


1. 雷 [léi]雷 [léi]由于下雨时带异性电的两块云相接,空中闪电发出的强大的声音:~电。~鸣。~动。~雨。~霆。~厉风行。军事用的爆炸武器:地~。鱼~。布~。扫~。~管。〔~池〕古水名,在今中国安徽省望江县。现用于成语“不敢越~~……





汉语拼音:léi shén







  1. 神话中主管打雷的神。俗称雷公。

    《山海经·海内东经》:“ 雷泽 中有雷神,龙身而人头,鼓其腹。” 元 马致远 《荐福碑》第三折:“你因甚恼着雷神来。” 殷夫 《孩儿塔·梦中的龙华》:“白云看着你返顾颤惊,雷神们迅速地鼓着狂声。”



  1. Will's energy shield vanished, and the front of his MJOLNIR armor melted. He took a step toward the beast, and collapsed.


  2. You should see him in a tutu. -Lex Luthor. . . with a girl that he doesn't have to inflate.


  3. In the build that I played, the Thor was in the game, and after a bit of testing, I found it to be useful in small groups.


  4. We have enough trouble with him chasing the cat with a plastic hammer without Thor encouraging him further.


  5. Raytheon's mobile ad hoc networking protocols are among the key technologies used in the system's development.


  6. During Quake Live's first year, we knew that there would be a subscription service arriving for the game.


  7. It was a massive anti-matter annihilator cannon, capable of destroying entire worlds at a single firing.


  8. When I first wrote my review of Quake Live, one of my concerns for the future of the game was the pro scene.


  9. Most of his friends spent their free hours defacing each other's Web sites and playing Quake over the Internet; Ian had higher aspirations.


  1. 钢铁侠, 美国队长, 雷神, 绿巨人。

    Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk.

  2. 雷神、雷法与清微道派研究

    A Study on the Thunder God, the Thunder Rites and the Qingwei Sect

  3. 雷神古代斯堪的纳维亚的雷声之神

    The Norse god of thunder.

  4. 从太平广记看雷神及雷神崇拜思想

    From the TaiPing Collection see Raytheon and Raytheon worship Ideas

  5. 从汉画看古代雷神形象的演变

    On the Development of Ancient Thunder God of Stone Relief of Han Dynasty

  6. 因为我必须用雷神之锤去杀一个神!

    And I need the hammer to kill a god!

  7. 佛瑞德的雷神锤盔甲碳化成黑色。

    Fred's MJOLNIR armor was carbonized black.

  8. 雷神之锤在线版也有个类似的系统。

    Quake Live has a similar system.

  9. 雷神公司的工作将跨越计划的整个带宽。

    Raytheon's work will span the entire bandwidth of the program, he added.

  10. 雷神能单靠自己能很好地抵御空军吗?

    Can the Thor defend itself against air units well

  11. 爱沙尼亚人向当地的收成和雷神进贡。

    Estonians made offerings to local fertility and thunder gods.

  12. 雷神之锤的场景中,可爱的幽灵四处乱窜。

    Quake scenes, the ghost of a lovely four rampant.

  13. 雷神之锤得场景中,可爱得幽灵四处乱窜。

    Quake scenes, the ghost of a lovely four rampant.

  14. 他的雷神锤盔甲里只剩下七分钟的氧量。

    His MJOLNIR suit had seven minutes of air left.

  15. 一年之内, 雷神公司就申请了微波炉的专利。

    Within a year, Raytheon made a patent application for a microwave oven.

  16. 雷神信仰,源于远古人对雷电现象的自然崇拜。

    Raytheon belief stems from the ancient people worship the natural phenomenon of lightning.

  17. 雷神崇奉,源于史前人对雷电征象的自然崇拜。

    Raytheon belief stems from the ancient people worshellop the natural phenomenon of lightning.

  18. 凶猛的雷神被伏羲的父亲俘获,关押在山洞深处。

    The ferocious God of Thunder was captured by Fuxi's father and imprisoned deep within a mountain cave.

  19. 雷神信仰,源于远昔人对雷电现象的自然崇拜。

    Raytheon belief stems from the ancient people worship the natural phenomenon of lightning.

  20. 雷神崇奉,源于史前人对雷电征象得自然崇拜。

    Raytheon belief stems from the ancient people worshellop the natural phenomenon of lightning.

  21. 雷神公司还将管理外国军事销售的系统维修支持。

    Raytheon will also manage system repairs in support of foreign military sales.

  22. 雷神公司还将管理外国军事销售得系统维修支持。

    Raytheon will also manage system repairs in support of foreign military sales.

  23. 柔和劝诱得溶雪, 比之用锤子得雷神, 力量大得多。

    Thaw with his gentle persuasion is more powerful than Thor with his hammer.

  24. 柔和劝诱的溶雪,比之用锤子的雷神,力量大得多。

    Thaw with his gentle persuasion is more powerful than Thor with his hammer.

  25. 他迅速穿上雷神锤的肩甲咔哒一声盖上了开关。

    This he slipped into the pauldron of his MJOLNIR armor and clicked the cover.

  26. 沾染邪恶得灵魂啊, 让雷神来净化你吧。数码密码扫描!

    Soul saturated in immorality, my lightning will purify you! Digicode Scan!

  27. 沾染邪恶的灵魂啊,让雷神来净化你吧。数码密码扫描!

    Soul saturated in immorality, my lightning will purify you! Digicode Scan!

  28. 让您在咨询的同时能够体会到雷神产品的特点和优势。

    Let you in consultation and can enjoy the thor product characteristics and advantages.

  29. 谁使用这把锤, 若真配得上, 就会拥有雷神之力。

    Whoever wields this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.

  30. 现在这些孩子们每天在雷神父日托中心得到营养餐和关爱。

    These children spend the day time hours at the Fr Ray Day Care Center where they receive nutritious meals and loving care.


  1. 问:雷神拼音怎么拼?雷神的读音是什么?雷神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷神的读音是léishén,雷神翻译成英文是 Raytheon

  2. 问:雷神之锤拼音怎么拼?雷神之锤的读音是什么?雷神之锤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷神之锤的读音是Léishénzhīchuí,雷神之锤翻译成英文是 Quake

  3. 问:雷神公司拼音怎么拼?雷神公司的读音是什么?雷神公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷神公司的读音是,雷神公司翻译成英文是 Raytheon

  4. 问:雷神星螺拼音怎么拼?雷神星螺的读音是什么?雷神星螺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷神星螺的读音是léishénxīngluó,雷神星螺翻译成英文是 Girgyllus Star Shell; Bolma girgyllus Reeve...

  5. 问:雷神翼龙属拼音怎么拼?雷神翼龙属的读音是什么?雷神翼龙属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷神翼龙属的读音是,雷神翼龙属翻译成英文是 Tupandactylus



“雷神”是个多义词,它可以指雷神(中国空军特种部队), 雷神(2011年漫威出品的电影), 雷神(美国2011年肯尼思·布拉纳执导动作电影), 雷神(棱叶龙舌兰), 雷神(日本战国时期武将立花道雪), 雷神(3D动作类网游《龙之谷》中的二转职业雷神), 雷神(赛尔号2电系精灵雷神), 雷神(小说作者:泥蛋黄), 雷神(中国乐队名), 雷神(网络游戏《反恐精英online》道具), 雷神(游戏《星际争霸2》兵种), 雷神(动画《高智能方程式》中人物), 雷神(漫威(Marvel)旗下超级英雄), 雷神(魔兽世界NPC), 雷神(穿越火线枪械名称), 雷神(日本漫画), 雷神(中国传统神话人物)。