








汉语拼音:tuì bì








  1. 退出,离开。

    《后汉书·皇后纪下·献帝伏皇后》:“今使御史大夫 郗虑 持节策詔,其上皇后璽綬,退避中宫,迁于它馆。”

  2. 后退躲避。

    《三国演义》第七四回:“吾来日与 关某 决一死,誓不退避。” 清 阮元 《小沧浪笔谈》卷二:“﹝ 梧生 ﹞尝於舟中遇盗,手击杀其魁,餘众皆退避。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部四:“ 朱暮堂 在宝座上看见 汤富海 冲 苏沛霖 面前走上来, 苏沛霖 竟然胆怯地往后退避。”参见“ 退避三舍 ”。

  3. 犹退让。谓不与人争。

    《汉书·张禹传》:“ 禹 与 凤 并领尚书,内不自安,数病上书乞骸骨,欲退避 凤 。” 宋 苏轼 《富郑公神道碑》:“上欲用公,公逡巡退避不敢居。” 茅盾 《子夜》十五:“在她心里曾经退避了的‘第二个主张’此时忽然又闯出来和她选定的‘第一个主张’斗争了。”

  4. 犹回避。

    元 刘祁 《归潜志》卷十:“﹝ 高琪 ﹞坐杀其夫人,为家人讼言宰执,将奏之。法当退避。”



  1. but when they saw that crisis approaching they beat a hasty retreat rather, as if it would shake the house to its foundations.


  2. He moved aside for her with a polite bow.


  3. The avoidance of one set of spare arc chutes is normally equivalent to the cost of an entire retrofit.


  4. As soon as he heard the other members of the family stirring he retired to his den, and I breathed freer.


  5. But because we, and our leaders, retreated into a Manichean fantasy, we understood the new complexities of the real world even less.


  6. Commodity prices duly took a beating over the summer as investors became more concerned about global growth and moved into "risk off" mode.


  7. There, in a Robinson Crusoe's world, six individual cabanas offer guests a relaxing retreat from the heat of the afternoon sun.


  8. The Lord GOD has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious, I did not turn backwards.


  9. Wushu turn, retreat in Kaifeng, Yue Corps Sishili catch up with letters to leave the Zhuxian Town.


  1. 学习退避群众!

    If thou wouldst understand thyself send the multitude away.

  2. 女士们明白那暗示, 便退避了。

    The ladies took the cue and retired.

  3. 各家报纸纷纷退避, 不敢调查详情。

    The newspapers have shied away from investigating the story.

  4. 西格弗里德畏缩了,退避到墙根。

    Siegfried cringed and shrank against the wall.

  5. 他礼貌地鞠躬, 退避一旁让她过去。

    He moved aside for her with a polite bow.

  6. 在嘲讽中成长的孩子, 学会消极退避。

    If children live with ridicule, they learn to be shy.

  7. 在回旋退避的余地财政政策支持货币政策的余地。

    There is room for manoeuvre scope for fiscal policy to support monetary policy.

  8. 正在剧院里, 我要挟要以退避来看待条约。

    In the theater I threatened to treat the treaty with retreat.

  9. 他开启了我的耳朵, 而我没有抗拒, 也没有退避。

    The Lord GOD has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious, I did not turn backwards.

  10. 一致地, 易反应的障碍退避算法由同事开发。

    Concurrently, reactive obstacle avoidance algorithms are being developed by a colleague.

  11. 退避一旁对这个国家和他的政党没有任何益处。

    Standing back is not doing the country or his party any good.

  12. 她们被动地服侍着他,如果为了服从,应当退避,她们便退避。

    They served him passively and if obedience consisted in disappearing, they disappeared.

  13. 不幸的是,这一退避回落到迷信的代价会很巨大。

    Unfortunately, the price of this retreat into superstition may be high.

  14. 女孩子退避到一个黑旮旯里, 眼看着他走到她面前。

    The child withdrew into a dark corner, and saw him pass close to her.

  15. 此外,介绍了功率退避算法,简要分析了成功传输的概率。

    In addition backoff algorithm is introduced and the successful transmission probability is analyzed briefly in this paper.

  16. 如果你采取既不进攻, 也不退避的态势的话, 你就错了。

    If you put yourself in a compromising position, it's your fault.

  17. 如果你采取既不进攻,也不退避的态势的话,你就错了。

    If you put yourself in a compromising position, it's your fault.

  18. 最后阐明了无线自组织网络退避算法研究的发展趋势。

    Finally, the possible research trends on backoff algorithms for Ad Hoc networks were investigated.

  19. 扬能很快从这张专辑瞬息的成功中退避出来不足为奇。

    Unsurprisingly, Young would soon retreat from the runaway success of this album.

  20. 东方武术教会我们,有人向你进攻时,你应该退避而不是阻挡。

    When you refuse to fight petty people, you win.

  21. 若瑟便起来, 星夜带了婴孩和他的母亲, 退避到埃及去了。

    Joseph rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed for Egypt.

  22. 一名绅士冲着我急急走来,我连忙退避,差一点绊跌在地。

    I nearly tripped and fell as I retreated from a gentleman who rushed up to me.

  23. 兀术大惊,退避开封,岳兵团追到离开封四十里的朱仙镇。

    Wushu turn, retreat in Kaifeng, Yue Corps Sishili catch up with letters to leave the Zhuxian Town.


  1. 问:退避拼音怎么拼?退避的读音是什么?退避翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退避的读音是tuìbì,退避翻译成英文是 retreat; to withdraw and keep off

  2. 问:退避三舍拼音怎么拼?退避三舍的读音是什么?退避三舍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退避三舍的读音是tuìbìsānshè,退避三舍翻译成英文是 to give way to avoid a conflict

  3. 问:退避原则拼音怎么拼?退避原则的读音是什么?退避原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退避原则的读音是tuì bì yuán zé,退避原则翻译成英文是 retreat to the wall




拼音:tuì bì