


喊:~喊。~声。~吁。~天号(háo )地。唤,叫:~唤。~叫。~应。~朋引类(招引同类的人,共同做坏事)。往外出气,与“吸”相对:~气。~吸。象声词:~地跳起来。姓。……


小,排行最末的:~叔。~妹。数目一(a.称呼电话号码等;b.色子和骨牌中的一点):呼~喝(hè )六。姓。……


1. 喝 [hē]2. 喝 [hè]3. 喝 [yè]喝 [hē]把液体饮料或流质食物咽下去:~水。~酒。~茶。~粥。特指喝酒:~醉了。喝 [hè]大声喊叫:~彩。~问。喝 [yè]声音嘶哑、噎塞:“儿生,号啼之声鸿朗高畅者寿,嘶~湿下者夭……


1. 六 [liù]2. 六 [lù]六 [liù]数名,五加一(在钞票或单据上常用大写“陆”代):~书(古时分析汉字形、音、义而归纳出来的六种造字法)。~甲。~艺(a.古时指“礼”、“乐”、“射”、“御”、“书”、“数”六种技艺;b.六经……



汉语拼音:hū yāo hè liù









  • 【解释】:幺、六:骰子的点了。掷骰子时的喊声。泛指赌博。也形容吆喝。
  • 【出自】:元·无名氏《气英布》第三折:“咱则道舌刺刺言十妄九,村棒棒呼幺喝六。”
  • 【示例】:看见楼上灯烛辉煌,夹着~的声音,甚是热闹。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、状语;含贬义


  1. un.
  2. shout in casting dice

  1. 每天喝六到八杯水

    DO drink six to eight glasses of water a day

  2. 你总是吆五喝六的, 谁还喜欢你啊!

    You are always snapping at others, nobody likes you.

  3. 你总是吆五喝六的,谁还喜欢你啊!

    You are always snapping at others, nobody likes you.

  4. 赌场里都是吆五喝六的,你别去凑热闹了。

    The casinos are full of people who are calling out numbers, it's noisy, don't go there.

  5. 我没吃没喝已经六, 七个小时了。

    It had been six or seven hours since I had had anything to eat and drink.

  6. 你喝水也要按制子,每日喝一欣六分之一,按时而喝。

    Also measure out a sixth of a hin of water and drink it at set times.

  7. 你一周喝六杯

    So, that's like, what, six, six a week?

  8. 未来六个月每天喝伏特加

    to be drinking vodka for the next six months.

  9. 茶水泡刚好六分钟时他才喝。

    The liquid rests for precisely six minutes before he drinks it.

  10. 六天以来我只喝露水。

    Only this dew I eat for six days.

  11. 第六,少喝酒,别抽烟。

    Limit alcohol consumption and avoid tobacco.

  12. 这周六谁想去HanRiver喝酒?

    Who’s up for some drinking by the Han River this Saturday?

  13. 喝了五六瓶漱口水后,嘭!

    Five, six rinses later, boom!

  14. 他一口气喝掉了六品脱啤酒。

    He knocked back six pints of beer.

  15. 不不不,她才十六岁,她不会喝酒。

    No. no, no. She's 16. She doesn't drink.

  16. 十六岁之前,你不准喝酒。

    You are not allowed to drink alcohol before the age of 16.

  17. 十六岁之前,你不准喝酒。

    You are not allowed to drink alcohol before the age of 16.

  18. 我戒了六年酒之后又开始喝了。

    I started drinking again after six years of abstinence.

  19. 他喝了六杯威士忌就脚下不稳了。

    Six whiskies made him unsteady on his feet.

  20. 一家六口不能靠喝西北风活着啊。

    A family of six cannot live on air.

  21. 我们一桌六个人, 罗西一夜大吃大喝。

    It was six of us at the table, and Rosy had eat and drunk a lot all evening.

  22. 我们先一起喝一杯。在小憩碰面。六点。

    meet us for a drink first. at the respite. six o clock.

  23. 她注意到伯莎狼吞虎咽地喝下了六杯茶。

    She watched Bertha gulp down six cups of tea.

  24. 彼得在星期六晚上喝酒把工资全部花光。

    Peter blew in all his wages drinking on Saturday night.

  25. 太六31所以不要忧虑,说,我们要吃什么喝什么披戴什么

    31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, What shall we eat Or, What shall we drink Or, With what shall we be clothed

  26. 他们每周的周五和周六回去喝酒并小放肆一下。

    They'd get drunk and braver two nights a week, Fridays and Saturdays.

  27. 后来有一个礼拜六, 我决定带他去咖啡店喝点饮料。

    Then, one Saturday, I decided to take him to a cafe for a soft drink.

  28. 他喝了六杯伏特加之後,眼神发呆,什麽都再也记不住了

    After six glasses of vodka his eyes glazed over and he remember nothing more

  29. 在最近一个周六的夜里, 数百名男子在那里喝酒调情。

    On a recent Saturday night, hundreds of men milled around the outer rooms drinking and flirting.

  30. 他喝了六杯伏特加之后,眼神发呆,什麽都再也记不住了。

    After six glasses of vodka his eyes glazed over and he remembered nothing more.




解释:⑴掷骰子时的呼喊声.幺为输点,六为赢点,一般对方掷时喊"幺",自己掷时喊"六".泛指赌博时的喧哗声.⑵形容大声呵斥,盛气凌人的样子. 出处:元·无名氏《气英布》第三折:“咱则道舌刺刺言十妄九,村棒棒呼幺喝六。” 示例:看见楼上灯烛辉煌,夹着~的声音,甚是热闹。 ★《负曝闲谈》第五回 用法:作谓语、状语;指赌博。

