


1. 丁 [dīng]2. 丁 [zhēng]丁 [dīng]天干的第四位,用于作顺序第四的代称:~是~,卯是卯。成年男子。人口。从事某种劳动的人:园~。丁 [zhēng]〔~~〕象声词,形容伐木、下棋、弹琴的声音。……





汉语拼音:dīng bà







  1. 一种治导河流、保护堤岸的水工建筑物。一端与堤岸连接成丁字形,能改变水流,使堤岸不受冲刷,丁坝可使泥沙在坝田里淤积,以造成新岸。



  1. The contribution of groyne height reduction to counteracting unwanted erosion is then considered a favourable incidental circumstance.


  2. The results from the experiments showed that the channel bed stability of gabion spur dikes is higher than that of conventional spur dikes.


  3. Local directional change of the flow field in the vicinity of spur dike would result in local scouring of spur dike.


  4. n. As a new fashion river regulation building, it is necessary to research the effect of pile permeable groins to local flow quantitatively.


  5. The paper further studies the scouring mechanism of groins through local groin model tests.


  6. It puts forward a new protective measure for the layout of groins aiming at security issues based on that study.


  7. Research on The General Modeling of Spur- dike Particular Erosion in The Upriver of Fenhe


  8. Study of erosion-lessening and siltation-promotion effect for sheet-pile groins under strong tidal estuary


  9. Experimental study and numerical simulation of flow in the vicinity of a submerged spur-dike


  1. 艾什莱型丁坝

    Ashley type groyne.

  2. 桩式抛石丁坝

    pile bridge riprap groin

  3. 丁坝绕流几何示意图

    Plan view of flow around spur dikes

  4. 丁坝浑水冲刷试验研究

    Study of the unclear water local scour depth of spur dike

  5. 丁坝局部冲刷的试验研究

    An Experimental Study of Local Scour Around Spur Dike

  6. 涌潮冲击丁坝的数值计算

    Numerical Computation of Impingement of Tidal Bore on Spur Dike

  7. 涌潮冲击丁坝时涌潮压力初步研究

    Primary Research of the Bore Pressure when Bore Tide Strikes Groin

  8. 丁坝挑角对坝田淤积的影响

    Effect of Oriented Groin Angle on Deposition Between Two Groins.

  9. 错口丁坝在水流中的相互作用

    Interaction between Alternate Groins in Water Flow.

  10. 丁坝的冲刷机理和局部冲刷计算

    Basic Theories for Scour of Spurs and Computation of Local Scour

  11. 丁坝对分汊河道分流比的影响

    The Effect of Spur Dike on the Diversion Ratio of Bifurcated River Channel

  12. 丁坝局部冲深计算的理论探讨

    Theoretical discussion on calculation of local scour depth of spur dikes

  13. 丁坝坝头局部冲深计算方法综述

    Review on Calculation Methods for the Local Scour Depth of Spur Dikes

  14. 丁坝在纸坊险工整治中的应用

    Application of Groin Dike in Zhifang Dangerous Works Training

  15. 涌潮翻越丁坝过程数值试验初步研究

    Numerical study of the process of tidal bore turning over the groin

  16. 崇明岛丁坝坝头冲刷防护对策初探

    Countermeasure of erosion protection for groyne head of Chongming Island

  17. 钱塘江桩式丁坝板桩的施工工艺

    Construction of sheet pile for pile groyne in Qiantang River

  18. 然后求出了丁坝问题的摄动解。

    The asymptotic solutions to the problem of a spur dike are obtained.

  19. 漫水丁坝坝头床沙起冲流速研究

    Study of initial scour velocity of bed sand around submerged spur dikes

  20. 强潮河口漫水丁坝上游冲刷的研究

    Study of Upstream Scour Around Submerged Groins in Macro tidal River Mouth

  21. 丁坝基础冲刷防护措施在工程中的应用

    Application of the measure of scour prevention of spur dike foundation in the practical engineering.

  22. 丁坝错口距离的最优值、极限值研究

    Study on the Optimum and the Limit of Alternate Space between Groins

  23. 丁坝挑角等参数对坝头冲刷深度的影响

    Influence on scour depth of spure dike parameter

  24. 汾河上游丁坝局部冲刷概化模型试验研究

    Research on The General Modeling of Spur dike Particular Erosion in The Upriver of Fenhe.

  25. 丁坝对弯道水流紊动强度影响的试验研究

    Experimental Study of Spur Dike Effects on Turbulence Intensity of Bend Flow

  26. 丁坝坝头的局部冲刷对丁坝的整治效果产生不利影响。

    Local scour on the head of a spur dike is disadvantageous to the structures.

  27. 北江下游丁坝坝头最大冲深计算模式探讨

    Discussion on Calculation Mode for the Maximum Scouring Depth around Spur Dikes in the Downstream of Beijiang River

  28. 长江口典型丁坝坝头冲深计算模式选择与验证

    Model selection and verification for a typical spur dike's scour depth in the Yangtze River Estuary

  29. 浅谈沙质河床上无沉排护底丁坝的施工

    Construction of Spur Dikes without Sinking Fascine Mattress as Sand Bottom River Bed Protection.

  30. 溢流丁坝附近自由水面的实验研究与数值模拟

    Experimental study and numerical simulation of flow in the vicinity of a submerged spurdike


  1. 问:丁坝拼音怎么拼?丁坝的读音是什么?丁坝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丁坝的读音是dīngbà,丁坝翻译成英文是 T-type dike

  2. 问:丁坝坝头拼音怎么拼?丁坝坝头的读音是什么?丁坝坝头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丁坝坝头的读音是dīng bà bà tóu,丁坝坝头翻译成英文是 head of groyne

  3. 问:丁坝根部拼音怎么拼?丁坝根部的读音是什么?丁坝根部翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丁坝根部的读音是dīng bà gēn bù,丁坝根部翻译成英文是 root of groyne

  4. 问:丁坝间水区拼音怎么拼?丁坝间水区的读音是什么?丁坝间水区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丁坝间水区的读音是dīng bà jiàn shuǐ qū,丁坝间水区翻译成英文是 basin of groin



〖spur〗端与堤岸相接呈“T”字形的保护堤岸水土的建筑物。 丁坝我国幅员辽阔,江河密布,为我们提供了生存必需的水资源和舟楫之利,但也需进行防灾兴利的治理。在治河工程中,丁坝是应用广泛的水工建筑物;在交通建设、河滩围垦和海涂工程中,丁坝也是常用的建筑物之一。所有这些工程的设计都离不开水力学的计算,丁坝水力学由此应运而生。丁坝是广泛使用的河道整治和维护建筑物,其主要功能为保护河岸不受来流直接冲蚀而产生掏刷破坏,同时它也在改善航道、维护河相以及保全水生生息场多样化方面发挥着作用。丁坝修建后局部地改变了河流流动形态,坝体尾部旋涡的产生、分离和衰减使水流呈强三维紊动特性,相应流动结构十分复杂。目前对丁坝近区特别是在洪水期水流结构和局部冲淤关系还没有充分的认识与理解,使得丁坝的安全建设和合理利用受到诸多限制。探讨丁坝近体的流动结构不仅具有重要的水力学研究价值,也对丁坝的实际工程应用有现实指导意义。