


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 思 [sī]2. 思 [sāi]思 [sī]想,考虑,动脑筋:~想(a.客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果;b.想法,念头;c.思量)。~忖。~索。~维。沉~。寻~。见异~迁。想念,挂念:~念。~恋。相~。想法:~绪。~……




1. 改 [gǎi]改 [gǎi]变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。姓。……



汉语拼音:bù sī huǐ gǎi







  1. The dark Ones do however have an obstinate desire to carry on even although they know it will bring their demise.


  2. But in the intense objection, yellow puts down Bureau of Education "not to think repents " , indicated as before insists such education.


  3. Another possible result is a minority Social Democrat government that depends on backing from the unrepentant Czech Communist Party.


  4. Until recently, Coke had a reputation for obstinacy in the face of criticism.


  5. They did not repent and give him glory.


  6. In America we let rich people run roughshod over the law, pay no penance, take no responsibility and let the taxpayers shoulder the burden!


  7. Korea's Hyundai is unapologetic about seeing Toyota's (and corporate Japan's) loss as its gain.


  8. In foreign policy Mr Putin remained unrepentantly blunt, notably on missile defence (see article).


  9. the other thinks of no repenting, and distorts it by every means to cheat common people.


  1. 上帝责难不思悔改的罪人。

    God reprobated the unrepenting sinner.

  2. 他们不思悔改, 并给他的荣耀。

    They did not repent and give him glory.

  3. 最近, 可口可乐还背上了面对批评不思悔改得恶名。

    Until recently, Coke had a reputation for obstinacy in the face of criticism.

  4. 最近,可口可乐还背上了面对批评不思悔改的恶名。

    Until recently, Coke had a reputation for obstinacy in the face of criticism.

  5. 这个字不改。

    Let the word stand.

  6. 他不改旧观。

    He resumed his former manner.

  7. 故我们决定不改。

    Hence we have decided to make no change.

  8. 我宁死也不改姓!

    I would rather die than change my name!

  9. 我宁死也不改姓!

    I would rather die than change my name!

  10. 小错不改,易犯大错。

    Little rogue easily become great one.

  11. 狼易其衣, 不改其性

    The wolf changes his coat, not his disposition

  12. 小错不改, 大错即来

    Small mistakes left uncorrected will lead to bigger ones

  13. 他坚决不改他的坏习惯。

    He persists in his bad habit.

  14. 那还不简单!就是不改作业。

    Li Hua, what would make you a happy camper?

  15. 小过不改必将酿成大错。

    Small errors will lead to big ones if not corrected.

  16. 小过不改必将酿成大错。

    Small errors will lead to big ones if not corrected.

  17. 既已写了就坚决不改。

    What I have written I have written.

  18. 小错不改,将会酿成大错。

    If small mistakes are passed by, they may lead to more serious ones.

  19. 豹不改其斑, 人难移本性。

    A leopard can't change its spots.

  20. 发型不改,只要修齐就好了。

    Do not change the style, just trim it.

  21. 产能过剩不改钢价上涨步伐。

    Excess capacity will not change the pace of rising steel prices.

  22. 青山不改,绿水长流,我们后会有期。

    We shall meet again as long as time stands.

  23. 玛丽一字不改地抄袭萨莉的作文。

    Mary copied Sallys composition word for word.

  24. 海盗得利益已消失, 但海盗得本性不改。

    The profits of piracy had gone but the piratical instinct remained.

  25. 犯错是人之常情, 有过不改亦然。

    Make mistakes is common for man, and so is remains unconverted even if he knows it.

  26. 我对你可是情真意切, 痴心不改呀!

    I have a true love and genuine concern for you as well as pure infatuation.

  27. 我对你可是情真意切、痴心不改呀!

    I have a true love and genuine concern for you as well as pure infatuation.

  28. 大势所趋,不改也得改,是勉强的,不愉快的。

    But change they must, however grudgingly and painfully, for this is dictated by the general trend.

  29. 狼一年换一次皮, 本性却永远不改。

    The Wolf sheds his Coat once a Year

  30. 熟能无过, 惟愚者执过而不改。

    It is the nature of every man to err, but only the fool preserves the error.