


1. 哼 [hēng]2. 哼 [hng]哼 [hēng]表示痛苦的声音:他的伤很重,但没~一声。轻声随口地唱:他经常~着小曲。哼 [hng](h与单纯的舌根鼻音拼合的音)表示不满意或不信任的声音:~,我才不理他!……


依照乐(yuè ㄩㄝˋ)律发声:~歌。~腔。~段。~功。~和(hé ㄏㄜˊ)。歌~。高呼,大声叫:~名。~收。歌曲:唱个~儿。古同“倡”,倡导。姓。……



汉语拼音:hēng chàng







  1. 低声唱。

    杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第三章:“她沿着来时的路途走着,还不时弯下身来采几朵崖上的野花,哼唱两句歌曲。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》第十七章:“﹝有些人﹞一面手脚不停地忙着,一面哼唱起抗日小调儿来。”



  1. I almost squeal with delight when he gives the fans a ahumbs up and I have a picture of him doing so on my desk at work.


  2. The earth hums to me today in the sun, like a women at her spinning, some ballad of ancient in a forgotten tongue.


  3. Death-dealing waves sing meaningless ballads to the children , even like the lullaby while rocking her baby's candle.


  4. He liked being there so much that he began to hum a tune.


  5. My father would hum along, his eyes closed, tears escaping from the corners as if I'd transported him to some magical, heavenly place.


  6. Caught up in the rhythm of the music, my baby brother danced around while Daddy hummed and Mother whistled . I just listened.


  7. In the Presence of Others Sing not to yourself with a humming Noise, nor Drum with your Fingers or Feet.


  8. The almost classical recording presents Mongolian songs and improvisations in the fine acoustic of a little Bavarian church.


  9. If you've adjusted everything using the light bulb as described above, the motor may be completely off, humming a bit, or turning slowly.


  1. 哼唱的动作

    The act of humming.

  2. 哼唱特征提取

    humming feature extraction

  3. 低声哼唱催眠曲

    croon a lullaby

  4. 你能停止哼唱么?

    Alex, will you stop that humming?

  5. 她在低声哼唱。

    She was humming to herself.

  6. 我们合着音乐哼唱。

    We hummed to the music.

  7. 在浴室里哼唱歌曲。

    I huma tune in the bath.

  8. 轻声哼唱一首摇篮曲

    Crooning a lullaby.

  9. 我唱的时候你们哼唱。

    You hum the tune while I sing.

  10. 她在工作时轻轻哼唱。

    She hummed as she worked.

  11. 低声哼唱哄婴儿睡觉

    Croon a baby to sleep.

  12. 我们的哼唱就是击鼓。

    Our humming will be drumming.

  13. 他跟着收音机的歌哼唱。

    He hummed to a song on the radio.

  14. 他跟着收音机的歌哼唱。

    He hummed to a song on the radio.

  15. 她在哼唱一支小曲。

    She was humming a little tune.

  16. 她正向婴儿低声哼唱。

    She was crooning to her baby.

  17. 她轻声哼唱了一支摇篮曲。

    She gently crooned a lullaby.

  18. 他给我哼唱了这支曲子。

    He hummed the tune to me.

  19. 午夜时分, 你为我哼唱摇篮曲

    Ray of Light sing me a lullaby to sleep

  20. 他自己在哼唱着一支歌。

    He was humming a song to himself.

  21. 他边做这些还边轻轻地哼唱。

    He hummed softly while he worked.

  22. 我扭过头, 怒视着哼唱的人。

    I turned around and glared at the person who was humming.

  23. 守卫停止了哼唱,猛地转过头。

    The guard stopped his humming and turned his head sharply.

  24. 躺在蓝色的小船上, 轻轻的哼唱

    Lying in the back of the blue boat, Humming a tune

  25. 躺在蓝色得小船上,轻轻得哼唱

    Lying in the back of the blue boat, Humming a tune.

  26. 你懂我在哼唱的这支曲子吗?

    Do you know this tune I'm humming?

  27. 她一遍又一遍地不断哼唱那支歌。

    She continued to hum the song over and over.

  28. 介绍了运用哼唱进行检索的点歌系统。

    This paper presents a music query system by crooning.

  29. 家驹发挥音乐的原声吉他和哼唱了。

    Kakui played the music on an acoustic guitar and hummed along.

  30. 我希望你能看到它, 喜欢它, 在中秋哼唱它!

    I wish you can see it, like it and sing it in midautumn day!


  1. 问:哼唱的拼音怎么拼?哼唱的的读音是什么?哼唱的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:哼唱的的读音是,哼唱的翻译成英文是 humming


