







汉语拼音:róng rǔ






  1. 光荣与耻辱。指地位的高低、名誉的好坏。

    《易·繫辞上》:“言行,君子之枢机。枢机之发,荣辱之主也。” 唐 元稹 《寄乐天》诗之一:“荣辱升沉影与身,世情谁是旧 雷 陈 。” 宋 刘炎 《迩言》:“或问 苏文忠公 之志。曰:志在名节,故进退荣辱不足以二其心。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第十七章:“我想,在一个党员热望为党贡献一切的崇高理想里,就包含着不计个人的荣辱与得失在里面。”

  2. 犹褒贬。

    明 王守仁 《传习录》卷下:“依此良知,忍耐做去,不管人非笑,不管人毁谤,不管人荣辱。”



  1. General Winfield Scott talked the matter over with the British governor; national honor was now involved.


  2. the socialist concept of honor as a code of ethics, morality form a training school the internal driving force of civilization.


  3. Students in middle school period is the significant time of shaping the correct moral traits and concept of honor and disgrace.


  4. Sharing concept into a socialist ideals and beliefs should develop moral character and enhance its own virtues .


  5. He enjoys the day-in, day-out stuff with a club side so maybe it would not suit him, but you never know.


  6. Today the topic that I make a speech is " our honor versus dishonor in the heart view" .


  7. Socialist sharing concept is an important part of an advanced socialist culture is a concentrated expression of socialist values .


  8. The universities is duty-bound to raise and set up the socialism outlook for honor and dishonor for university students.


  9. The outlook on honor or disgrace in traditional Confucianism is consequently of important historical values and of practical significance.


  1. 我们肝胆相照、荣辱与共。

    We treat each other with all sincerity, and share weal and woe.

  2. 衣食足,知荣辱。

    Well feed, well breed.

  3. 衣食足而知荣辱

    when food and clothing are enough, men have a sense of honour and shame

  4. 衣食足而后知荣辱

    A full belly counsels well

  5. 经历过成功失败与荣辱。

    And experienced the success, loss, honour or disgrace.

  6. 见证了多少人的荣辱沉浮。

    Countless honors and disgraces witnessed.

  7. 藏族传统荣辱观探微

    A Glimpse of the Traditional Tibetan View of Glory and Shame

  8. 社会主义荣辱观的探析

    Exploratory Analysis on Socialist Concept of Honour or Disgrace

  9. 努力践行社会主义荣辱观

    Make an Effort to Practice the Honour or Disgrace View of Socialism

  10. 衣食足而知荣辱, 仓满而知礼节。

    When the people have enough of food and clothing, they know what is honor. When their granaries are full, they know what are decorums.

  11. 开展社会主义荣辱观学习教育活动

    conducts education on socialist concept of honor and disgrace

  12. 有较强得责任感, 和社会荣辱观。

    There is stronger sense of responsibility, with society honor versus dishonor view.

  13. 有较强的责任感,和社会荣辱观。

    There is stronger sense of responsibility, with society honor versus dishonor view.

  14. 大学生社会主义荣辱观教育之我见

    On College Education of Socialism Sense of Honor and Humiliation

  15. 社会主义荣辱观与大学生成长成才

    The Socialism View of Honour or Disgrace and the Success of College Students

  16. 确立社会主义荣辱观重在道德践行

    Practice the Moral Worm of Socialist Concept of Honors and Dishonors

  17. 论社会主义荣辱观与爱国统一战线

    Discussion on Honor and Disgrace Concept of Socialism and Patriotic Unity Routine of War

  18. 我们每个公民都应该和祖国荣辱与共。

    Every citizen should share honor and disgrace with our country.

  19. 如何树立和践行社会主义荣辱观

    How to erect and practise the socialistic view of honor or disgrace

  20. 让明辨荣辱的智慧之光燃烧起来!

    Clearly honor the wisdom of allowing the light of burning up!

  21. 发生学视域中的荣辱观探析

    On Honor and Disgrace Viewpoints in Generation Doctrine Sight

  22. 大学生荣辱观的扭曲与匡正对策

    Distortion and Correct Countermeasure to the Honour and Disgrace of College Student

  23. 开展荣辱观教育要知行合一

    The Unification of Directions and Combination of Knowledge and Practice in the Education of Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace

  24. 疯狂的最高境界就是荣辱不惊!

    Crary tallest state is a honor versus dishonor not surprised!

  25. 践行社会主义荣辱观要形成合力

    Combine Practice and Implementation of Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace into Resultant Force

  26. 试论荀子的荣辱观及其当代价值

    On the Concept of Honour or Disgrace of Hsun Tzu and Its Value of the Day

  27. 军校大学生社会主义荣辱观教育初探

    Preliminary Exploration into the Education of the Students of Military Academies in Setting Up the Socialist View of Honor or Grace

  28. 集体主义是社会主义荣辱观的基本原则。

    Collectivism is the basic principle of the socialist concept of honor.

  29. 荣辱观是对荣与辱得根本看法。

    The outlook for honor and dishonor is to the Rong Yuru basic view.

  30. 荣辱观是对荣与辱的根本看法。

    The outlook for honor and dishonor is to the Rong Yuru basic view.


  1. 问:荣辱拼音怎么拼?荣辱的读音是什么?荣辱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荣辱的读音是róngrǔ,荣辱翻译成英文是 honor or disgrace

  2. 问:荣辱与共拼音怎么拼?荣辱与共的读音是什么?荣辱与共翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荣辱与共的读音是róngrǔyǔgòng,荣辱与共翻译成英文是 to share both glory and disgrace




拼音:róng rǔ词语结构:联合式、并列式基本

解释:[glory and dishonor] 荣耀和耻辱,荣辱与共衣食足而知荣辱。——《史记·货殖列传序》详细解释1. 定义“荣”即光荣、荣誉,是指社会对个人履行社会义务之后所给予的褒扬与赞许,以及个人产生的自我肯定肯定心里体验。“辱”即耻辱,是指社会对个人不履行社会义务所给予的贬斥与谴责,以及个人所产生的自我否定性心里体验2. 光荣与耻辱。指地位的高低、名誉的好坏。