











汉语拼音:yǐ zhàn qù zhàn







  • 【解释】:用战争消灭战争。
  • 【出自】:《商君书·画策》:“故以战去战,虽战可也。”
  • 【示例】:~,盛王之道。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. na.
  2. eliminate war with war

  1. 我们必须有自信, 重新去战!

    Just have tostay confident, and come out to play!

  2. 有一天, 他唯一的儿子被呼招去打战。

    One day his only son was send or called to serve in the war.

  3. 有时候我们派士兵去打地面战

    Sometimes, we've had soldiers on the ground fighting.

  4. 暑假便要到了, 我筹算战怙恃去北京。

    Summer holiday is coming. I will go to Beijing with my parents.

  5. 虽然他后来当上了空军尉官,但从未被召去参加越战。

    He eventually became a lieutenant, but was never called on to fight in Vietnam.

  6. 决不屈服于你用心去战的战争

    HIGH And never succumb to the war that you fight in your heart

  7. 那个周终自己很快乐自己地表弟去探自己而且战自己玩。

    I was so happy this weekend. My brother came to visit me and played with me.

  8. 众人就听从耶和华的话归回,不去与耶罗波安争战。

    So they obeyed the words of the Lord and turned back from marching against Jeroboam.

  9. 战船只知道去做一件事。

    And warship's only know how to do one thing.

  10. 总有一天可能更适于克里姆宁宫去鼓励这种好战。

    One day, it might even suit the Kremlin to encourage this truculence.

  11. 而战船只知道去做一件事,那就是杀戮。

    And warships only know how to do one thing, and that's kill.

  12. 去哀嚎通灵塔看看他战的如何了。

    Go to the Wailing Ziggurat, see if he's doing okay.

  13. 底波拉叫巴拉去和迦南王耶宾争战。

    Deborah called Barak to fight a war against Jabin king of Canaan.

  14. 这就是我,我将用毕生精力去为野生动物而战。

    That is what am and I will fight for wildlife my whole life.

  15. 他们去攻击其它国家,引发血战。

    And they go about attacking countries and create a blood bath.

  16. 就这样, 他们让我远征去赴战

    And they marched me away to the war

  17. 圣战并不神圣,礼拜都去哪了?

    Jihad is not a holy war, where s that in the worship

  18. 战时所有男女老少都投入到战争中去。

    All the people,men and women,old and young have plunged into war in the wartime.

  19. 海军陆战队员进去了,俘获了15名犯人。

    Marines went in, taking 15 prisoners.

  20. 海军陆战队员进去了,俘获了15名犯人。

    Marines went in, taking 15 prisoners.

  21. 他对圣战的定义现在可以被抹去。

    His definition of jihad can now be expunged.

  22. 钱其真没有能给人带去爱战交情。

    Money can not bring love or friendship.

  23. 有些参加欧战的士兵一去便不复返了。

    Some of the boys who went over there never came back.

  24. 有些参加欧战得士兵一去便不复返了。

    Some of the boys who went over there never came back.

  25. 不过, 去他妈的, 我还站在这里, 我还是那个战羊。

    But goddamn it, i'm still standing here and i'm the Ram.

  26. 我的圣诞版特制战靴非常棒,穿上去相当有感觉!

    My Christmas edition shoes are sweet. I'm really feeling them!

  27. 战斧式巡航导弹腾空而起,向北朝巴格达飞去。

    A Tomahawk flew into the sky, heading north towards Baghdad.

  28. 我请了宝宝,苦苦战其他小朋友去到场我的死日散会。

    I asked Baobao, Tiantian and other little friends to come to my party.

  29. 当我去墨尔本的时候,我想知道我可以为了冠军而战。

    The thing is when I go to Melbourne I want to know I can fight for the championship.

  30. 她应该得到和我愿做什么,她都会去接战多等一会儿。

    She deserved what she got and I wish the fight went on a little longer.