


给人东西同时从他那里取得别的东西:交~。对~。~工。~文。兑~。更改,变:变~。更(gēng )~。~马(喻撤换担负某项职务的人,含贬义)。~样。~气。~言之(换句话说)。……


1. 兑 [duì]2. 兑 [ruì]3. 兑 [yuè]兑 [duì]交换:~换(用一种货币换另一种货币)。~现。汇~(两地通过信件或电报交换款项)。液体从一个容器注入另一个容器,一种东西搀到另一种东西里去:~点热水。八卦之一,代表沼泽……



汉语拼音:huàn duì








  1. 原指货币兑换。引申为以命抵命。




  1. 网络
  2. swap

  1. 外币兑换证

    foreign currency conversion certificate.

  2. 将欧元兑换成美元

    convert euros into US dollars

  3. 将欧元兑换成美元

    convert euros into US dollars

  4. 把纸币兑换成银币

    change paper money into silver

  5. 人民币兑换成美元吗?

    RMB into American dol lars?

  6. 我要将支票兑换成现金。

    I need to cash some checks.

  7. 他没有把股票兑换成现款。

    He did not cash in his shares.

  8. 我需要把法郎兑换成美元。

    I need to change my francs into dollars.

  9. 她把她的人民币兑换成英镑。

    She converted her Renminbi into pound sterling.

  10. 请把这些人民币兑换成美金。

    Please exchange this RMB into dollars.

  11. 这是现金和外汇兑换水单。

    Here is the cash and the exchange memo.

  12. 请将这张支票兑换成现金。

    I'd like to cash this check in, please.

  13. 请将这些外币兑换成澳元?

    Can you change this into Australian Dollars ?

  14. 今天我得把支票兑换成现金。

    I need to cash this check today.

  15. 我想把一些美元兑换成英镑。

    I want to convert some dollars into pounds.

  16. 我想把这些美元兑换成英镑。

    I should like to change these dollars to pounds.

  17. 你能把这些美元兑换成英镑吗?

    Could you change these dollars into pounds?

  18. 他把一些证券兑换成现金付帐。

    He paid the pill by cashing in some bonds.

  19. 我在哪儿可以把美元兑换成外币?

    Where can I exchange my American money for foreign money ?

  20. 我们想将一些旅行支票兑换成现金。

    We want to change some traveler's cheque.

  21. 我可以把100加拿大元兑换成美元吗

    Can I exchange one hundred Canadian dollars for U.S. dollars

  22. 请帮我把这张支票兑换成现金。

    I want to cash this check, please.

  23. 我能在这儿把支票兑换成现金吗?

    Can I cash a check here?

  24. 请问在哪儿可以把纸币兑换成硬币?

    Could you tell me where to change paper money into silver?

  25. 请你把这些钱兑换成美金好吗?

    Can you exchange this for US dollars, please?

  26. 你能把我的日元兑换成美元吗?

    Would you exchange my Japanese yen to American dollars?

  27. 你能把我这张支票兑换成现金吗?

    Can you cash tnis check for me?

  28. 你可以把我的美元兑换成英磅吗?

    Could you convert my dollars into pounds?

  29. 如果我把美元兑换成欧元, 汇率是多少?

    What rate will I get if I convert my dollars into euros?

  30. 这名游客把旅行支票兑换成当地货币。

    The tourist changed a traveler's cheque into local currency.