4. Usually the problem can be alleviated by a specially designed splint or sling or other mechanical appliance, used in the shoe.


  5. And next year he was the first to pick a single ripe berry, a very sweet ripe berry, from his beautiful blueberry shoe.


  6. "I don't know where to hide our food, " Oliver said. "The situation's becoming a stone in the shoe, " she frowned.


  7. Fill a pair of old socks with baking soda and place it in odorous shoes or your kid's closet.


  8. Knock down the odor and soak up the moisture by occasionally sprinkling a little salt in your canvas shoes.


  9. It's mad to force your foot into a shoe that's too small for you.


  1. 在我鞋里。

    In my shoe .

  2. 谁在鞋里住

    Who Lived in a Shoe.

  3. 它们在你的鞋里。

    They're in your shoes.

  4. 沙子漏进我鞋里。

    Sand sifted into my shoes.

  5. 鞋里有沙子,硌脚。

    There's some grit in the shoe, and it hurts my foot.

  6. 马修,你在鞋里大便?

    Marcel, did you poo in the shoe.

  7. 我感到鞋里有根钉子。

    I can feel a nail in my shoe.

  8. 它在我鞋里大便。哪个。

    He pooped in my shoe. Which one

  9. 对, 就像是鞋里的男人!

    Yes, yes! Like the man in the shoe!

  10. 把脚放到鞋里的装置。

    a device used for easing the foot into a shoe.

  11. 妈妈和爸爸向鞋里看去。

    And mother and father must peep inside.

  12. 一块鹅卵石进入他的鞋里。

    A pebble lodged in his shoe.

  13. 我的鞋里有一粒石子。

    I have a stone in my shoe.

  14. 我以为他鞋里装了蹦床。

    I thought he had a couple of trampolines on his boots.

  15. 我想它在我其中一只鞋里。

    I think it's in one of my shoes.

  16. 等会儿,我鞋里有粒小石子儿。

    Stop a moment, I have got a stone in my shoe.

  17. 他好像从鞋里挖出了点儿什么。

    He seemed to winkle something out from inside his shoe.

  18. 一天里,他总感觉鞋里有东西在动。

    In a day, he always feels shoe lining has a thing moving.

  19. 我做了放在鞋里的电脑, 只有这样。

    I built the computers to put in the shoes. that's all.

  20. 她小心翼翼地把受伤的脚伸进鞋里。

    She eased her injured foot into her shoe.

  21. 她的鞋里进了水, 走一步吧唧一声。

    Her wet shoes squelched at every step.

  22. 鞋里有只脚,一只穿着腐烂袜子的腐烂了的脚。

    In the shoe is a foot, a rotted foot, in a rotted sock.

  23. 鞋口是否整洁严实,鞋里、面是否有变色、脱色。

    Shoe mouth is orderly tight, whether does shoe lining, face have become angry, decolour.

  24. 他说他要把鞋里的小石子弄出来。

    He said he was going to take little pebbles out from his shoes.

  25. 鞋里有只脚, 一只穿着腐烂袜子得腐烂了得脚。

    In the shoe is a foot, a rotted foot, in a rotted sock.

  26. 什么样的小孩会把橡树果放在鞋里?

    What kind of kid puts acorns in his shoes ?

  27. 另一只袜子在哪儿?我想它在我的一只鞋里。

    Where's the other sock? I think it's in one of my shoes.

  28. 礼物放到圣诞树下面或者壁炉旁得鞋里。

    The presents are left under the Christmas tree or in shoes by the fireplace.

  29. 礼物放到圣诞树下面或者壁炉旁的鞋里。

    The presents are left under the Christmas tree or in shoes by the fireplace.

  30. 箍缩在尖头鞋里的脚趾使她痛苦万分。

    Her pinched toes in her pointed shoes were killing her.