


1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……





汉语拼音:zhòng jiàn






重剑 [全长不超过@@@@@厘米,重量不超过@@@@@克。剑身为钢制,长度不超过@@@@@厘米,横截面为三棱形,剑身的宽面最大为@@@@@毫米。剑柄长度不超过@@@@@厘米。护手盘为圆形,深度为@@@@@-@@@@@厘米,直径最大为@@@@@厘米,偏心度最大为@@@@@厘米。同时也是击剑运动比赛项目之一。#####]
  1. 全长不超过@@@@@厘米,重量不超过@@@@@克。剑身为钢制,长度不超过@@@@@厘米,横截面为三棱形,剑身的宽面最大为@@@@@毫米。剑柄长度不超过@@@@@厘米。护手盘为圆形,深度为@@@@@-@@@@@厘米,直径最大为@@@@@厘米,偏心度最大为@@@@@厘米。同时也是击剑运动比赛项目之一。



  1. Epee was able to speak and hear, but he worked during most of his life as a teacher of deaf people in France.


  2. The foil is a thrusting weapon with no cutting edge. The epee is the duelling sword. The blade is stiffer. The sabre is the heavy and rigid.


  3. Epee taught these words to his deaf students.


  4. Epee developed a large number of vocabulary words for sign language.


  5. In the middle of the 1700s a Frenchman named Epee developed sign language.


  6. The epee is the dueling sword. The blade is stiffer.


  7. I use a heavy saber in fencing.


  8. I use a heavy sabre in fencing.


  9. And I like to use Epee, Kendo , and Broadsword styles.


  1. 花剑,重剑和佩剑

    Foil, epee and sabre

  2. 萨尔瓦多的练习用重剑

    Rapier for practice de Salvador

  3. 重剑比花剑重,但比花剑坚硬。

    And the epee is heavier than the foil,and its blade is stiffer.

  4. 谈重剑第二技术的运用

    Using of the Second Skill in Epee

  5. 谈重剑运动员的个性化特征

    Comments on the Individual Characters of Fencing EPEE

  6. 重剑开发了大量的手语词汇。

    Epee developed a large number of vocabulary words for sign language.

  7. 有三种剑花剑, 重剑和佩剑。

    The three weapons are foil, epee and sabre.

  8. 短剑戳人, 重剑敲人, 玻璃剑杀人。

    Dagger jabs, claymore knocks, Glass Sword slays.

  9. 重剑教他的这些话聋哑学生。

    Epee taught these words to his deaf students.

  10. 冲破刺在重剑比赛中的运用

    Utilization of Dashing Skillin Duelling Sword Match

  11. 我在击剑时用滴是把重剑。

    I use a heavy sabre in fencing.

  12. 我在击剑时用的是把重剑。

    I use a heavy sabre in fencing.

  13. 重剑运动中技战术辨证关系剖析

    Analysing on the Discriminate Relation Between Skills and Tactics of Duelling Sword

  14. 重剑的系统主要用于图片形象标志。

    Epee's system used mostly picture image signs.

  15. 男子重剑运动员赛前科训调控初探

    Exploring the Training Adjustment for Male Epee Fencers before Competition

  16. 重剑是决斗用剑,剑体比花剑坚硬。

    The epee is the dueling sword, and its blade is stiffer than that of the foil.

  17. 在1700年代中期法国人重剑发展了手语。

    In the middle of the1700s a Frenchman named Epee developed sign language.

  18. 我喜欢使用重剑, 剑道以及阔刀风格。

    And I like to use Epee, Kendo, and Broadsword styles.

  19. 重剑运动员距离感表象训练的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Presentative Training for Epeeist'Feeling of Distance

  20. 重剑运动员的心理能力诊断及心理训练对策

    Diagnosis of Epee Fencers'Mental Power and Countermeasures of Mental Training

  21. 重剑运动员需要良好的技能动作协调性基础。

    Epee Fencers need for good basic skills of action coordination.

  22. 克里西马德剑后来演变成现代的重剑。

    The colichemardeevolved into the modem epee.

  23. 江苏女子重剑主动进攻技术在比赛中的应用分析

    Study on the Jiangsu Epee Players'Attacking Skills in Fencing Match

  24. 在击剑比赛中使用花剑,重剑和佩剑三种剑。

    Foil, epee and sabre are the three weapons used in fencing competitions.

  25. 花剑,重剑和佩剑三种剑在击剑比赛中使用。

    To slide one's blade with pressure toward the hilt of the opponent's foil in fencing.

  26. 奥运会击剑比赛使用的剑有三种花剑, 佩剑和重剑。

    There are three kinds of sword used in the Olympic fencingfoil, sabre, and epee.

  27. 在花剑和重剑比赛中, 只有用剑尖触及对方才算有效。

    In foil and epee, a touch can be considered valid only if it is made with the point of the weapon.

  28. 在花剑和重剑比赛中,只有剑尖触及对方才谈得上得分有效。

    In foil and epee, a touch can be considered valid only if it is made with the point of the weapon.

  29. 重剑是能说,听,但他的一生大部分是在法国做聋人教师工作。

    Epee was able to speak and hear, but he worked during most of his life as a teacher of deaf people in France.


  1. 问:重剑拼音怎么拼?重剑的读音是什么?重剑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重剑的读音是zhòngjiàn,重剑翻译成英文是 duelling sword

  2. 问:重剑剑术拼音怎么拼?重剑剑术的读音是什么?重剑剑术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重剑剑术的读音是zhòng jiàn jiàn shù,重剑剑术翻译成英文是 épée fencing

  3. 问:重剑运动员拼音怎么拼?重剑运动员的读音是什么?重剑运动员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重剑运动员的读音是zhòng jiàn yùn dòng yuán,重剑运动员翻译成英文是 épée fencer; épéeist; duelist