











汉语拼音:yǐ zhàn yǎng zhàn







  • 【解释】:利用战争中获取来的人力、物力和财力,继续进行战争。


  1. 网络
  2. fuel war with warfare;bellum se ipsum alet;War agmnst War

  1. 工业必须调整以适应战时需要。

    Industry must be geared to wartime needs.

  2. 这场军事演习以一场模拟战收尾。

    The military exercise ended with a mock battle.

  3. 军事训练演习以一场模拟战结束。

    The army training exercises ended with a mock battle.

  4. 军队的训练演习以一场模拟战结束。

    The army training exercises ended with a mock battle.

  5. 雇佣斯拉夫矛兵来自东欧,训练低劣,以短矛作战。

    Poorly trained and mercenaries from Eastern Europe, armed with spears.

  6. 空间战是以计算机, 卫星, 远程通信, 导弹等为基础的。

    Space war is based on computers, satellites, telecommunications, missiles, etc.

  7. 空间战是以计算机,卫星,远程通信,导弹等为基础得。

    Space war is based on computers,satellites,telecommunications,missiles,etc.

  8. 成空某师以战法创新牵引战斗力提升

    Aviation division boosts fighting power through tactical innovation

  9. 我们不想用“以战迫和”的方式来解决政治矛盾。

    We don't want to handle political contradictions by means of forcing compromise through fighting.

  10. 从以战建国到和平建国的转变中, 美国, 联的作用不可低估。

    During the first two stages, USA and USSR played an important role.

  11. 中国女排力战美国队,以3:2赢得了比赛的胜利。

    The Chinese volleyball team fought against the American team fierecly, and won the game at 3-2.

  12. 目前德国对付海上贸易得潜艇战其实是以人类为敌。

    The present German submarine warfare against commerce is warfare against mankind.

  13. 目前德国对付海上贸易的潜艇战其实是以人类为敌。

    The present German submarine warfare against commerce is warfare against mankind.

  14. 战略退却,以利再战。

    He that fight and run away may live to fight another day.

  15. 以国内议题为选战主轴

    To campaign on domestic issues

  16. 两队最终以零比零战平。

    The two teams finally drew nil-nil.

  17. 他们不得不以极少的弹药应战。

    They have to meet the attack with very little ammunition.

  18. 凡战者, 以正合, 以奇胜。

    In all fighting, the direct method may be used for joining battle, but indirect methods will be needed in order to secure victory.

  19. 发扬成绩, 纠正错误, 以利再战。

    Add to your achievement and correct your mistakes to do still better in future struggles.

  20. 伊战对阿以和平进程的影响

    Influence of Iraq War to the Peace Process between Israel and Palestine

  21. 这颗行星被以罗马战神玛斯命名。

    The planet was named after the Roman god of war.

  22. 于是丛林战基本以设伏战以及遭遇战为主。

    Therefore the jungle warfare basic lays an ambush fights as well as the meeting engagement primarily.

  23. 保护平民人口以防无差别战之危险

    Protection of civilian populations against the dangers of indiscriminate warfare

  24. 我不是很在意他们以会什么样的阵容出战。

    I don't really care about their lineup.

  25. 我们有可能以最大的效率来进行运动战。

    It is possible for us to pursue mobile warfare with the utmost efficiency.

  26. 增强视野以方便陆战队员更好地行动。

    Night Vision Goggles Amplifies vision and allows the Marine to maneuver better.

  27. 陈水扁不应以正名运动作为选战主轴。

    President Chen should not have used the name i ue as a campaign topic.

  28. 美国在伊战和阿战中得代价是以亿计得。

    The price tag for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan wars is in the trillions.

  29. 美国在伊战和阿战中的代价是以亿计的。

    The price tag for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan wars is in the trillions.

  30. 亚撒和以色列王巴沙在世的日子, 常争战。

    There was war between Asa and Baasha king of Israel throughout their reigns.