


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:bù jué







不绝 [bù jué]
  1. 持续不断。


不绝 [bù jué]
  1. 持续不断。 




  1. Again, the deathless grief that never slept leaped out of the shadows like a wolf, and fastened upon his shoulders.


  2. relative to the pre-press, offset printing operation is relatively simple, and equipment account for a small site, easy to operate.


  3. Jean Valjean gruffly and grumblingly paid Marie-Claude for the pint of milk behind their mother's back, and the children were not punished.


  4. "May my legend prosper and thrive. I wish it a long and happy life. " Coco Chanel.


  5. In Libya's long history of ruthless, ossified dictators, Qaddafi is in a league of his own.


  6. so warm, so rich, and yet so ineffably tender, that it gave a new and haunting beauty to the most elementary of human passions.


  7. Not just that. among the four ancient civilizations, Chinese civilisation is the only unbroken one.


  8. Now here it is, nearly two years later, My disappointment in you has never been greater.


  9. Looking east down West wind that never left the long teams watched the people who worked up, so they do not taste.


  1. 它们延绵不绝

    and they go on for miles and miles and miles.

  2. 气虚恶露不绝

    lochiorrhea due to deficiency of QI.

  3. 产后恶露不绝

    Postpartum persistent flow of lochia.

  4. 心几顽而不绝兮。

    My heart will neve fail.

  5. 余音绕梁, 三日不绝

    The music lingered for three days in the house

  6. 滴水不绝可穿石。

    Constant dropping wears the stone.

  7. 异常寂静鸟鸣不绝于耳

    It was quiet and I could hear the birds singing.

  8. 怒火伤肝, 恶露不绝

    lochiorrhea due to rage impairing the liver

  9. 撒丁酒源源不绝。

    The Sardinian wine keeps on coming.

  10. 他不绝地埋怨薪水低。

    He kept rabbiting about the poor pay.

  11. 一, 人种的绵延不绝。

    The perpetuation of mankind.

  12. 一,人种的绵延不绝。

    The perpetuation of mankind.

  13. 捐献盘的铛铛声不绝于耳。

    And the collection plates still rattle.

  14. 他骂妻子的声音不绝于耳。

    He greeted his wife with a stream of abuse.

  15. 这个老妇人不绝地道谢。

    The old woman was profuse in her thanks.

  16. 诸如此类的言论定会不绝于耳。

    There will be more of such talk.

  17. 某物源源不绝的供应

    an inexhaustible supply of sth

  18. 诸如此类得言论定会不绝于耳。

    There will be more of such talk.

  19. 为什么坏消息总是源源不绝?

    Why do bad things seem natural, but not good things?

  20. 灯光渐渐暗淡,但铃声却不绝于耳。

    The lights diminished but the ringing persisted.

  21. 乐曲声在耳边旋绕不绝。

    The tune kept going round and round in my head.

  22. 乐曲声在耳边旋绕不绝。

    The tune kept going round and round in my head.

  23. 都结束了, 只是呼喊声不绝。

    It's all over, but the shouting.

  24. 源源不绝地创作文章与故

    Produced a steady flow of articles and stories

  25. 千亿吨月光源源不绝注入

    Hundred billion tons of moonlight infuse endlessly

  26. 对这种质问的反应经久不绝。

    Such queries have echoed down the corridors.

  27. 这无礼的小流氓不绝我泊车!

    This rude little punk won't park my car.

  28. 这种运动虽然细微却永恒不绝。

    The movement is small but perpetual.

  29. 放眼望去, 田野山丘绵延不绝。

    Fields and hills stretched out as far as we could see.

  30. 我们应当使珍稀物种繁衍不绝。

    We should perpetuate the rare species.


  1. 问:不绝拼音怎么拼?不绝的读音是什么?不绝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不绝的读音是bùjué,不绝翻译成英文是 To continue, to go on and on.

  2. 问:不绝于耳拼音怎么拼?不绝于耳的读音是什么?不绝于耳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不绝于耳的读音是bùjuéyú'ěr,不绝于耳翻译成英文是 to remain vibrating in the ear.

  3. 问:不绝如缕拼音怎么拼?不绝如缕的读音是什么?不绝如缕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不绝如缕的读音是bùjuérúlǚ,不绝如缕翻译成英文是 very precarious like a thread going to break...

  4. 问:不绝地拼音怎么拼?不绝地的读音是什么?不绝地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不绝地的读音是,不绝地翻译成英文是 unceasingly

  5. 问:不绝的拼音怎么拼?不绝的的读音是什么?不绝的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不绝的的读音是,不绝的翻译成英文是 unceasing