


1. 烙 [lào]2. 烙 [luò]烙 [lào]用器物烫熨:~衣服。~印。~花(亦称“烫花”)。把面食放在烧热的铛或锅上加热使熟:~饼。~锅贴。烙 [luò]〔炮(pào)~〕见“炮1”。……





汉语拼音:lào bǐng







  1. 烙成的饼。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一○八回:“一会儿,店家送上些甚么片儿汤、烙饼等东西,我就让那弓兵在一起吃过了。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》二:“他只关心他的车,他的车能产生烙饼与一切吃食。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第四章:“ 林道静 看着八仙桌上的白面烙饼摊鸡蛋,心里饱饱的,一点儿也吃不下去。”



  1. Aunt just do eat or pancake fried potato to make more, let the children or uncle sent himself, sometimes.


  2. Many days all have not eaten meal, looked everybody looks like the wheat pancake.


  3. "Father, what if thee should get found out again? " said Simeon, as he buttered his cake.


  4. We would sit down to our evening repast and a quantity of luchis[8] heaped on a thick round wooden tray would be placed before us.


  5. We had a fine drink after our luchis that day.


  6. Dig into two corn tortillas filled with black beans, corn, zucchini, tofu, and bell peppers, all covered in mild enchilada sauce.


  7. Usually I hate pancakes but beggars can't be choosers. So I walked in hoping to find some discarded pancakes since I had no money.


  8. Thailand travel, Ayutthaya, Traditional market, Sweet small pancakes. Photo by KaKa.


  9. Serve hot over pancakes, or store in an airtight jar and chill in the refrigerator.


  1. 烙饼还有点儿温和。

    The pancake is still warm.

  2. 烙饼还有点儿温乎。

    The pancake is still warm.

  3. 拿着洋葱和烙饼,

    Some pancakes and some onions

  4. 我很擅长翻烙饼。

    I'm good at turning a pancake.

  5. 我很擅长翻烙饼。

    I'm good at turning a pancake.

  6. 拿着洋葱和烙饼,。

    Some pancakes and some onions.

  7. 他们喜欢吃冷的烙饼。

    They love them cold.

  8. 你知道的, 烙饼和纸烟?

    You, know. flapjack and a cigarette?

  9. 迈克要我多吃烙饼?

    Mike You got any more flap jacks.

  10. 我们是不会吃烙饼的。

    We're not gonna eat pancajes.

  11. 烙饼怎么样了,查理布朗?

    How are the pancakes, Charlie Brown?

  12. 友好的弗兰克翻转美味烙饼。

    Friendly Frank flips fine Flapjack.

  13. 他卖的热烙饼味道真好。

    His hot pancakes are delicious.

  14. 吃用蓝色玉米制作的薄烙饼。

    Eat blue corn tortilla chips.

  15. 今天早晨我刚好不想吃烙饼。

    I just don't feel like pancakes this morning.

  16. 妈妈量出四碗面粉来做烙饼。

    Mamma measured off four bowls of flour for baked pancakes.

  17. 晚上我们用这块酵子烙饼吃吧。

    Shall we make cakes with this leavening dough tonight?

  18. 晚上我们用这块酵子烙饼吃吧。

    Shall we make cakes with this leavening dough tonight ?

  19. 好些天都没吃饭了, 看谁都像烙饼。

    Many days all have not eaten meal, looked everybody looks like the wheat pancake.

  20. 我的家人很喜欢吃烙饼,所以我经常做。

    My family loves pancakes, so I make them quite often.

  21. 友善的法兰克用手轻敲着美味的烙饼。

    Friendly Frank flips fine flapjacks.

  22. 将面糊倒入一个不粘烤盘烤制烙饼。

    Pour the batter onto a nonstick griddle to form pancakes.

  23. 把生菜及火腿逐一放于玉米薄烙饼中央。

    Lay the lettuce and ham on top in the center of the tortilla.

  24. 将薄烙饼放平并涂上步骤1的混合酱。

    Place the tortillas work surface and spread each generously with the sauce mixture.

  25. 那里的人们会用刚刚收获的小麦制作烙饼和馒头。

    And people there take the newly harvested wheat and make pancakes and steamed buns.

  26. 将安琪梨平均放在薄烙饼上, 洒上适量胡椒粉。

    Divide the pears across the middle of each tortilla. Grind a little pepper the pears.

  27. 拉丝烙饼皮极薄, 层次均匀, 丝细绵长, 宜于热吃。

    Paper thinly bing drawing, the level of uniformity, long thin wire, suitable for hot food.

  28. 英格兰白金汉郡的奥尔尼镇正为烙饼而疯狂。

    The town of Olney in Buckinghamshire, England is flipping for pancakes.

  29. 你们大家觉得我首次闯入烙饼的神秘世界成绩怎么样?

    So how did everyone my first foray into the wonderful world of pancakes?

  30. 师傅显得非常友好,专给赵树理做了馒头和烙饼。

    With a great show of friendliness, the baker made special bread and cakes for Chao.


  1. 问:烙饼拼音怎么拼?烙饼的读音是什么?烙饼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烙饼的读音是làobǐng,烙饼翻译成英文是 a type of pancake


