


1. 脚 [jiǎo]脚 [jiǎo]人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:~心。~掌。~背。~跟。~步。~印。~法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。~镣。~踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。最下部:~注。山~。墙~。剩下的废料,渣滓:下~料。〔……





汉语拼音:jiǎo pǔ






  1. 一种潜水的用具,仿照动物的蹼,用橡胶或塑料压制而成,戴在脚上,以增加拨水的能力。



  1. Like everyone else, I get low and there are times when I feel as if I have my fins backwards and am swimming upstream in heavy boots.


  2. Try repeating the set one or more times and you could even add a pull buoy or fins to help you focus on your breathing.


  3. Then Kovacs, looking for the youngster, was startled to see it pass, maybe five feet below his fins.


  4. They featured modified scout armor , with breathing tanks , flippers , and a helmet-mounted spotlight .


  5. Renting a pair of mask, life jackets and fins, and leap into clear sea and colorful fish to dance.


  6. They shed heat through the undersides of their flippers and through their legs and feet, as well as by fluffing their feathers and panting.


  7. If your ankles are inflexible and you can't point the feet and toes away from the body, use swimming fins more often.


  8. The deceased male was dressed in a full wet suit, complete with a dive tank, flippers, and face mask.


  9. This was kept up until his webbed feet were badly worn and he was only average in swimming.


  1. 游泳用的脚蹼

    flipper for swimming

  2. 我穿上脚蹼,咬紧牙关

    I put my flippers on. I could barely part my lips.

  3. 黄色脚蹼挂在墙上。

    Yellow fins were hanging on the wall.

  4. 大家都知道脚蹼的问题。

    We all know the problems with foot flippers.

  5. 我个人认为脚蹼非常有用。

    Lots of people thinks fins are cheating.

  6. 潜水员穿上脚蹼准备下水。

    The diver put on flippers and was ready to dive.

  7. 潜水员穿上脚蹼准备下水。

    The diver put on flippers and was ready to dive.

  8. 柔软的脚蹼里藏着利爪

    Velvet paws hide sharp claws

  9. 你的脚蹼在你下潜时静止不动。

    Your fins are still as you descend.

  10. 当时还带着潜水面镜和脚蹼呢。

    with my mask and flippers on.

  11. 我迅速穿上耐用的潜水脚蹼, 潜入海中。

    I immediately put on my durable swim fins and dived into the ocean.

  12. 接着海豚进行了惊人的跳跃,挥舞脚蹼等表演。

    Then the dolphins perform a private show, showing off there amazing jumps and waving their flippers.

  13. 你的脚蹼干净吗?只是地板我们交了保证干净的定金

    Your flippers clean? just the floors. we had to give a cleaning deposit

  14. 通常我会借用别人的潜水镜,呼吸管和脚蹼。

    I normally borrow someones mask, snorkel and fins.

  15. 在池内佩戴脚蹼,运动员练习不呼吸的移臂技术。

    In water with fins, swimmer practices arm action without breathing.

  16. 难道戴着红鼻子穿着脚蹼杂耍似的玩球就是体育?

    Is juggling a ball while wearing a red nose and seal flippers sport?

  17. 但是我如何用脚和灵活的踝关节制造出脚蹼效果的。

    But look at how I get the flipper effects with my feet and my ankle flexibility.

  18. 我第二天买了一橡皮脚蹼,自此从事切肤潜水。

    The next day I bought a pair of swimfins and I have been skin diving ever since.

  19. 在水中,佩戴脚蹼,扶手板前伸,运动员练习蝶泳打腿。

    In water, with fins and board outstretched, have swimmer practice butterfly kick.

  20. 所以为什么我们不允许, 所有人在游泳时戴上脚蹼呢?

    So why don't we just allow everyone to have flippers when they're swimming?

  21. 戴上你最喜欢的脚蹼, 双臂和身体呈流线型, 蹬壁出发。

    Put on your favorite pair of fins and push off on your back arms in streamline.

  22. 戴上你最喜欢得脚蹼,双臂和身体呈流线型,蹬壁出发。

    Put on your favorite pair of fins and push off on your back arms in streamline.

  23. 游泳脚蹼由前蹼和鞋套两部分构成,经模压硫化为一体。

    Natant foot web by before web and shoe cover two parts to form, vulcanization of classics mould pressing is an organic whole.


  1. 问:脚蹼拼音怎么拼?脚蹼的读音是什么?脚蹼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脚蹼的读音是jiǎopǔ,脚蹼翻译成英文是 A gadget worn on the feet that can help one swim un...