






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 沾 [zhān]沾 [zhān]浸湿:~衣。~润(沾湿浸润,喻沾得利益)。因接触而附着(zhuó )上:~水。~手。~污。染上:~染。指因凭借关系而得到:~光。~包。……



汉语拼音:dī jiǔ bù zhān








滴酒不沾 [dī jiǔ bù zhān]
  1. 一滴酒都不沾口,表示没有喝酒的习惯或坚持不饮酒。


滴酒不沾 [dī jiǔ bù zhān]
  1. 一滴酒都不沾口,表示没有喝酒的习惯或坚持不喝酒。 




  1. Man: My father used to drink heavily, you know. Every night he'd have a bottle of Scotch. Maybe that's why I've always been a teetotaler.


  2. This was far more effective than drinking nothing at all and even better than light drinking but only occasionally.


  3. They are concerned about what is going to happen when he gets out of the treatment center.


  4. The secret is to drink regularly but in moderation rather than drinking only occasionally or not drinking at all, the study revealed.


  5. It "s not essential to give up alcohol completely. Some doctors think a little a day is actually good for you. "


  6. But, by sharing my pain as well as my strength and hope with others, I was able to stay sober and help others to recover.


  7. Nothing at all do not drink, according to UN data, only residents of Bangladesh, Kuwait, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Somalia.


  8. In the words of Forrester Senior Analyst David Johnson, it's a bad idea for corporate IT to take a teetotaler attitude toward the Apple.


  9. The only safe course is not to drink at all.


  1. 他滴酒不沾。

    He doesn't touch alcohol.

  2. 我滴酒不沾。

    I never touch alcohol in any form.

  3. 她向来滴酒不沾。

    Shenever touches alcohol.

  4. 他绝对滴酒不沾。

    He is a strict teetotaller.

  5. 我几乎滴酒不沾。

    Li Im practically a teetotaler.

  6. 我哥哥滴酒不沾。

    My brother keeps apart from the wine.

  7. 我爸爸20年来滴酒不沾。

    My dad has been dry for about 20 years now.

  8. 我爸爸20年来滴酒不沾。

    My dad has been dry for about 20 years now.

  9. 我不喝酒,我太太也滴酒不沾

    I don't touch anything alcoholic, neither does my wife

  10. 在怀孕期间最好滴酒不沾。

    It would be wiser to cut out all alcohol during pregnancy.

  11. 我已经快20年滴酒不沾了

    But I think it was a misdiagnosis.

  12. 他滴酒不沾。刚收到你的信。

    Your letter has just come to hand.

  13. 我至少要滴酒不沾一个月。

    I need to stay away from booze for at least one month.

  14. 他不肯喝酒,因为他是滴酒不沾的。

    He won't drink because he's teetotal.

  15. 当然滴酒不沾也不一定就会成功。

    Thats not to say teetotaling assures success.

  16. 我是有机食品主义者以及我滴酒不沾。

    Favorite cuisine and foods cuscus atanjia.

  17. 他滴酒不沾,是一个优秀的演员。

    He was an excellent actor, and a man of sober habit.

  18. 到现在她已经一个月滴酒不沾了。

    She's been off the booze for a month now.

  19. 我从不邀请那些滴酒不沾的朋友参加聚会。

    I never ask my teetotal friends to parties.

  20. 如果要开车, 我会滴酒不沾, 只喝矿泉水。

    I never drink alcohol if I've got the car. I always stick to mineral water.

  21. 然而, 那些滴酒不沾的人, 往往体重增加最多。

    However, the teetotalers gained the most weight, with weight gain decreasing with increasing amount alcohol consumed.

  22. 沙尔从不喝啤酒,对任何酒精饮料也都滴酒不沾。

    Sal has never touched beer, or any kind of alcohol for that matter.

  23. 没人认为应该鼓励现在滴酒不沾的人去狂喝豪饮。

    No one believes that current nondrinkers should be encouraged to start imbibing.

  24. 我能理解跟一个滴酒不沾的女人在一起有多么难受。

    I know living with a woman who doesn't drink it must be torture.

  25. 他烟酒不沾。

    He keeps from alcohol and tobacco.

  26. 你喝酒抽烟吗,还是烟酒不沾?

    Do you drink alcohol, smoke, or abstain?

  27. 约翰教了我倒酒时滴酒不洒的诀窍。

    John taught me the trick of pouring wine without dropping any.

  28. 如果你烟、酒不沾的话,你将会健康得多。

    If you stay off the bottle and cigarettes, you'll be much healthier.

  29. 欧文是个滴酒不尝得人他从来没有花过一文酒钱。

    Owen, being a teetotaller, did not spend any of his money on drink.

  30. 欧文是个滴酒不尝的人他从来没有花过一文酒钱。

    Owen, being a teetotaller, did not spend any of his money on drink.


  1. 问:滴酒不沾者拼音怎么拼?滴酒不沾者的读音是什么?滴酒不沾者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滴酒不沾者的读音是,滴酒不沾者翻译成英文是 abstainer