


古代官署名:太常~(古代掌管宗庙礼仪的官署)。鸿胪~(略同于现代的礼宾司)。佛教出家人居住的地方:佛~。~观(guàn )。伊斯兰教徒礼拜、讲经的地方:清真~。……





汉语拼音:sì miào






  1. 佛寺的通称。

    《晋书·艺术传·佛图澄》:“百姓因 澄 故多奉佛,皆营造寺庙,相竞出家。” 阿沛·阿旺晋美 《西藏民主改革的伟大胜利》:“野蛮的封建农奴制度被摧毁了,寺庙的封建特权和封建剥削基本上废除了。”

  2. 指其他宗教教徒礼拜、讲经的处所。



  1. Tibet is often associated with the scent of burning incenses and ever-lit butter lanterns in monasteries.


  2. And he took me up to the temples in Nikko.


  3. She visited a temple in which there was a statue of a traitor, The traitor would be cursed by his people forever.


  4. But Candy is the state Chief Minister said the state government would not seize this wealth, "the treasure belongs to the temple. "


  5. You roam from town to town, bedding merchants' wives and temple maids, and you think you know something about love.


  6. The fair was on before the temple. It had rained from the early morning and the day came to its end .


  7. He had returned home, he said, because his 'master' at Baiyunguan, the Taoist temple in Beijing, suggested it might be a good thing to do.


  8. Ms. Park also made visits to a Christian cathedral and a Buddhist temple to pray for forgiveness for her party's sins.


  9. Since the Cultural Revolution ended, Beijing has stepped back from trying to obliterate Tibetan culture, and rebuilt some monasteries.


  1. 西藏寺庙壁画

    Tibetan temple paintings.

  2. 明代寺庙壁画

    temple mural paintings of Ming Dynasty.

  3. 修道院寺庙或修道院

    A monastery or an abbey.

  4. 古代柬埔寨的寺庙

    Old Tcmples of Cambodia

  5. 你是否常去寺庙?

    Do you frequent any temples

  6. 犹太教寺庙之内殿

    Holy of holies

  7. 南岳寺庙捐赠论

    On Contribution Accepted by Nanyue Temples

  8. 一座寺庙高踞山顶。

    A temple crested the hill.

  9. 他向寺庙开枪射击。

    He bursts into the temple gun blasting.

  10. 那么你掌管寺庙了?

    So, you wound up taking over the temple?

  11. 宫殿、寺庙等的丹青。

    The painting in the palaces and temples.

  12. 你知道这间寺庙吗

    Do you know this temple

  13. 在寺庙我们合手祈祷。

    We put our palms together in prayer at the temple.

  14. 在寺庙我们合手祈祷。

    We put our palms together in prayer at the temple.

  15. 那妇人跪在寺庙里。

    The woman knelt in the temple.

  16. 许多寺庙建得很美。

    Many temples were beautifully built.

  17. 山脚下有一座寺庙。

    A temple stands at the foot of the mountain.

  18. 寺庙名称,他是志津。

    The temple name given for him is Shizu.

  19. 哦, 这是寺庙的钟楼。

    Oh, this is the bell tower of the temple.

  20. 哦,这是寺庙的钟楼。

    Oh, this is the bell tower of the temple.

  21. 该寺庙坐落于城墙内。

    The temple lies within the city walls.

  22. 这个地区有不少老寺庙。

    This neighbor had many old temples.

  23. 寺庙中的用斋食的地方

    Dining room in a Buddhist temple

  24. 内殿古代寺庙中的圣所

    The sanctum in an ancient temple.

  25. 这里有一座美丽得寺庙。

    There are beautiful temples.

  26. 这里有一座美丽的寺庙。

    There are beautiful temples.

  27. 寺庙中供奉主佛的厅堂

    The main hall of a Buddhist Temple

  28. 在旧约中, 寺庙的神殿

    In the Old Testament, the sanctuary of the Temple.

  29. 在旧约中,寺庙的神殿

    In the Old Testament, the sanctuary of the Temple.

  30. 古代寺庙中的圣所。内殿

    the sanctum in an ancient temple


  1. 问:寺庙拼音怎么拼?寺庙的读音是什么?寺庙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寺庙的读音是sìmiào,寺庙翻译成英文是 Temple

  2. 问:寺庙拼音怎么拼?寺庙的读音是什么?寺庙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寺庙的读音是sìmiào,寺庙翻译成英文是 Temple; monastery; a building for the worship of a...

  3. 问:寺庙导游图拼音怎么拼?寺庙导游图的读音是什么?寺庙导游图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寺庙导游图的读音是sìmiào dǎoyóu tú,寺庙导游图翻译成英文是 Guide Map of OO



“寺庙”是个多义词,它可以指寺庙(张峰奇演唱的歌曲), 寺庙(宗教场所)。