







汉语拼音:yǐ xué








  1. 亦作“螘穴”。蚂蚁的巢穴。

    晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷十:“ 夏阳 卢汾 ,字 士济 ,梦入蚁穴,见堂宇三间,势甚危豁,题其额曰‘审雨堂’。” 唐 杜甫 《寄刘峡州伯华使君四十韵》:“林居看蚁穴,野食待鱼罾。” 明 刘基 《感时述事》诗之一:“戎机一以失,蚁穴僨臺殿。” 清 张岱 《<陶庵梦忆>自序》:“今当黍熟黄粱,车旅螘穴,当作如何消受?”

  2. 比喻可以酿成大祸的小漏洞。语出《韩非子·喻老》:“千丈之隄,以螻蚁之穴溃;百尺之室,以突隙之烟焚。” 三国 魏 应璩 《杂诗》:“细微可不慎,隄溃自蚁穴。” 陈三立 《孟乐大令出示纪愤旧句和答》之二:“蚁穴河山他日泪,龙楼鐘鼓在天灵。”



  1. Pour equal parts water and white vinegar into a spray bottle. Then spray it on anthills and around areas where you see the insects.


  2. So, though it tried to clean itself over and over, the minute it returned to the colony, it was grabbed, carried and slung back on the pile.


  3. All of a sudden what was once a pile of gunk on the colony floor becomes a "Problem to Be Solved. "


  4. "They might have burned through all their sugar or dehydrated outside the buffered environments of their nests, " he explained.


  5. Then the nest maintenance workers work inside the nest, and I wanted to say that the nests look a lot like Bill Lishman's house.


  6. Information then flows through the ant colony when followers are promoted to leaders and the teaching process starts all over again.


  7. The butterfly's caterpillars are carried by ants into the nests where they beg for food and are fed by the workers.


  8. And if you mark ants that are working outside, and dig up a colony, you never see them deep down.


  9. Ants and termites head below the frost line, where their large numbers and stored food keep them comfortable until spring arrives.


  1. 用棍探测蚁穴

    ProBing the anthill with a stick.

  2. 千丈之堤溃于蚁穴。

    A littleleak will sink a great ship.

  3. 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴

    A little leak will sink a great ship

  4. 用棍棒探测蚁穴搜索。探究

    Probing the anthill with a stick

  5. 那是蚁穴的入口,那是笔,作为比例尺。

    There's the nest entrance, there's a pencil for scale.

  6. 这是成熟蚁群的巢穴,那是蚁穴的入口

    This is the nest of the mature colony, and there's the nest entrance.

  7. 这四类只是在蚁穴外工作的蚂蚁

    And these four groups are just the ants outside the nest.

  8. 地球物理方法在白蚁蚁穴探查中的应用

    Application of geophysical method in white ant cave detection

  9. 这是最大的蚁穴,入口大约一米宽。

    This is about as big as they get, about a meter across.

  10. 这是由光纤显微镜拍摄的。这是在蚁穴里面。

    This is taken through a fiber optics microscope. It's down inside the nest.

  11. 而那些负责维修的蚂蚁在整个蚁穴中忙碌。

    There are nest maintenance workers working throughout the nest.

  12. 你可以看到这些在蚁穴入口的蚂蚁也是这样。

    You can also see this in the ants just outside the nest entrance like these.

  13. 它们必须从蚁穴里面把负责维修的蚂蚁叫出来。

    they have to get nest maintenance workers from inside the nest.

  14. 所以其实当蚂蚁幼小的时候它们是在蚁穴里面工作的

    So what's happening is that the ants work inside the nest when they're younger.

  15. 这些蚂蚁把所有牙签都搬到 离蚁穴较远的地方。

    And the nest maintenance workers just take all the toothpicks to the outer edge of the nest mound and leave them there.

  16. 不同地形之间蚁穴密度分布为丘间地迎风坡丘顶背风坡

    Different topographic types were arranged in order of the antnest density as follows hollow windward slope dune top leeward.

  17. 对蚁穴造成了极大的破坏,就需要更多的蚂蚁收拾残局。

    There's a lot of damage to the nest, and extra ants are needed to clean up that mess.