




劳绩,成绩,与“过”相对:~勋。~绩。论~行赏。徒劳无~。~德无量(liàng )。~成不居(立了功而不把功劳归于自己)。成就,成效:成~。~能。~亏一篑。事半~倍。急~近利。物理学上指用力使物体移动的工作,等于力乘移动的距离:~率。本领,……



汉语拼音:qìng gōng







  1. 庆贺胜利;表彰立功者。

    《三元里人民抗英斗争史料·苏英事略》:“ 广州府 及 南番 二县在 广州 大佛寺 举行庆功宴,推 苏英 为首座。” 郭小川 《雪满天山路》诗:“英雄到了 天山 上,就像上了庆功台。”



  1. 网络
  2. Celebration;Celebration Party;to celebrate a heroic deed

  1. 庆功酒里到底有什么

    Uh. when it comes to jungle juice.

  2. 我们要为见义勇为的英雄庆功!

    We must celebrate the victory for the heroes who have acted bravely in a just cause.

  3. 我们要为见义勇为的英雄庆功!

    We must celebrate the victory for the heroes who have acted bravely in a just cause.

  4. 最后我们还开了一个庆功会

    We had a big party at the end.

  5. 我可不想在庆功宴会上迟到。

    I don't want to be late to the victory party.

  6. 大事未成时, 莫开庆功宴

    Catch the bear before you sell his skin

  7. 从你首次举办的庆功宴上

    I knew from the moment I met you.

  8. 我们男生为自己庆功,好不得意了一阵子。

    Maybe we celebrated a little too over zealous.

  9. 把今晚庆功聚会的东西都准备好了。

    Get all this loaded up before the victory party tonight.

  10. 庆功会应该开成一个毫不炫耀摆阔的会。

    The victory meeting should be one without any splurge.

  11. 马克正在乔的酒吧筹备小型庆功宴

    Mark is putting together a little celebration at Joe's.

  12. 我们都知道他们是一起离开庆功会的。

    We all know they left the reception together.

  13. 你愿意在庆功宴上和我坐在一起吗?

    If you will sit with me at the triumph.

  14. 那时, 爱德华正在参加旧金山的庆功会。

    Edward was in San Francisco at a victory celebration.

  15. 那时,爱德华正在参加旧金山得庆功会。

    Edward was in San Francisco at a victory celebration.

  16. 这是我们演唱会之后庆功宴在一起的照片。

    This is a bunch of us at the celebration dinner after the concert.

  17. 罗志祥新加坡潮男正传撑腰庆功改版签唱会

    Show Luo Trendy Man autograph session in Singapore at East Point Mall.

  18. 在庆功会上, 校长给我们每人发了一枚勋章。

    The headmaster gave away each of us a medal at the celebration.

  19. 这是你应得的, 现在, 我要请你吃顿庆功宴。

    You deserve it. Now Ill buy you a victory lunch.

  20. 竞选结果公布前就买庆功晚宴礼服 是不是不大吉利呀?

    Isn't it bad luck to buy a dress for a victory party before the election?

  21. 第一, 每次庆功时, 别忘了要感谢那些帮助其实现得人。

    First, every time you celebrate an achievement, be thankful to those who made it possible.

  22. 第一,每次庆功时,别忘了要感谢那些帮助其实现的人。

    First, every time you celebrate an achievement, be thankful to those who made it possible.


  1. 问:庆功拼音怎么拼?庆功的读音是什么?庆功翻译成英文是什么?

    答:庆功的读音是qìnggōng,庆功翻译成英文是 To congratulate the victor or a person who has ma...