




1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……



汉语拼音:wò zhōng






  1. 手中。

    晋 刘琨 《重赠卢谌》诗:“握中有悬璧,本自 荆山 璆。” 唐 王昌龄 《赠史昭》诗:“握中何为赠,瑶草已衰散。”



  1. What feeling is so nice as a child's hand in yours? So small, so soft and warm, like a kitten huddling in the shelter of your clasp.


  1. 你要握一下买中彩票的手吗?

    Would you like to shake the hand that bought that ticket?

  2. 网球中双手握拍的反手击球

    A twofisted backhand stroke in tennis.

  3. 黑暗中他握着酒瓶,得意地露出白牙。

    I found him holding the bottle and showing off a mouthful of shinning teeth against the dark night.

  4. 在我们的治疗中 病人握着一个解除手术的按钮

    In all our treatments, the patient holds a stop sonication button.

  5. 我从他的紧握中挣脱出一只手来。

    I wriggled one hand free from his grasp.

  6. 她的叉子在她的紧握中拧而且转, 在她的剩馀蛋糕之上盘旋。

    Her fork twisted and turned in her grip, hovering over her remaining cake.

  7. 她的手中握着雄马的缰绳

    In her hands lay the reins

  8. 我在手套中握拳头来保暖手指。

    I'd fisted my hands inside their mittens to keep the fingers warm.

  9. 我看到孩子们手中握着长枪和利剑。

    I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children.

  10. 某集团或组织中举足轻重或手握大权的人

    A big shot an important or powerful person in a group or organization

  11. 科技进步就像病态罪犯手中握着的斧头。

    Technological progress is like an axe is the hands of a pathological criminal.

  12. 麦康娜教授走上前来,手中握着一长卷羊皮纸。

    Professor McGonagall now stepped forward holding a long roll of parchment.

  13. 在整个拍摄过程中 他几乎一直握着本森的手!

    During the entire shoot facial campaign, he was practically holding Benson's hand!

  14. 面带微笑,手中握着笔,拿着1000篇被擦掉得诗篇。

    With a smile in his face, a pen and 998 pages of erased text.

  15. 面带微笑,手中握着笔,拿着1000篇被擦掉的诗篇。

    With a smile in his face,a pen and 1000 pages of erased text.

  16. 女孩跪坐在男孩的坟前, 手中握著樱花花瓣。

    The girl kneels down in front of the boy's grave tomb, holding the flower petal.

  17. 有一个正躺在沙漠中得死人手中握着一根火柴怎么说?

    There is a dead man lying in the desert with a match hand.

  18. 有一个正躺在沙漠中的死人手中握着一根火柴怎么说?

    There is a dead man lying in the desert with a match hand.

  19. 卡拉蒙站在他身边, 手中握着剑, 眼中有着怜悯的神情。

    Caramon stood before him, his sword in his hand, staring at him with pity in his eyes.

  20. 现在经纪人和共有基金手中握有超过9100万个个人帐户。

    There are now more than 91 m accounts held by individuals at brokers or in mutual funds.

  21. 店门突然推开, 冲了进来的是个少年郎, 手中握着枪。

    The front door of the office flew open. In burst a young man with a gun.

  22. 没有信仰的人,当他手中握住繁华,心情就会变得荒芜。

    People with no belief, when his hands holding prosperous, mood will become vacuity.

  23. 就象走在十一月的冷雨中,很难握着一支蜡烛让它不灭。

    And it's hard to hold a candle, in the cold November Rain.

  24. 的确,一切美物都伴她而来,在她手中握有数不清的财富。

    She brought with her all other good things, untold riches in her hands.

  25. 将回忆紧紧握在手中。

    Hold memory close at hand.

  26. 把无垠握在手中

    Hold infinity in the palm of your harel

  27. 手中之物应紧握。

    Hold fast when you have it.

  28. 他手中紧握着钱。

    His hand closed over the money.

  29. 他手中紧握著钱。

    His hand closed over the money.

  30. 我们要紧握手中枪。

    We must hold to our guns.

